Chapter 86: The Relationship Between Uchiha and Hinata [Subscription Requested!!! 】。

Hinata raised his head and cast his gaze in one direction, where there was a ninja of the Hyuga clan, led by a Hyuga clan who was looking at him with a gloomy face.

He has just said what will happen after he goes back, but I don’t know why, now he is a little just full of fire and excitement, excited to finally have a real showdown with the family, when he thinks of everything he will face after going back, he can’t wait to return to the freedom of the clan now, what a precious thing, only those who have really lost will understand the preciousness of this thing.

If all of Hinata’s actions before this had been to work toward this goal, then it was clear that he had now opened the cage and held freedom in his hands.

After losing and regaining it, he would never allow anyone to take this treasure away from him, not even the people of the Si clan.

“Need my help?”

Seeing his appearance, Senjuyuan asked with a chuckle.

Hinata took a deep breath, also with a smile on his face, smiled easily, and shook his head: “No, I can solve it.” ”

Qianshou Yuan raised his eyebrows and bowed his head slightly: “Well, be careful not to make things too big, otherwise the Hokage side will definitely not like it at that time.” Today’s events are enough to stir the nerves of those old guys, and then make a big incident, I am afraid that those three old guys will not sleep well. ”

Hinata nodded, he knew very well who the three old guys Senjugen was referring to, so he said, “Don’t worry, Gen-sama, I can handle it.” ”

“Well, then I don’t care.”

Qianshouyuan bowed his head slightly.

The crowd had gradually dispersed, and Ape Fei Ri glanced at Qianshouyuan, shook his head slightly, and finally didn’t say anything, and left with people.

Senjugen just smiled and bowed slightly to him, saying the same thing, but when his gaze fell on Shimura Danzo, the smile became inexplicable, and finally his mouth moved, and he changed his words to wait for you one by one.

The last time he taunted him in front of Hokage’s office, this time it was more direct, Senjugen had not hidden his malice towards him in the slightest, and directly offered a sentence of waiting for death with his lips, and what Shimura Danzo’s face would become could already be imagined.

But in the end, he didn’t say anything, just for this forbearance, Qianshou Yuan had to give him a big thumbs up with both hands. It is worthy of being Konoha’s former old turtle, and when it is time to shrink his head, he really did not hesitate.

Seeing this, the corners of Qianshouyuan’s mouth hooked slightly.

“Let’s go.”

Turning around, just as he was about to leave, Mitsuki Uchiha suddenly spoke, “Gen-sama, I’ll go help Kwanto.” ”

Senjugen was a little surprised when he heard this, looked at Mitsuki Uchiha, and then at Hinata Hirotsuto, and finally nodded: “You decide for yourselves, I won’t participate.” ”

Saying that, he waved his hand, and the figure disappeared from the eyes of the two.

He really didn’t have the mind to participate again, although it was quite like going to see the scene, but if something happened again, and he was present at that time, I was afraid that the old man who was flying into the sun would be absolutely speechless.

At that time, there may be some unpleasantness between the two, and it is better not to have that kind of thing happen.

It’s not that I’m afraid of the ape flying sun slashing this Hokage, but there is really no need to provoke his nerves in person, just wait for the old man to retire in peace, anyway, the fact that the next Hokage is Tsunade is already a certainty.

He was going to be the Hokage’s man, and there was no need to waste energy on such a trivial matter.

After Senjugen left, Hinata glanced at Mitsuki Uchiha and snorted, “Don’t expect me to thank you.” ”

“Hey, I never expected you to thank me, I just didn’t want to see you beaten too badly, in that case, the village would look down on Lord Yuan, and I did all this for Lord Yuan.”

Uchiha Mitsuki said.

Hinata frowned, but in the end he didn’t say anything more, just snorted coldly. The relationship between the two is a little complicated.

Also a follower of Senjugen, Hinata Hirotto prides himself on being the first to arrive, plus he is also a member of Hinata, one of Uchiha’s nemesis, so in many things, he has the intention of suppressing Uchiha Mitsuki.

Uchiha Mitsuki’s side is similar, as Uchiha, it is instinctive to be unhappy with Hinata, and in the matter of following Senjugen, he is a latecomer, and naturally wants to surpass Hinata in this regard.

Therefore, even if the two are both followers of Qianshouyuan, it is indispensable to compete with each other.

Fortunately, both of them are very clear that some things cannot be put on the table, although Qianshou Yuan did not say anything explicitly, but both tacitly put this competition in the dark, both hoping that they could perform better than the other…

So unconsciously, the two people who have goals have actually grown a lot faster.

Of course, the more reason for this is still in Qianshouyuan, without the help of Qianshouyuan, the two can show at most, that is, better than the students in the same period, but they will not exceed the limit of real age.

But now, both of them have surpassed their age and become strong people with great power. All this was given by Senjugen.

In the process of competing with each other, although the two never spoke, the relationship between each other actually became inexplicably harmonious. Uchiha’s people are naturally proud, and those who are younger are tsundere, this is also true of Uchiha Mitsuki, and the pride of the Hyuga clan is no less than that of Uchiha, and it is also proud.

So it goes without saying what it will be like for two tsunderes to get together and get along.


The two looked at each other, and then snorted coldly at the same time.

Then, Hinata left in an instant, and Mitsuki Uchiha pouted and followed.

The main reason why he chose to help Hinata Hirotto is that Hinata Hirotto is also here tonight, although he did not make a move, but being able to come at this time represents an external attitude in itself.

Although Senjugen didn’t say it, both of them could understand Senjugen’s voice, that is, they hoped that Uchiha and Hinata could get along peacefully, which 4.0 could feel when they got along on weekdays.

The two of them, one representing Uchiha and the other representing Hinata, the union of the two sometimes represents the attitude of the two families.

And now, in front of the two of them, is the Hyuga clan’s restrictions on Hinata Kuanren, only by breaking this restriction, Hinata Kuan can gain enough say in the clan, just like Mitsuki Uchiha.

At that time, the two together, naturally will be interpreted by outsiders to have a lot of meaning, so when that time, even if there is no need to say anything, their words and deeds will be analyzed by people with intentions, and the Uchiha family and the Hyuga family will also change some attitudes towards each other’s families because of the relationship between the two.

It is precisely because of this that Mitsuki Uchiha has such a choice. 【Subscription requested!!! 】。

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