Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1021: future worries

After the signing of the agreement, this large-scale "necromancy chaos" even came to an end.

In this disaster, a large number of civilians and middle and low-level clerics were killed and injured in the world, and the undead forces were also killed and injured heavily, especially in the case of legendary masters, the losses were far greater than the living people.

Copies of the agreement were sent to the nations of the world for preservation. Unlike the idealistic priests, the rulers of the nations were quite satisfied with this agreement.

In fact, they are not very repulsive of the undead. After all, what many rulers usually do is really no better than the undead.

Moreover, although there are a lot of civilians and priests this time, it is not a big problem for the rulers-most rulers do not care about the life and death of civilians.

As for the clergy... almost all rulers wish they died as many as possible!

"Who came up with the third clause of this agreement?" Looking at the copy of the agreement, Queen Katarina of the Kingdom of Alanz asked happily and puzzledly, "I don't believe those brainless clerics can think of this. Such a thing. And... to ask for help from the undead? Kill them, they will not be willing..."

"Of course it's us." Liu Daoqing said with a smile.

Then, he saw his wife's face change, from a smile to a nervous and worried face.

"What’s wrong with you?"

"What did you think of?" Katerina asked with wide eyes, "Could it be that there will be a terrible disaster in the near future?"

Liu Daoqing was stunned, then remembered that he never seemed to talk to his wife about what might happen in the "future".

He was about to speak, but hesitated.

What will happen in the future, is it really doomed?

If it is destined, then even if you tell your wife, what can your wife do?

The king of a mere country, a mere legendary knight, what is she worth in the face of the return of various races, the war between heaven and hell, and even the dragon of doom?

Could it be of any use to tell her this besides worrying her?

After hesitating for a while, he sighed and said, "In the future, there will indeed be many disasters in the world."

"Which ones?" Katarina asked nervously.

"...Let's say devil or something." Liu Daoqing sighed, "Although heaven will help us, but heaven and **** are at war, and we are caught in the middle, I am afraid that there is no good fruit to eat."

Katarina was silent for a while, sighing deeply.

Of course she could understand what her husband meant.

Hell is powerful, and so is heaven. If only **** invades the human world, then the human world may not be able to resist even if the undead forces are used as helpers. But if heaven also participates in the war, heaven and **** fight in an all-round way, and vulnerable mortals are caught in the middle, in fact, it is really no better than **** invasion.

It's like two giant dragons torn apart in a city. No matter who wins or loses, it will be a disaster for ordinary residents in the city.

But...the world has nothing to do with it.

She thought for a while and asked, "We... or, you guys, can you stop **** from invading the world?"

"We will work hard to do it, but whether we can succeed... We are not very sure." Liu Daoqing answered frankly.

As far as traversers know, **** invaded the world by catching a sleeping ancient god, using this ancient **** as a sacrifice, and opening an unprecedentedly huge gate of hell, and then a large number of demons passed through the door. Into the world over there.

Over the years, travelers have searched everywhere in the world, trying to find the sleeping ancient god. Whether it is to wake it up or kill it directly, in short, it cannot be made a sacrifice by the demons.

But until now, they haven't been able to find this unlucky guy.

The only good news so far is that they haven't found that the demon has started the sacrifice ceremony.

There are also several guys from the **** camp in the traversers, such as Heke, the half-magic man. In the past two years, he has been acting as a spy in hell, investigating things about the "ancient god's sacrifice".

Because it is a secret investigation, he has always hidden his strength. In the **** where strength is supreme, disguising as a half-demon who has just stepped into a high-level level, it is not very convenient for him to move, and there is not much information to be obtained.

But at the very least, he can be sure that until now, none of the forces in **** have any intention of preparing an army to invade the world on a large scale.

At present, the great demons of **** are mainly concerned about another thing - the seal of the great demon Rahab.

In the early days of the Second Era, a huge war was waged between the good old gods and their subordinates who supported the gods and the evil old gods and their subordinates who opposed the gods. In this war, one of the evil ancient gods, the great demon Rahab known as the "Hell Star", was sealed.

This big demon's body is as huge as a star, capable of carrying a massive army and launching extremely violent attacks, which can be called a moving fortress. It was defeated and sealed, so that the demon side was hit hard and completely lost its mobility.

The demons that lost their mobility failed again and again on the battlefield, and finally had to completely withdraw from the world. The sealed Rahab has since drifted everywhere and became an icy asteroid.

After that war, the demon kings of **** have been trying to save Rahab. They all know that only by rescuing the **** star, the **** army can regain its mobility and fight at the same angle as the heaven army.

However, Rahab was sealed in completely still time. The seal is completely static both internally and externally, difficult to analyze and difficult to crack.

Therefore, before it is unblocked, the forces of **** will never invade the world on a large scale and face heaven again.

And until now, Rahab has not been released from the seal.

The dark red star is still floating in the blood-colored dark clouds above hell, and any powerful demon can see it, and of course He Ke can see it.

According to his long-term observation, it is certain that the great demons have not yet begun to storm this seal.

This means that there is still a long time before **** invades the world.

Liu Daoqing didn't tell Katerina all the news - there were many things that he couldn't explain. For example, he couldn't explain why there were high-level demons in the traversers, so he could only say nothing.

But just from the clips he said, Katerina judged that **** would invade the world sooner or later.

Yes, sooner or later.

Whether it's a hundred years, two hundred years, five hundred years... Anyway, **** will definitely come.

Even if she couldn't see this scene while she was alive, the army of **** would definitely come.

After understanding this, even she couldn't help but fall into deep distress.

All the people are distressed about this matter, and now, there is one more person who is distressed.

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