The big snake pill beside Senjuyuan squinted, watching the picture change on the curtain, wanting to find something from it, and also showed considerable curiosity about it.

In the past, his research was mainly focused on gourmet cells, and earlier, he developed the soft body art with common sense of immortality, but in the end, he only set his sights on the ninja world.

But now, he is the first scientist in the ninja world to look up at the starry sky, apart from Senjugen.

When the realization was thrown into the starry sky, the big snake pill had a different discovery, maybe he didn’t say, but Qianshou Yuan could feel the changes in the big snake pill, this guy’s heart

Just because the Great Snake Pill’s eyes were opened, his gaze was no longer limited to the three-point acre of the Ninja Realm, but instead looked at a wider starry sky.

“Huh, did it change so quickly?”

A thousand hands came from the words, the hands were slightly folded, the chakra burst, and I saw that the picture on the curtain changed, the angle of view quickly narrowed, and the picture was enlarged.

Orochimaru watched the changes on the screen, and soon saw a strange gray in the picture.

“It’s purple!”

Although the picture is gray and white, the shade of gray and the mixed 23 colors of white can also indicate the true color represented by these colors if analyzed.

At this time, the inconspicuous gray-white color represents a faint purple.

“Well, Star No. 2 is similar in size to the Ninja Realm, but there is no atmosphere, the autobiography speed is much slower, and the gravity is only one-third of the Ninja Realm, and it is blown by the solar wind and cannot retain the atmosphere at all. It seems that the Void Dragon over there has integrated into the environment of Star Two, and these newborn creatures have adapted to the environment of Star Two and begun to evolve adaptively. Senjuyuan analyzed.

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and asked, “Can Gen-sama see what those species have evolved into?” ”

Qianshou Yuan smiled and nodded: “Can analyze some, you look there.” ”

Saying that, the picture was enlarged again, but because of the environmental impact of the starry sky in the universe, the picture became a little blurred, but it was also roughly able to see things clearly.

“This is a crater, which should be about 100 kilometers in diameter and can average a depth of 400 meters. But now that it’s filled with purple, what comes to mind? Senjugen asked.

Orochimaru thought about it, but finally shook his head, in this regard, he admitted that he was indeed inferior to Senjugen.

Qian Shouyuan did not hide it, so he said: “Those purples should be the color of plants.” ”

“Ultraviolet light!?”

Orochimaru finally thought of this.

Senjugen nodded.

The big snake pill smiled and suddenly realized: “Yes, it’s the canopy!” ”

“That’s right, those purples are the canopy. See, the entire crater is covered with purple, which means that those canopies have reached the top of the crater. ”

The big snake pill added his lower lip and praised: “Remarkable evolution, the canopy has become an atmosphere, covering the entire crater, and if the height is enough, it can provide enough atmospheric environment for the crater.” In this way, there is no need to worry about the loss of atmosphere, and at the same time stabilize the biological environment inside the crater. ”

Qianshou Yuan bowed: “Indeed, what we see now is the canopy at the top.” These canopies now fill the crater, providing shelter for the inside of the crater. If my expectations are correct, then there must be a complete ecosystem inside the crater now. ”

There was a hint of yearning in the eyes of the big snake pill.

“Take a look at it, it would be nice if there were some unique creatures.”

Qianshou Yuan said, “Do you want to go and see it now?” ”

The big snake pill looked moved, looked at Qianshouyuan and asked, “Is it okay?” Could it be that Gen-sama has been able to do this by now? ”

Senjugen shrugged.

“You’re underestimating me, Orochimaru. Those big barrels of wood can cross the starry sky, why can’t I? ”

Orochimaru was startled, and then nodded clearly.

“That’s right, Yuan-sama, you are much stronger than those big tubes.”

Senjuyuan just smiled and cut off Chakra, and the picture on the curtain suddenly disappeared.

“Let’s go, take you to see something good.”

With that, he walked towards the depths.

Seeing this, the big snake pill hurriedly followed.

The two went deeper underground, and soon came to another empty underground space.

This underground space is very tall and wide, with a huge door more than ten meters high in the middle, which is empty all around, and the ground, walls and even the ceiling are all peculiar

The big snake pill saw something on those spells and was surprised: “With so many time and space spells, could it… Is this a portal that can be used to cross the starry sky? ”

The head of the thousand hands is not hidden.

“In recent days, my main focus has been on this thing, which I call the shuttle door, and the function is to shuttle through the space. The space-time coordinates of star one and two are now locked and can be used now. ”

Saying that, his toes touched the ground a little, and suddenly a chakra brilliance flickered, and then followed those dark lines and rushed towards the shuttle door.

The next moment, the portal brightened and bloomed.

“Let’s go.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Thousand Hand Source led 983 to walk forward first, and the big snake pill also followed.

When the two came to the portal, they saw Qianshou Yuan stretching out his hand and tapping lightly on the portal.


The sound of the machine sounded, and the portal opened, revealing the space that fluctuated like water, like a starry sky, and the stars were very dazzling.

The Thousand Hand Origin Seal, five fingers spread, placed in the surging fluctuations.

The next moment, the ripples disappeared, and a picture appeared in the middle of the water-like portal, which was the second star.

Qianshou Yuan stepped directly into the picture with one step.

Seeing this, Orochimaru had a smile on his face and followed suit.

The next moment, he felt a flicker in front of him, and then the surroundings became gray, and an extremely two-eyed Guan Tuan appeared in the distance in his vision, and he felt cold and burning on his body.

It instantly became clear that he himself was already in the starry sky at this time.

In front of him, Senjuyuan stood in the void, and further away, there was a huge planet.

“How does it feel?” The voice of Senjuyuan came.

Immediately, the feeling of alternating hot and cold disappeared, and it was replaced by a ninja-like sense of environment.

“It’s fine.”

Orochimaru said, but his eyes were all on the huge planet in front of him.

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