Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1009: God **** it!

"Hey! Where are you looking!"

Duke Vlad turned his head immediately, only to see a long sword burning with holy flames slashing towards him.

(Hell! Why is he faster?)

His eyes widened involuntarily, and he couldn't help but take a step back before he rose up his strength and smashed the panda's sword away with one punch.

As the fist and the sword collided, the holy flame on the sword immediately ignited on Duke Vlad's fist. Before he could put out the holy fire with his own strength, the panda had already changed his move in time and slashed towards his waist with the sword in his left hand.

The tricks of double swords are much faster than single swords, especially under the control of skilled masters, two swords are definitely not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Although Duke Vlad lived for a long time, he did not have much experience in fighting with double swords - there are very few masters who use double weapons in this world. Even if there are, they usually use short weapons such as double daggers, or double sickles. Kind of strange weapons. He may be the first to use two ordinary knight one-handed swords as double swords like Panda.

In the face of such an opponent, Duke Vlad's rich combat experience can sometimes be a disservice - for example, he did realize that Panda's next move was to wipe his waist, but he did not realize that he was using the knight's sword at all. The "wiping waist" of a paladin and the "wiping waist" of an assassin using a dagger are two completely different things.

He lowered his left hand and grabbed the sword against the panda's hand, only to encounter a greater force than expected.

More importantly, the moment the two hands collided, the panda let go of the sword and grabbed his wrist.

The roaring holy fire flowed from the panda's body, spread to Duke Vlad's hand, and then spread toward him.

Paladins do not have to rely on weapons to fight the undead. As long as the two sides are in contact, even if it is empty-handed to empty-handed, he can still hit the opponent!

Duke Vlad realized his mistake the moment he was grabbed by the panda, and he immediately tried to shake the panda's hand away. But until now, he has finally caught the opponent's panda for the first time, so how could he be given this chance?

When I tried hard, I didn't let go.

No matter how hard I tried, I still haven't let go.

The third time he exerted force, not only did he not throw it away, but the panda even threw away the sword with his right hand and grabbed Duke Vlad's waist.

At this moment, he grabbed the opponent's wrist with his left hand, grabbed the opponent's waist with his right hand, stood firm with his right foot, and hooked his left foot towards Duke Vlad's ankle.

Duke Vlad has never wrestled with anyone in his life, where have he seen such a trick. One was inattentive, only to guard against the attack of the panda's hands, and his ankle was firmly hooked by him. And Panda also seized the opportunity, raised up his strength and pushed hard, causing the legendary vampire who was indeed stronger than himself to lose his balance and fall towards the ground.

According to wrestling rules, he should let go at this time.

But Panda wouldn't let go. On the contrary, he grabbed Duke Vlad even more, and even fell down with him, taking the opportunity to hug him.

The raging holy flame burned more and more vigorously, and this time Duke Vlad's whole body was ignited.

Ordinary vampires are almost finished in this situation, but Duke Vlad did not.

He is a dignified legendary powerhouse, one of the only two legends in the vampire clan!

Although due to the lack of experience in fist and foot fighting, he was caught by the panda and caught. But as a legendary vampire, he is not without a way to combat this unfavorable situation.

Especially, at the moment he is still in his "home court".

"You forced me!" Duke Vlad roared angrily, and then chanted a spell.

Not far behind the two people who rolled into a ball, the tower shook violently, and countless cracks appeared on the tower.

In anime or movies, the characters of the story will always be stunned for a long time when the accident happens, and even the villain will wait for the magical girl to be transformed, but the panda is not such a person.

He didn't care about what happened on the tower at all, just concentrated on turning the divine power into holy fire, burning Duke Vlad as much as possible.

No matter what Duke Vlad wants to do, as long as he is the first to burn him, everything will be fine!

Of course, he also knows that this kind of thing... is unlikely.

Sure enough, before he could burn Duke Vlad to the point of weakness, he felt a strong evil aura coming from not far away, from the direction of the previous tower.

Then Duke Vlad's strength suddenly increased sharply, his hands and feet exerted force together, making the panda feel that what he was grasping was not a living thing, but a car - a big truck that had already started and was about to crash!

He sighed inwardly, and immediately let go and retreated quickly. By only a tiny margin, he escaped Duke Vlad's explosive power—if he was hit by this power, even if he wasn't torn apart directly, he might have broken his hands and feet.

Only then did he see the scene in front of him clearly.

I saw that what was still a tower just now has become a huge "tree". On the tall "trunk", every branch is full of sharp thorns, and on each thorn, there is a naked The body, the man who was pierced through.

The thorns pierced under them and stabbed out of their mouths, fixing them to the thorns, like fish baked on bamboo skewers.

The difference is that the grilled fish are dead, but they are still alive.

These people, men and women, old and young, all let out a cry of despair. Because their throats were pierced by spikes, their screams were not loud, and they whimpered in a low voice, almost inaudible.

However, the screams of one person cannot be heard clearly, but what about the screams of dozens or hundreds of people?

All these lamentations are connected together, intertwined into a creepy "movement". More endless black energy emanated from every victim who was penetrated and flowed into Duke Vlad's body.

Duke Vlad stood on the spot, the holy flame on his body was quickly extinguished, his face was full of intoxication, and he seemed to be enjoying himself.

Panda clenched his fists and his eyes became colder.

In the chat channel, he sent a message.

[Panda Man: Come to the tower when you are free, and help me wrap up. 】

After he finished speaking, he rushed towards Duke Vlad.

Duke Vlad had no choice but to activate the sacrifice magic that he had prepared for a long time, and harvested the sacrifices accumulated over the long years. At this moment, he was intoxicated with the pain and despair of a large number of sacrifices. Along with endless pain and despair, his strength is also recovering rapidly, even rising.

You Qi was even more proud when he saw the panda rushing towards him with a face full of anger.

(How many times I can't see the angry expressions of the paladins!)

Then, he saw a golden white light.

It was the last sight he saw in his life.

Violent white light suddenly rose, breaking through the dome of the basement, breaking through the barriers of evil magic and soil, and went straight to the sky.

Moments later, divine wrathful flames descended from the sky like a flood.

Condemnation, come!

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