Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1058: Battle of Black and White (2)

After the roar, Principal Salix realized his gaffe, quickly calmed down, and introduced the history of the archipelago to the panda.

The archipelago did not have a name at first. Later, a group of wizards established an organization here. They found that there are a large number of coral resources around the archipelago, among which white coral is the most, so they used white coral as the most typical building material and named the archipelago. "White Coral Islands".

White Coral Academy was originally located in the White Coral Islands, or the two were originally named together.

But, in a wizarding war nearly a hundred years ago. A certain dark wizard organization defeated them, killed a large number of apprentices and knights, seized their territories and resource origins, and forced those white wizards who survived the war to go north, which is more dangerous and relatively resourceful. Migration from the depths of the deprived continent.

It took the losers about twenty years to re-establish their organizations and academies near Bluestone. To commemorate, they still named the organization "White Coral Academy", and hoped to return to their hometown one day and return to the archipelago with their heads held high.

Today, they are finally back!

Speaking of this, the usually peaceful Principal Salix couldn't help but burst into tears.

Panda sighed slightly and patted his shoulder comfortingly.

But there are still a lot of crying around, you don't have to look to know that it is those wizards who were born in the old White Coral Academy, suffered hardships in the original wizarding war, and may have died of their relatives and friends.

"Don't cry." Panda advised, "As the one who is about to win, you should consider how to laugh more naturally, or how to mock the loser condescendingly - cry or something, when everything is done. It's not too late to cry when you go home."

Under his persuasion, these wizards quickly packed up and prepared for battle.

Following the order of Principal Salix, a bright magic ball of light was released from the "Coral Light" flying boat, turning into a swaying white coral flag in the air.

In the wizarding world, this act represents a declaration of war.

Just a few minutes later, on the archipelago in the black sea, a bright magic ball of light flew out from a building and turned into another swaying flag.

The two flags, one black and the other white, in sharp contrast, are the symbols of black and white wizards.

"Is this ready to fight?" Panda asked.

"We'll have to wait," Principal Salix replied. "When their flying ship lifts off, it means the war can begin."

"...You guys really follow the rules." Panda couldn't help complaining, "Fortunately, I didn't plan to wait for them to come over, line up, and then start."

If that's the case, he thinks he's going to spit out "The king doesn't know how to fight"...

The efficiency of the black wizard organization is indeed not comparable to that of the white wizard organization. After no more than half an hour at the most, six flying ships will lift off one after another, and fly over from there.

Panda can clearly see that there are a large number of heavily armed knights on each flying boat, as well as neatly dressed and murderous dark wizards.

He didn't even have to look back, he knew that the white wizards behind him must be pale and trembling at the moment.

Not to mention the desperate disparity in numbers, just the difference in the individual combat power of the black wizard and the white wizard is doomed that the White Coral Academy will never be able to beat each other.

Not to mention that the other party has six ships, even if they are one-on-one, they will lose steadily.

Of course, Panda didn't intend to let the wizards of White Coral Academy go to die - he still needed their help to find the seal fragment that sealed Aaron.

Therefore, without waiting for the other party to approach, he simply jumped and jumped from the Coral Light. The whole person turned into a shooting star and collided with several flying ships flying towards him.

Rumbling, non-stop sound.

The wizards of the Blackwater Islands organization performed all kinds of sorcery, but they were not able to stop the panda for even a second. Seeing him roaring, seeing him breaking through the barriers of witchcraft, seeing him pierce one flying ship after another, and then roaring away, returning to the Coral Light.

After going back and forth, several wizards from White Coral Academy didn't even have time to wipe away the tears on their faces.

They were stunned to watch the pierced flying ships sinking slowly, and they fell to the ground with a full ship of wizards, apprentices and knights, and they were stunned to watch the wizards of the Blackwater Islands fly up in anger, towards the He rushed over here, and watched the panda rush out for the second time in a stunned manner, roaring in the air like electricity, blowing all the dark wizards who refused to admit defeat and wanted to fight again into a rain of blood in the air, and then fluttered back, Not even a bit of blood on him.

"This... this counts as a win?" Principal Salix asked blankly.

"How do I know?" Panda rolled his eyes, he is not a wizard, how can he understand the rules of wizard war?

"It should be considered that we won..." said an old wizard with mostly white hair, "their flying boat was also sunk, and the wizards who dared to stand up to fight were also killed. According to the rules, it is indeed we won."

"It's good to win." Panda nodded and went back to the cabin to rest, leaving only the white wizards on the deck who were dazed, shocked, and even a little overwhelmed, staring with big eyes.

When he was lying on the bed, he finally heard the cheers coming from the deck, it was deafening.

"Damn it! Do you still have a sense of public morality? Let's not let people sleep!" Panda couldn't help but muttered a few words in a low voice.

He then covered his body with a quilt and fell asleep in just a few seconds.

When he woke up, he found that the flying ship had been parked on the island, and there was no one on board except for a waiter guarding the door of his cabin.

"Where have everyone gone?" he asked in confusion.

"We won the battle and recaptured our hometown. Some of you are busy receiving the profits from the war, and some are busy preparing for the celebration." The waiter is also an acquaintance, it is the wizard apprentice David who opened the shop, "Lord Panda, The principal told me to take you to the celebration hall if you wake up."

Panda subconsciously followed him to the deck, saw the starry sky, and suddenly remembered something: "Is it too late to go now?"

"Not too late." David replied with a smile, "You'll know when you arrive."

He was right, it wasn't too late.

Because the people of the entire White Coral Academy are guarding the celebration venue, quietly waiting for the arrival of the panda.

It was not until the panda walked into the venue under the guidance of David that they burst into earth-shattering cheers together, accompanied by thunderous applause, welcoming the arrival of the hero.

Celebrate the conference, now officially begins!

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