The clan division system is no longer applicable, the clan will inevitably retire from the position of human being, and in the future, the Hyuga clan will no longer have this kind of people, because there is no more division, or in other words, each Hyuga clan individual is a clan family, and they have the ability to protect their own white eyes.

The Asuka Curse Seal solved this worry for them, and Hinata’s hidden worries for hundreds of years completely disappeared from this moment.

So, what should the family do in the future?

Would the village accept such a Hinata?

But what if you add people who are separated?

08 The number of people is almost a thousand, which is quite a lot, compared to the Uchiha family, it is a little more than that.

Without the restrictions of the caged bird, the Hyuga clan naturally has a lot less self-limitation, so now the high-level of the village has reason to consider whether the Hyuga clan will also join the Uchiha clan, because of their own pride, and gradually have an arrogant heart, and there is more distance from the village.

At this time, Hinata Hiashi spoke, her voice very heavy.

“Hinata Hiroto, do you know what consequences you will bring to the clan if you do this?”

Hinata shook his head and said very calmly: “I don’t know, but I gave you the opportunity to change, as for you, what you want to do, then it’s not my business.” ”

“What do you mean by that?”

Hinata Hiashi suddenly had a bad premonition.

“I mean, from now on, I’m going to break away from the Hyuga clan.”

Hinata’s eyes widened and her mouth opened slightly, but she didn’t know what to say.

“Then from now on, please remember my words, I will no longer have anything to do with the Hyuga clan.”

As he spoke, he handed the scroll in his hand to his uncle.

Open the scroll, stick it on my uncle’s forehead, and seal it.

Hinata trembled his hand and touched his forehead, he had noticed the change in the white of his eyes, which was an angle of sight because of the caged bird spell mark, and at this time he could already see that the feeling of being limited by himself had also disappeared.

Hinata Hiroto said, handed over the remaining few scrolls to Hinata Hui, and at the end he explained: “The revised caged bird spell seal is also among them, there is a control method on the scroll, and I have to trouble Uncle Hui to give the control method to every Hyuga clan.” ”

Saying that, he gently hugged Hinata, didn’t look at the others again, and walked out without thinking about himself.

Some people opened their mouths to say something, but in the end they didn’t.

The atmosphere was silent.

Hinata clenched his fists, he didn’t know why things had come this far, as the patriarch, he thought that he had been very restrained in this matter, but in any case, he would never have imagined that it would turn out like this.

Walking all the way out, no one dared to stop Hinata Kwanren, including those who rushed to the Zong family who came after hearing the news, they already knew everything that happened in the hall just now, and at this time they were worried about their future, and when they saw Hinata Hiroto come out, they subconsciously avoided their eyes

Uchiha Mitsuki chased out, glanced at everyone present, and smiled inexplicably. Where? ”

Saying that, he patted his head again: “Why didn’t I expect it, what a good opportunity, alas, sure enough, I still don’t have the cheekiness of you.” ”

“To die.”

Hinata glanced at him coldly, and then walked forward silently.

Uchiha Mitsuki shrugged, thought about it or asked 490: “Aren’t you afraid that doing this will cause dissatisfaction in the village?” After all, Hinata is not Uchiha, they are the hardcore Hokage faction. ”

Hinata Hirotto shook his head: “It doesn’t matter, this kind of thing doesn’t need us to worry about, Yugen-sama is enough, and, don’t you think that what you do is not much lighter than mine?” ”

“And Gen-sama said that we want to make our voice to Konoha, are you afraid?”

Hinata asked.

Mitsuki Uchiha was a little speechless.

Mitsuki Uchiha pouted disdainfully, put his hands behind his head, and said slowly: “I just still feel a little incredible, in other words…” Are you really going to let those sect families go? ”

Hinata chuckled, “Otherwise, are you really going to kill them?” If you do that, it will really make it difficult for Gen-sama. And don’t you think that only when I leave those things behind will those people in the Zong family really feel pain?” ”

After thinking about it, Mitsuki Uchiha nodded, and had to admit that Hinata Hiroto was indeed right.

“You’re so ruthless.”

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