Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1048: Aaron's crisis?

Could Aaron be in the hands of some wizard?

With such a conjecture, Panda suddenly became worried.

He told Heyin about his conjecture in a private chat, and Heyin said it in the chat channel. After some discussion, everyone felt that Panda's guess was justified.

"If the leader of that organization is not Aaron, but a wizard who controlled Aaron and stole the results of his research, then everything would make sense!"

"I'll just say it! If it's Aaron, he should be harmless to humans and animals, hiding in the research institute all day doing those disgusting research."

"Yeah, with his character, he is too lazy to pay attention to mortal affairs!"

"That's right, how could he have the spare time to fight for hegemony? He just thinks 'damn mental retardation' is good..."

"And even if he wants to fight for hegemony for some reason, he won't create a humanoid army, which is not in line with his habit - I think he should create a slime army, or a jumping dog army."

"I think he will make jumping dogs, hydralisks, cockroaches, poison explosions, flying dragons..."

"Just say he will make Zerg Zerg."

"Yes! That's what I meant!"

"Protest! My Great Protoss is invincible!"

"Bah! The scumbags of the silver group! I beat you with the human race so that you can't even get out of the door!"

"Fuck! Real PK warning!"

The discussion soon became deviant again, and the results of the discussion were quickly summarized in Panda.

Panda nodded secretly, and inquired some more information from the captains of the two ships.

Comparing these news, he felt more and more that Aaron's current situation was a bit bad-perhaps this unfortunate one had become a guinea pig, being sliced ​​and tested every day or something...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel anxious. However, being anxious can't change the problem. He is single-handedly facing a powerful enemy that can force the entire Black Earth Continent to form an alliance. No matter how hard he can fight, it is not enough.

After thinking about it, he decided to go to the Black Earth Continent with the Black Griffin first.

The Black Griffin belongs to an organization called the "Seven Towers Alliance". This organization almost belongs to the "White Wizard" line in the wizarding system, which is completely opposite to the Scimitar Association to which the Bloody Scimitar Warship belongs.

People often divide wizards into "dark wizards" and "white wizards". Dark wizards are indeed evil and selfish, but white wizards do not mean goodness - there are almost no real good people in wizards.

The so-called "white wizard" refers to an organization whose main strategy is to rule the country, select a large number of talents, and extensively train wizard apprentices and bloodline quasi wizards. They tend to take the initiative to maintain social order, and even promote social prosperity to a certain extent - because they need a large number of people.

The dark wizards are not the same. They emphasize the elite line and only choose a very small number of elites to cultivate, and there is almost no demand for the country or society. And once the dark wizard grows up, he will often go in the direction of opposing the state and destroying the social order, and become the big devil in the eyes of mortals.

Take the personal experience of Panda as an example, whether it is the wizard apprentice on the St. Francis Mountain or the two wizards on the Black Griffin, they are all white wizards. They don't kill mortals at will, on the contrary, they are keen to search for talent among mortals.

And the "grey fire" Gary Mutt of the **** scimitar warship is a typical dark wizard. He didn't care whether he could get talents or not, and he even killed more than a hundred qualified apprentices until there were only four left... With these four, most of them would not end well.

The evil degree of the dark wizard can be seen from this.

However... According to Panda's impression, in the novels of the wizarding world system, the protagonists seem to be inclined to dark wizards...

No wonder this system is called "dark fantasy".

After he made up his mind, he returned to the Black Griffin, ready to continue.

But before he could return to the cabin, Lomus, who had been trying to get close to him before and expressed his willingness to be a meat shield during the battle, suddenly approached him and said in a low voice, "The main business of the Scimitar Association is pirates, and their subordinates are pirates. There are a large number of pirate ships. And the group of people on the flying ship are all from elite pirates, and there is not even a single person on the whole ship who is not a villain whose hands are not covered with innocent blood. "

Panda stopped and looked at him: "Are you sure?"

"Of course! My family is in the shipping business and has been robbed by the Scimitar Association more than once." Lomus's eyes burned with anger, "Other pirates only want money and don't kill people - after all, there are too many people killed, and everyone dare not go here. There is a sea route, who are the pirates going to rob? But they are different, they always rob money and kill people, sometimes they don’t even rob money, they just kill people!”

Panda frowned and looked back at the Bloody Scimitar Warship.

He raised his right hand and covered his face, and there was a slight twinkle in his eyes.

Through his fingers, he could see that the **** machete warship was surrounded by blood-like red and turbid black air, which was a proof of sin.

He looked at the Black Griffin again. Many of the crew of the Black Griffin also had a red light that symbolized sin, but not many people had a strong red light. On the contrary, there are many people who do not have the light of evil, and there are even one or two people who have the light of kindness.

He sighed, the golden light in his eyes disappeared, and then put down his right hand.

"Wait a minute!" With a dodge, he returned to the edge of the deck of the Black Griffin, looked at the **** scimitar warship that was about to leave, and asked coldly, "What do you usually do?"

The captain of the **** scimitar warship in gorgeous armor was about to answer when his first mate covered his mouth.

"We usually carry out the orders of the wizard." The first mate said, "The warship belongs to the organization. We have no right to decide what to do. Only the wizard can decide."

The corners of the panda's mouth were slightly raised, revealing a gloomy expression that was not smiling.

"Then let's change the question, what did you do before you became the crew of the airship?"

"We follow the wizard apprentices or senior knights and act according to their orders." The first mate replied.

Panda sighed: "You'd better let go and let the captain answer."

The first mate let go of his hand, and the captain in the gorgeous armor had come to his senses at the moment, and nodded again and again: "He is right, we mortals can only do things according to the orders of the wizards."

Panda smiled again and said, "Gather all the sailors on your ship and answer this question one by one."

Soon, the sailors of the Bloody Scimitar warship gathered on the deck.

It's a pity that Panda didn't see even one with a less powerful light of sin, even the youngest, full of evil.

He shook his head and sighed deeply.

After a while, the Black Griffon continued to set off, but the **** scimitar warship had sunk deeply into the vast sea beneath her feet.

The panda who returned to the cabin restaurant said to Lomus who was sitting across from him, "Thank you for reminding me, I was almost cheated by them."

"Now, they don't have to worry about interpretation." Lomus showed a happy smile.

"No, they still need to explain." Panda smiled slightly, "Explain to those who were killed by them - I believe they will have enough time to explain slowly."

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