Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1023: king of the prairie

Time is like water. In the panda's concentrated cultivation, the days pass by without knowing it.

He doesn't care about the passage of time, anyway, the world is relatively peaceful at present, and nothing special has happened.

However, after a few years, there was finally a big event that made him, who had almost taken root in the training ground, walk out of the castle.

In the spring of 797 in the mainland calendar, at the annual Spring Festival of the Orcs on the Prairie, Nicholas Ivy, the head of the Ma tribe, officially announced that he would compete for the throne of the "King of the Golden Horde" and wanted to become the leader of all tribes in the Prairie. The leader of the alliance, became the "Great Khan".

In the past few years, she has created enough momentum for herself. All over the grassland, there are sayings like "Ivy is fit to be a great khan because of the Great Chief". Even the ligers and other tribes who have always been very dissatisfied with her have been overtly or secretly talking again and again. He suffered a lot in the confrontation, and he acquiesced to this statement.

But when she clearly stood up and turned the rumors into reality, the always irritable old patriarch of the Lion clan, Ryan, still couldn't hold back and jumped out to object.

"I don't approve!" The old lion, who was already gray-haired and emaciated, no longer had the majestic appearance of the past, roared, "There has never been a herbivore to be a great khan!"

"That's because among the herbivorous clans, there has never been such a good chief like me in the past." Wearing a robe made by the clan, Ivyin retorted with calm but confident words, "Now, I have appeared. I am suitable for Being the Great Khan has nothing to do with which clan I come from."

"The clan of the Great Khan must be the strongest on the steppe!" Old Ryan said.

Ivyin shook his head: "As for the request of the Great Khan, there has always been only the "identity of all ethnic groups in the grasslands"."

The two sides did not discuss the issue of personal force.

Old Ryan was reluctant to talk about this, because he knew that the number one powerhouse on the grassland at present was the female chief of the horse tribe.

In the past few years, Ivyin has fought with almost all the top powerhouses on the grassland, and all of them have won.

Except for some old seniors who were reclusive and refused to see anyone, at least on the plains, no one could win her.

With her force, many years ago, the legendary era when the Great Khan was selected by force and duel, had already ascended the throne of the Great Khan.

And Ivy was reluctant to talk about this, she didn't agree with the "stronger is king" set. She felt that the so-called king, of course, should be recognized and supported by everyone.

Relying on the strength of strength alone, forcing everyone to recognize themselves, that is not enough!

When the two sides faced off, the tiger clan chief Galades spoke up.

"We orcs respect warriors with strong martial arts skills and seniors with high morals." He said, "By relying on various tricks and tactics, we cannot really get our approval to fabricate lies that everyone wants."

Ivyin asked: "Then what do you think is not a lie? How about letting all the tribes in the grasslands vote?"

Galades shook his head: "Ordinary people are short-sighted, they can't see long-term benefits, and they are easily deceived or deceived. Cunning businessmen can always deceive people to suffer losses willingly. We see this kind of thing a lot. already."

"But even the most cunning businessman can't make people willing to suffer losses all the time," said Ivyin.

"As long as you earn it once, isn't it enough?" Galades asked back, "When you become the Great Khan, what if others object?"

Ivyin smiled.

She looked around and saw a lot of worry on the faces of the chiefs and elders of all ethnic groups, in addition to support or opposition.

Obviously, Galades's statement has indeed affected many people.

"Here, I have a suggestion," she said loudly. "The position of Great Khan should not be held for a lifetime after being elected."

The chiefs and elders were shocked, and even Galades was surprised: "What did you say?!"

"People's thoughts will change, the situation in the grasslands, and even the situation in the entire continent will also change." Ivyin said loudly, "In this case, let a person be the Great Khan forever, It's a very dangerous and unreliable option."

"What if this person goes in the opposite direction of everyone? What if this person wants to use the power of the Great Khan for personal gain for himself, his family, and his tribe? These situations are all possible!"

The chiefs and elders nodded.

"In this case, why don't we set a rule-after the Great Khan is elected, every ten years, everyone must discuss and decide whether he can continue to serve based on his work in the past ten years." Ivyin Said, "If the discussions pass, he can of course continue to be the Great Khan. If the discussions fail, he will step down."

"What about after he leaves office?" Galades asked.

"Of course it is to return to the situation without the Great Khan." Ivyin said, "Wait until the next person qualified to serve as the Great Khan comes out, and then decide through everyone's discussion."

The chiefs and elders showed their joy, and they felt that the idea was very reasonable.

But Galades frowned: "A person who has been the Great Khan for ten years will surely gain endless power and status. With these power and status, he can fully consolidate his position and make every discussion he discuss. can pass."

Ivyin couldn't help laughing: "Chief Galades, I think your idea is very interesting. If a person can firmly consolidate his power and status and allow himself to succeed in the discussion, then he Why can't you continue to be the Great Khan?"

Galades was stunned.

"The leader of our prairie must be a person full of wisdom and strength. A person who can hold power tightly in his hands and make his position unshakable in the ten-year discussion among leaders of all ethnic groups, he is a great person. Khan, isn't it appropriate?"

Galades opened his mouth wide, stunned for a long time, and finally sighed deeply.

"You're right!" he said. "You convinced me!"

Having said that, he came to Aiwei Yin and knelt down on one knee: "I, Galades, the current patriarch of the Tiger Clan, admit that you are qualified - at least now qualified, to be the king of our prairie and become a 'big Khan'!"

Then, he looked at old Ryan.

Old Ryan sighed helplessly, but instead of being awkward as usual, he knelt down on one knee.

Then, one after another, the chiefs and elders knelt down on one knee and, like them, recognized Ivyin.

After a long period of vacancy, the throne of the king of the grassland golden tent has finally ushered in a new owner!

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