Chapter 74: Spreading Gourmet Cells [Subscription Requested!!! 】。


The Yang Dun Chakra in the meat ball has truly sublimated, completely freed from the shackles of the Chakra energy system, and has become the purest vitality energy at this time.

And not only that, in the induction of the thousand hand source, the thing in front of him is absorbing natural energy, and then turning natural ability into its own vitality energy.

At this point, Qianshou Yuan can be sure that the development of the gourmet cell has been at least halfway completed. Why half?

Because he needs to determine whether this thing can bring this vitality energy to other creatures, in other words, after other creatures eat it, whether vitality energy will appear in the body.

Senjuyuan turned his palm into a knife and cut off a piece of the size of his palm on the meat ball.

A clear fragrance came out, the blood that should have been pink, now it directly turned into transparent juice 0 water, just smelling it, Qianshou Yuan was full of life, and the body instantly produced a sense of hunger, this hunger is so strong, even he can’t bear it!

The broken roots on the head seemed to smell at this time, and at this time they actually accelerated their growth again.

Seeing this, Qianshou Yuan smiled slightly, stretched out his hand, and the piece of meat on his hand was directly exploded into powder, and was integrated into those tree roots above with a strong energy.

Click, click, click!

In an instant, those tree roots began to grow wildly, one by one, as if they had been injected with hormones, which seemed to be very exaggerated. Qianshou Yuan cut off another piece, this time without hesitation, directly ate it in his mouth, and chewed it slightly.

If the meat before sublimation is the most delicious seafood, then eating imported meat now completely exceeds the concept of seafood, so delicious that Qianshouyuan does not know what words to use to describe it.


This is only the most basic point, the key is that this thing is extremely tender and elastic, and after biting it open, the juice rushes into the mouth, creating a cooling sensation, and then this feeling spreads through the new and straight to the brain.

Let’s just say that this bite of meat goes down, even the spirit of the Thousand Hand Source is clear.


Qianshouyuan has eaten a lot of food in his two lifetimes, but seriously, he really hasn’t eaten such a delicious thing.

The deliciousness of this thing is not only acting on the mouth and tongue, but also on the spirit, and the spirit clarity just now is not temporary, but permanent.

It was in this mouthful that the spirit of Qianshou Yuan was permanently improved. Think about it, what a powerful effect does this have to be?

Senjuyuan raised his hand, and a spell opened, turning into chains and binding the roots above, and then looked at the large meat ball on the test bench.

The wound that this thing was cut off just now has long since recovered, and with the observation of the thousand hand source, he also found a little, just in this moment, this thing has actually grown a little.

It’s incredible, isn’t it.

Close your eyes, carefully sense yourself, and observe in the most detailed way. A moment later, Qianshou Yuan opened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth hooked up.

“It’s done!”

He was happy that the envisioned gourmet cell was now a complete success. That special upgrade energy is successfully left in the body. No!

To be precise, that kind of upgrade energy is generated in his own body, in other words, the body of the thousand hands source also has the ability to generate upgrade energy.

In this way, the universality of gourmet cells is guaranteed, and it is no longer an isolated case of meat balls.

The first step has been successfully walked out, then the rest is to give full play to the evolution ability of the gourmet cell, as for how to evolve, this is not a difficult thing for Qianshou Yuan, he already has a plan in his heart.


After returning to his senses, Qianshou Yuan found that his body had actually recovered, and the original skin-like body had now recovered most of it, although there was still a little gap compared to before, but it looked slightly thin.

Qianshou Yuan cut off another piece of meat and ate it, and sure enough, it was replenished by life force, and his body filled up at a speed visible to the naked eye

“Gourmet cells are really a good thing, good.”

Senjuyuan estimated, with this thing, Tsunade is estimated to be able to reach the level between the thousand hand pillars in terms of physical fitness, life energy is pure life force, the increase is the body speed, as long as there are enough gourmet cells to supplement, it can complete the evolution, Tsunade wants to reach the level of his grandfather between the thousand hand pillars in terms of physical fitness.

Next, Senjuyuan cut off a small piece of meat and placed it on top of the original half of the meat.

Visible to the naked eye, the remaining half of the meat has an extra small whisker on it, wrapping it around it, and then penetrating into itself.

In Qianshouyuan’s observation, the meat slice quickly merged into the half of the meat piece, and then, as Qianshou Yuan expected, the meat piece soon possessed life energy, and was still absorbing its natural energy very slowly.

“Universality is no problem, now it seems that the next step can be started.”

After thinking about it, Qianshou Yuan decided to seal this laboratory, especially the meat balls, must be preserved, this thing is not very suitable to be placed here three times.

But this matter is not in a hurry now, what Qianshou Yuan has to do now is to spread the gourmet cells and let more animals and plants obtain gourmet cells.

Thinking of this, Senjuyuan cut a piece of meat the size of a basketball directly from the meat ball, sealed it with a sealing scroll, and then performed a sealing technique here, and arranged two positive and negative four-image seals in this laboratory to ensure the safety of this place.

After doing this, Senjuyuan walked out of the laboratory, and then looked in one direction and rushed towards that side.

The direction he went was the Forest of Death, the largest woodland around Konoha, which was ecologically intact and had many fierce animals in it, which was suitable for the spread of gourmet cells.

After almost half an hour, he came to the depths of the forest of death, took out the pieces of meat, and then sealed them, divided them into nine doppelgangers, and then divided the pieces of meat into eleven points, and each doppelganger took a piece and scattered.

Qianshou Yuan jumped high, and as soon as he rubbed his hands, the pieces of meat in his hands were directly rubbed into meat crumbs. With a wave of both hands, the minced meat spreads out, and in an instant, it falls around.

In an instant, the vegetation below seemed to be crazy, the trees swayed their branches, the flowers and plants swayed, insects and so on flew out in pieces, buzzing into a dark cloud-like wonder, and began to compete for the minced meat scattered.

The other nine doppelgangers had dispersed into different areas, doing the same thing as the essence of the Senju Source.

This area for the entire ninja world, can only be a drop in the bucket, Senjuyuan is not interested in doing that, here is just the beginning, but also the starting point of the spread of gourmet cells, in the future can also provide more data to Senjuyuan, it is enough to do this step for the time being.

“Well, bring the rest back to Tsunade and they to taste.”

There is not much left, it is only about two pounds, but it is enough to taste it. 【Subscription requested!!! 】。

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