Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1069: after the explosion

With the violent explosion, the dark cloud dissipated, and the palace on the cloud collapsed.

The violent shock wave swept through at least dozens of miles, not to mention the various people in the palace, even the group of wizards who were guarding the square outside the palace and wanted to get some light from the legendary great wizard were all involved in the explosion. , no one was spared, not even a relatively large fragment was left.

It's not right to say "no one is spared". There are still some survivors in the entire Cloud Palace and its surroundings.

Although, there is only one.

While spewing blood, the panda tried to condense its light wings with divine power, trying to stop itself in the air.

Although he was in terrible pain, he was rather amused in his heart.

(I have been carving all day long, but this time I was caught in the eye!)

As the professional accountant of divine scourge among the traversers, Panda has a lot of knowledge about how to gather all the strength to create a dazzling big fireworks. In particular, he has also communicated with many legendary paladins, and everyone has made a lot of in-depth discussions on how to use the divine power more efficiently, how to fully explode the power of the whole body as soon as possible - since then, he has become better at it. blew up.

Real money, not false advertising.

But he never imagined that there would be a day when he would be desperately used by others to blow himself up.

In particular, the person who blew himself up to him was actually a fourth-level legendary great wizard, who stood at the top of the wizarding world.

(A great legendary wizard, why did he suddenly fight with me? Where did I offend him?)

While thinking about it, the panda condensed its strength, and finally succeeded in condensing a pair of light wings when it was no more than 50 meters away from the ground, turning itself from a dangerous state of straight descent to drawing an arc and then rising - just It's like some kind of aerobatics show.

When he turned from falling to rising, his body was less than ten meters from the ground!

After a while, the panda finally recovered and landed in a field about ten miles away.

Although his face was still ugly and there was still a lot of pain on his body, the powerful healing function of the divine power had pulled him back from the most dangerous brink, and even the injury was out of the "severely wounded". degree.

Probably because of frequent injuries, although Heavenly Punishment is the main line in Panda's legendary skill tree, and fighting and Divine Shield are the branch lines, there is also healing in the Divine Shield branch line.

Correctly speaking, "healing yourself".

This is a special branch of the treatment skill. Because the target of the treatment is limited, the treatment intensity is relatively high. Panda's skill level is not low, plus the legendary skill bonus, in just a few minutes, he has recovered a large amount of health for himself.

As a price, his legendary energy was almost bottomed out.

The first is to urgently activate the Holy Shield to resist the explosion, and then to strengthen the treatment... No amount of legendary energy can withstand such consumption.

(Unfortunately, if you can advance a bit further, it would be great to choose the passive skill of "Legendary Energy Limit Increase"...)

Panda sighed inwardly, then stepped up the pace, and quickly returned to the branch of White Coral Academy, which is the residence of the White Wizard Alliance.

When he returned to the alliance station, he couldn't help but sighed again.

The once prosperous station is now in ruins.

The power of the legendary great wizard's self-destruction is so powerful, and the aftermath is enough to destroy gold and break jade. The predecessor of this station was just the headquarters of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, and the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce was just a medium-sized wizarding organization with only second-level wizards. Where can their station be strong?

It was quiet inside the ruins, and there was no whining or cry for help. The power of the explosion not only destroyed the station, but also killed everyone in the station.

In just an instant, the headquarters of the White Wizarding Alliance, which was quite prosperous before and was regarded as the emerging overlord in the southern part of the Black Earth Continent, became a dead city.

The panda stood quietly in front of the ruins and sighed.

In the past few months, he has gotten along quite happily with the White Wizards Alliance, especially the White Coral Academy. He originally planned to help each other, and even swept the black wizards in the world while searching for Aaron, and established the White Wizard as the core. core system of governance.

Now...he's a little less interested.

"It doesn't make any sense at all!" He couldn't help sighing, "In this world, strong force is the foundation of everything. In the face of strong force, whether it is good or evil, it is meaningless..."

At this moment, he found that there was some movement in the ruins - but it was one of the few second-level wizards in the Alliance Headquarters, the president of the "White Knight", Adil.

The strength of the second-level wizard is relatively strong. When he saw the panda going to the sky, he also realized that there might be a war, and immediately hid in a magic laboratory in the station.

The solid walls of the witchcraft laboratory helped him block the blast from the sky. Although the sturdy laboratory could not fully withstand it in the end, it turned into ruins and pressed him underneath. But he at least saved his life, he just suffered some injuries.

To be able to survive the self-destruction of the fourth-level legendary great wizard, his strength and luck are worthy of admiration.

The wizard pushed away the earth and stone that was pressing on his body, staggered up, and looked around, his eyes were a little dull.

"How can this be...?!" he muttered to himself, "what... what happened?"

"I also want to know what happened." Panda walked over and treated him with divine power, while introducing what happened in the palace on the cloud, "I still don't understand why that fourth-level wizard is so good. I didn't mean to share life and death with him at all. With his identity and character, would he be desperate for me for a few disciples?"

"Impossible, black wizards are all selfish - not to mention black wizards, even if we white wizards, since we can't beat them, we can only bow our heads. For the sake of the dead, putting yourself in danger is not a problem. It's illogical." Adil shook his head.

"So I don't understand."

The two looked at each other silently, and finally could only sigh.

After a sigh, Adil asked, "Lord Panda, what are you going to do next?"

After what happened just now, he discovered the power of the white panda more and more—the fourth-level legendary great wizard, who was already the highest figure in this world, and could be called a great existence like a god. But the panda forced the fourth-level great wizard as great as a **** to have to self-destruct, and he was able to survive the self-destruction.

It was so powerful that it was truly unimaginable for him!

"I'm going to look for someone with a similar 'taste' to me," Panda said. "I can't just get an explosion for no reason. I must find out."

"I want to rebuild the White Wizards Alliance." Adil said, "Although we have suffered heavy losses this time, we have gained a lot of benefits. With this big explosion as proof, our high-end force is enough to attract more people."

Panda nodded and left a communication tool to contact him.

Then, he left without looking back and flew towards the north.

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