Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1014: difficult negotiation

Although the undead forces chose to bow their heads and admit defeat under the great deterrence of the "unlimited burst of scourge", the negotiation did not go very smoothly.

The differences between the two sides are really too great.

For the undead, they themselves do not have the ability to reproduce and must be transformed from the living. This is a matter of life and death, and there is no concession. For the priests, maintaining the dignity of life is one thing, and fighting evil is another—the power of death itself tends to be dark and cold, and it rejects life. This makes the undead almost certainly inclined to be hostile to the living, and to put it bluntly, the undead must be evil, at most only a difference in the degree of evil.

There are fundamental differences between the two sides on this major issue of right and wrong, and it is very difficult to reach a compromise.

Not only that, the strength of the undead force itself also made it difficult for the negotiation to proceed smoothly.

The undead forces are very powerful, and they control a large-scale world, the "Necroworld", in which millions of undead live. Although most of them do not have self-awareness, whether they have self-awareness or not has nothing to do with strength.

The average level of a soldier in the undead world is fifty. There are quite a lot of legendary undeads above level 70. Although the vast majority of legendary undead have no self-awareness, they are not really legendary powerhouses. But if the ants kill the elephant, even if it is not a real legendary powerhouse, a large number of them can kill the legendary powerhouse.

In the big plot of the "Battle of Life and Death" version, there are a large number of players on the "living" side, so that they can suppress the "dead". But now, the transmigrators with a total of no more than 200 people can only shock the dead, but they do not have the force to beat them to the ground and kneel on the ground to beg for mercy.

Not to mention that there are only a dozen or so priests in the transmigrator, even if they are all priests, they will not be able to enter the undead world.

The undead world is not connected to heaven, and the "scourge" cannot be released there. Without this big killer, just relying on a group of undead bodies, no matter how high the combat power is, there is no way to sweep the entire undead world.

Not to mention, the deeper you go into the world of the undead, the thicker the aura of death, and the stronger the bonus to the undead. If you go to the deepest part of the Necronomicon to fight Walker the "Thousand Souls", even if you want to let the group of 90-level tycoons who were covered in legends and even mythological equipment before the crossing, form a group of 100 people. to be able to do it.

... This is basically the same as rushing into the depths of heaven and hell, angering the big devil or the archangel, which is a level of challenge difficulty.

In this world now, high-level monsters cannot be refreshed infinitely, high-level tasks cannot be repeated repeatedly, and one piece of high-level equipment cannot be brushed into one hand. Even if the transmigrators have been vulgarly developed for a hundred years, it is impossible for them to reach the level in the original game. Under such circumstances, it is absolutely impossible to suppress the undead world as before, to let the undead be honest, and even help fight **** together later.

The priests also know this. They understand that the reason why the undead forces are willing to bow their heads and admit defeat is not because they can fight, but because they are shocked by the "scourge" that the "others" can release indefinitely.

If it is only by the clergy's own strength, who will win and who will lose, it is not yet known!

Don't look at the fact that they swept away the vampire clan, but in the undead forces, vampires who can't even completely move to the undead world are at best "peripheral forces".

There are three major factions of the undead: Wraith, Corruption, and Corpse. And although vampires straddle the two lines, they are all small forces whether they are in the fallen line or in the corpse system.

The inability to get rid of the need for blood makes them unable to live in the depths of the undead world to cultivate, so that there is a lack of real top experts in the force, which is an irreparable flaw.

Just crusade against these guys does not prove that the clergy can really suppress the undead forces in the world.

Not to mention anything else, as long as five or six legendary or even quasi-legendary-level Wraith-type undead come in and unleash the "Death Howl" everywhere in the world, it will take a few days to turn most of the civilians in a country into undead. dead.

No one can afford such a loss.

Of course, the Necrons also knew about these things, so although they bowed their heads, they were unwilling to back down on many issues—in fact, the condition they offered was “to admit defeat and promise not to cause trouble for the next 50 years.”

Of course, it is impossible for the clergy to agree to such conditions. It is meaningless to admit defeat, and everyone is not a noble knight who wants to save face; fifty years without causing trouble is not bad, but the time is too short.

Their request is that the necromancers must stop spreading necromancy in the world, and take away the necromancers and undead in the world, and then separate the two worlds, everyone will not communicate with each other - if there are undead in the world, they You can still take it away.

The Necrons did not agree to this condition.

"You want us to completely withdraw from this world? Impossible!"

In this case, the negotiations gradually came to an impasse, and both sides were very anxious.

It was at this time that Panda unexpectedly got an invitation.

"What? The Necrons invited me to visit the Necronomicon?" He looked at the black invitation and asked in surprise, "Why?"

"They said that we have too much prejudice against the undead, and hope that we can go and see for ourselves to understand their real living conditions, and then make a decision." Roland replied.

"What's there to understand? Isn't it just a group of ghosts and ghosts..."

"It's useless for you to tell me this, they think we don't know them, and they're full of prejudice - and their reasons are very valid. We really lack understanding of the specifics of the Necronomicon."

"I think I know the Necronomicon quite well..." Panda muttered, "I used to place a copy over there a lot back then."

"But the clerics in the world really don't know much about the Necronomicon." Roland said, "So after everyone discussed it, they decided to send representatives to the Necronomicon to take a look."

"How did you find me?" Panda asked.

"There must be experts in the delegation, right?" Roland laughed, "Of course we can't let the legendary powerhouses pass by. If there is a trap, it will be sacrificed in vain. So our plan is to send out various churches to prepare for training. The low-level clerics go over and find one or two masters to lead the team..."

Panda suddenly realized: "I am the 'leader' you selected?"

"That's right, among the clergy of the legendary level in the world, you are the only one who is immortal." Roland nodded again and again, "Are you going?"

Panda pondered for a while and replied, "Okay! I'll go there, just to see what the real world of the undead looks like!"

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