Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1002: The legend of the poor ghost

Panda crossed out another name on the blackboard.

"Damn it! Your work efficiency is high enough!" Old Bai who took over Sanyu's guild's crystal guard next to him was taken aback, "In less than a day, you killed another one?!"

"The opponent is very weak." Panda replied.

"No matter how weak he is, he is still a legendary master... If he is considered 'very weak', what am I?"

Panda looked at the fat bald pig, shook his head, and said nothing.

In fact, in order to quickly kill the "Wanderer of the Wasteland" Gragst, the panda also paid a great price.

If nothing else, the fourteen magic scrolls alone add up to a sky-high price.

The "Space Anchor" scroll is priced according to the magic level of the scroll, roughly, one hundred gold coins for the first level. Panda uses a scroll made by the librarian Harmony. The magic level is 55, and the average price is 5,500. Fourteen pieces are 77,000 gold coins.

That's not to mention, Panda destroyed four level 50 blue enchanted long swords and a set of level 60 enchanted full body armor in this battle, and the total price was close to 10,000 gold coins.

As for the other bits and pieces - including the old cow that I bought temporarily, they are not worth much together. Roughly speaking, it is just the extent of buying a house in Beishangguang and getting broadband water, electricity and gas, which can basically be ignored.

Counting the cost of this battle, Panda couldn't help but sigh.

"Fortunately, the cost of Harmony's magic scroll is only one-fourth of that of others, otherwise it really can't be burned!"

As a scroll mage, Harmony's greatest ability is to be able to create magic scrolls at a much lower cost than others. The scrolls Panda asked him to buy were all bought at the cost price, which greatly reduced expenses.

In fact, if he restricts the scroll to "only he can use it", the cost can be further reduced. That's why he was able to burn dozens or hundreds of scrolls in one go during the battle without feeling distressed at all.

Well, maybe he was actually very distressed, but he just didn't show it...

The crusade against "Wanderer of the Wasteland" Gragst didn't give Panda much benefit other than experience and prestige. Although this guy is also a legendary powerhouse, he belongs to the relatively unhappy among the legendary powerhouses - you can see his strength just by attacking those lonely adventurers.

Such a guy, of course, will not have much good spoils left. The most important trophy he left to the panda was actually his own skeleton.

"A set of steel full body armor mixed with mithril, level 60 green equipment; a steel two-handed epee mixed with cold iron, level 60 green equipment; a steel spear mixed with cold iron, level 60 Green equipment; a set of stainless steel horse armor, level 60 green equipment... Panda, where did you pick up this pile of junk?" Prett took off the monocle used to assist identification, and shook his head helplessly, "I'll be honest. , this is rubbish!"

Panda also sighed: "I want to tell you, this is the entire net worth of a legendary knight, believe it or not?"

"Of course I believe what you said." Pratt couldn't help but look at the pile of **** on the ground again and sighed, "Such a shabby legendary powerhouse... I also opened my eyes... Who is he?"

"The necromancer 'Wanderer of the Wasteland' Glagst, the one who roams the tundra wasteland in the northeast all day long." Panda replied.

"Oh! So it's that guy!" Of course, Prett also knew about Gragst, and suddenly realized, "The most shabby legend, the roaming boss with the most disproportionate input and output, the legendary poor What are you doing to trouble him? It's a waste of time and energy!"

"He's done enough bad things, and it's time to give him retribution and let him be quiet forever." Panda replied.

Pret thought for a while, then nodded: "That's right, this guy is wandering around all day, attacking the weak, it is indeed time to clean him up... However, he is a poor ghost in the game, the game becomes In reality, he is still so poor... It's really beyond my imagination. Didn't he have something else to explode?"

"Does he and his horse's bones count?"

Prett shook his head at first, but after thinking about it, he smiled again: "It's really worth it. With this set of things, I might be able to transform the **** in front of me to make it a little less shabby..."

"How to transform?" Panda asked curiously, "Is it impossible for texture."

"It's made of stainless steel, and there's really nothing that can be saved. But I can mix some high-concentration blood-patterned steel into it, extract the blood-vein components from those bones, and try to transform them into 'magic suits'. "It should be possible to try," Pratt said. "It's not that difficult."

Panda's eyes widened, and he asked in surprise, "This is all a pair of bones, can you still extract the blood vessels?"

"...Who told you that skeletons don't have blood? You can kill him directly, just say I gave you the idea!" Prett snorted coldly and said, "Blood and 'flesh' are not necessarily necessary. Even if it is an insubstantial ghost, it can still be extracted from the blood vessels through special methods. On this issue, I am an expert!"

Seeing his unhappy look on his face, Panda didn't argue and took out all the materials.

"How much is the processing fee?" he asked.

"No need, anyway, you can't use this thing to make it." Pret said, "Using the bones of the legendary necromancer as raw materials, the blood components extracted from the blood... It is impossible to process non-evil attributes. Things. You, a paladin of the good camp, absolutely cannot use this kind of equipment. Whoever uses this equipment will pay for it."

He thought for a while, and then said: "Dakset asked me to urge the Blood Bone Armor and the Black Demon Sword several times, but I am still researching. Perhaps, I can consider using some experience gained from studying the Blood Bone Armor to give He made a knight suit... Certainly not as good as the three-piece Necromancer suit, but compared to the spare parts that only had two pieces left and the Black Devil Sword was basically not strengthened, maybe my set would be better... …”

"You haven't given him the two of Darkset?"

"Of course, he is not in a hurry to use it now. Give me more research, maybe you can make better equipment. This is a win-win situation."

Pratt spoke plausibly and confidently, and the panda nodded and left with confidence.

After the panda left, Prett sighed, opened the item bar, and looked at something inside and worried.

"The blood bone armor is not as strong as I imagined, and it was directly damaged by my research! If you don't get some good things out, Dakset is afraid to go crazy..."

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