Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1053: direction of investigation

Back at the hotel, Panda was still frowning, thinking about the information he just got.

The mysterious organization that ran rampant on the Black Earth Continent and forced various wizard organizations to form an alliance to fight against it was actually a test-tube baby behind it?

"It always feels like the style of painting is wrong..."

The panda muttered, shaking his head secretly.

In his impression, IVF should be a high-cost technology - before crossing, one of the management of his company was to use this technology to give birth to children, which cost a lot of money.

Use this technology to make a lot of cannon fodder to fight? It's not worth it by any means.

This is like using a gunpla with hundreds of dollars as a throwing weapon to smash people. Does the person who gets smashed hurt? uncertain. But the person who hits the person must be very painful.

If human cloning technology is used, the cost may be lower, but the technical difficulty seems to be a bit too high. And... judging from the looks of those soldiers, I don't think they're clones.

The appearance of cloned people should be exactly the same, after all, the genes are the same. But there are subtle differences in the appearance of those soldiers, they don't look like the same person, they just look like brothers and sisters.

"Test tube babies...cannon fodder...many...knights..." After dinner, Panda sat in the hotel room, thinking to himself.

He always felt that he seemed to have a little inspiration, but he couldn't grasp it.

In the wizarding world, IVF is not such an exaggerated technique. According to the wizarding novels he has read, among the wizards of the bloodline, human transformation and organ grafting are very common things. In contrast, the difficulty of IVF is nothing at all.

Cloning is a lot more difficult, but you can tell by looking at it that it's not a clone, so you don't have to think about it.

Theoretically speaking, if the method of test-tube babies is used, and adult knights or higher-level characters are used as the parent and mother, it is indeed possible to create a large number of children with excellent qualifications. Then use drugs to induce its rapid growth, and at the same time promote its strength through overdraft potential, it is indeed possible to create a large number of knight-level soldiers. comes at a cost.

Panda pondered for a while, opened the private chat channel, and contacted Mahara.

Inside the traveler, there are several people who play with biotechnology. The missing Aaron is a taboo scholar who is good at bio-engineering; the scarlet scholar Elendian is keen to transform himself; the biologist Mahara is a generalist. Compared with the other two, this middle-aged man with narrow eyes People are also friendly and easy to get along with.

Mahala currently lives in the Mythalala Forest, and he has collaborated with the druids a lot to study how to treat diseases through biotechnology, with great results.

If you want to talk about problems in the large-scale biological field, you must be right to look for him.

After listening to Panda's introduction, Mahara thought for a while and said, "Actually, making IVF grow rapidly is not as troublesome as you think."

"What's the meaning?"

"For babies, the supply of nutrients through the umbilical cord is a very efficient way to grow. In reality, the reason why you can only conceive in October is because the mother can't bear too large a child. But if artificial technology is used, artificially created similar The growth environment of the fetus, it is not very difficult to cultivate it to the adult level in one breath."

"What?!" Panda was taken aback.

"It's not surprising, in fact... I just estimated that if necessary, give me a month or two, and I can build such a laboratory and cultivate a large number of people." Mahara said , "But, like you said, cost is a big issue."

He said: "We humans are really not a species that grows at a rapid rate. For a baby to grow into an adult, a lot of nutrients are needed. Where do these nutrients come from? For one or two people, of course, it is not a problem. But thousands of ...that means a huge culture center, and a huge supply of nutrients. I really can't think of any way to raise so many nutrients."

Only then did Panda understand, nodded and asked, "So, if you don't consider the feasibility and just consider it from a theoretical point of view, do you think it's possible to do this?"

"Maybe of course there are." Mahara gave a positive answer, "Also, there are many wizards in the wizarding world who specialize in this type of direction. If they unite, they want to build such a training center. , it's not difficult at all. But no matter what I think, I can't think of how they can solve the problem of nutritional supply..."

After finishing the discussion with Mahara, Panda contacted Scarlet scholar Elundian again.

"Making test-tube babies in batches and growing them quickly? It's easy." Elendian's answer was similar to Mahara's, "but the number is a problem."

"Insufficient nutrition?" Panda asked.

"Yes, nutrition is insufficient. No matter how efficient and economical a person is to grow up, the nutrition of a few cows is always needed. So if you want to make thousands of troops, it would be tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of cows... ...This number is really huge, I suggest you talk to Hug, who is Mongolian and knows the most about animal husbandry."

So Panda contacted Druid Gilgler again - everyone usually likes to call him Huge, because his game ID is "Hohhot, I am the most handsome", and I don't know who it is, take his name and ID from each. One word, put together this nickname.

"Tens of thousands of cows is nothing." As soon as Hug spoke, his tone was very loud, "But... hundreds of thousands of cows are different. With the productivity of this world, it is necessary to raise hundreds of thousands of cows. That might affect the production structure of a country."

"I'm in the wizarding world now, do you think it's possible here?"

"How big is the wizarding world?"

"Slightly smaller than Xilu."

"That place is enough, but... such a large-scale animal husbandry, it is impossible to make it silent... Why don't you investigate and investigate?"

Panda's eyes lit up, feeling that he had finally found his way.

As several professionals have said, to build such a large-scale training center, a massive supply of materials is indispensable. In order to obtain these materials, large-scale planting and animal husbandry are also essential.

Then, as long as you start from this aspect and investigate the large-scale planting and animal husbandry in this world, you will be able to know the origin of that mysterious organization.

Just when he was smug and ready to fight, he suddenly felt like a flash of lightning in his heart, and he was stunned in place.

(Wait! Aren't I here to investigate Aaron's whereabouts? Why waste time researching that mysterious organization?)

(Isn't this so different!)

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