Of course, Panda couldn't know what was going on in the headquarters of the mysterious organization in the distance.

If he knew, he might be proud, or he might be sad.

But since he doesn't know, everything has nothing to do with him for the time being.

In front of him, his biggest problem was the strange cavalry that kept rushing over.

The battle has been going on for more than half an hour. Although it has not been carefully counted, Panda estimates that there are at least thousands of weird cavalry killed on its "sacred shield".

The corpses of thousands of people are piled up together, which will be quite a tragic scene - there was a famous military act in ancient China, called "Building the Jingguan", which is to chop off the heads of the killed people and pile them together. Generally speaking, cutting a few thousand people is enough to pile up a "Jingguan".

Those weird cavalrymen killed by pandas, if their heads are chopped off, maybe they can also build a small-scale "Jing Guan".

But in fact, in front of the wall of light, there is not even a little corpse piled up.

All but the most recent corpses have disappeared. They turned into jelly, moved into the distance, and merged into a certain circular building.

Panda reckons that it won't be long before a new batch of soldiers will emerge from it.

This kind of trick can be guessed without seeing it with your own eyes.

But he couldn't think about it for the time being, or in other words, the issues he was worried about had nothing to do with the battle in front of him.

No matter how many enemies there are, he doesn't think he will lose. If it really doesn't work, it's better to just walk away with thirty-six strategies. He doesn't think these guys can stop him from escaping.

As for the question of whether it is shameful to run away - shame if you can't solve the problem, what else is there to do?

However, this is what the panda is worried about. He found that the problem he was worried about seemed to be really difficult to solve.

(I'm going to find the headquarters of this organization, kill all the guys who bewitch or deceive Aaron, and then...then what?)

Panda frowned. Although he was still releasing his divine power to maintain the solid wall of light in front of him, he was already thinking about the "post-war" problem in his heart.

Although he must have been deceived into the pirate ship, Aaron is at least a technical backbone in this organization. There has always been a saying in the world that "the first evil must be dealt with, and threats are never prosecuted", but there is no such thing as "those who have been deceived into gangs will not be held accountable".

On the Liangshan Mountain, many people were tricked into joining the group. Are they not bandits?

(Perhaps, I can try to convince Aaron to set things right and help eliminate this evil organization. In that case, it's worth the merits and demerits, right?)

Panda thought so in his heart, but he was not sure.

Others are easy to deceive, but it is difficult to deceive yourself. He may be able to convince others with such a reason, but he cannot use it to convince himself.

Aaron's character, Panda understands. Except for the fellow travelers, this guy doesn't care about anyone else's life or death. The only difference between him and Long Biao and others is that Long Biao and the others will "where to go? Who to kill? How much to kill?" for experience points, and he generally does not waste his precious time doing inefficient killings.

...He will probably choose the next poison and poison everything that needs to be killed.

This situation is exactly what Panda cannot accept at all.

Although Long Biao and others are brutal, in fact they rarely target humans or innocent civilians - because that doesn't bring experience points. In fact, the current Long Biao and the others are almost completely harmless to the vast majority of creatures below level 40—the level difference is 20 levels, and if they can’t kill the experience points, they will not waste time on it.

But Aaron is different, he will never kill for experience. But just... like sitting at home and seeing a piece of dirt on the table, so I found a rag to wipe it clean, understatement and calm.

This kind of killing, cold and calm, is especially scary.

Panda believes that Aaron will never care whether he kills innocents or not, whether he is tricked into joining the group or not. Even... if it was helpful to his research, he would even take the initiative to kill a lot of people.

Killing the entire northern part of the Black Earth Continent, almost no one can be seen!

Thinking of this, Panda couldn't help but have a headache.

(what can we do about it?)

He pondered, maybe his brain was not smart enough, and he couldn't think of a way.

Time passed little by little, and the charging cavalry gradually decreased.

Although the recovered resources can be remanufactured into puppet soldiers through the production base, the manufacturing process is also lossy. The accumulation of losses bit by bit makes the number of puppet soldiers continue to decline.

In the distant headquarters, the commander who was temporarily promoted has grown his mouth and looked at the scene on the screen in disbelief.

"How... how is it possible?!" She muttered to herself, "It's been so long, he has resisted so many attacks, why hasn't his sorcery collapsed? What exactly is sorcery? Wizard, you should at least need to add witchcraft!"

The handsome leader stared blankly at everything in front of him without saying anything.

Today, his performance is very different than usual. Usually, he would never waste so much time watching the battle. Even if it was the "Battle of Thoreau Valley" that shook the entire Black Earth Continent, he only watched it for no more than half an hour, and he didn't even see his subordinates successfully lure the enemy into the defense. After attacking, he returned to the laboratory and continued his research.

And today, he has watched it for four or five hours.

The battle in front of him is absolutely incomparable to the battle of Thoreau Valley. A mere legendary great wizard is not worthy of his attention - not long ago, he just defeated a legendary great wizard who came from the red earth continent.

At that time, he also made an understatement, and soon returned to the laboratory.

In the memories of the wizarding apprentices or "former wizarding apprentices", he seemed to have no interest in anything but experimentation.

But today, although he is still very calm and seems to be indifferent, in fact, his attention to this battle has shocked all his subordinates!

The battle is still going on.

After a while, Panda suddenly woke up - he realized that no matter what he wanted to do, at least there was a big thing in front of him.

Destroy these weird soldiers, destroy this evil base and save the captured civilians!

Thinking of this, he shook his head, put aside all distractions, then raised his sword and stabbed the ground again.

"God's punishment!"

The golden thunder fell from the sky and completely swept away a large area around it.

This time, the bodies of the weird soldiers who were killed were trembling, but they were not able to melt, and lay there in a mess.

The panda strode out from the corpse, walked to a round building, and looked at a rune on the wall.

He could see that this was a rune for observation.

"Are you looking over here?" he said to the rune, or to someone on the other side of the rune, "get ready, I'll come to you soon. When the time comes, you must grit your teeth. , don't be beaten by me to cry!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't wait for the other party to reply, and slammed it out, turning the entire building into ruins.

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