Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1078: unsolvable problem

What should you do if your best friend makes a mistake?

Before crossing the earth, there was a famous emoticon package on the Internet called "Of course I forgive her.jpg".

However, Aaron is not a woman, and things are not as simple as wearing a green hat.

Panda doesn't know if he can forgive the cuckold question—he's never been wearing one, after all, but he finds it hard to forgive Aaron for what he did.

How many people are there in the entire northern part of the Black Earth Continent?

He is not sure, but no matter how few, there must be at least tens of millions of people, at least at least, there should be tens of millions of people, right?

The seven-figure population is now a fraction.

The three cities near the central part add up to no more than 300,000 people.

This is no longer a fraction of the problem, this is a fraction of the fraction!

Panda feels that this is absolutely unforgivable!

So his choice was to find Aaron and stop him!

For the rest, finish this one first.

Where is Aaron?

Must be at the headquarters of the mysterious organization.

Where is the headquarters of the mysterious organization?

do not know.

However, Panda can bet that as long as he destroys one base by one base, sooner or later he will find the headquarters of the mysterious organization, sooner or later he will find Aaron out of it, and sooner or later he will kill all those guys who lured him to learn bad!

As for any other other possibility!

Panda ruthlessly wiped out some of the thoughts that appeared in his mind, and then said to himself decisively.

There is no other possibility!

No! Have! do not! of! Can! can!

The rest of his life was very monotonous, searching, fighting, destroying, and searching again...and over and over again.

Days passed by like this, and more and more mysterious organization bases were destroyed by him.

However, he never found hope to solve the problem.

The kind of mysterious organization base that consists of several circular buildings and houses thousands to tens of thousands of puppet soldiers. It seems to be endless. No matter how much he destroys, there will be a steady stream of new ones. Make him feel exhausted.

Actually, this is not an illusion.

After a period of helplessness, the commanders of the mysterious organization finally came up with a solution.

Since that mighty cleric is keen to find their base and destroy it, make more bases!

Anyway, apart from the only general base, all other bases can be replaced, and none of them are indispensable. As long as there are enough resources, even as long as four or five days, they can create a new base.

…and several locations are working together.

As for each mysterious base, it would be good to place a few thousand inferior puppet soldiers symbolically. The kind of puppet soldiers who are made of recycled resources, lack intelligence and can only act as the lowest-level cannon fodder, they don't feel distressed no matter how much they die.

With the strong production capacity of this organization, once the decision is made, it is like the sparrows in the park and the woods are diarrhoea, hula la all over the floor.

Therefore, Panda found that although he has been working hard to eliminate it, no matter how it is eliminated, the base of the mysterious organization has not decreased, and there is even an increasing trend.

...One day, when he passed by the ruins of a mysterious organization base that he had destroyed before, but found that the ruins had been rebuilt into a base, he felt an indescribable sense of frustration.

I fought with other people, and I was invincible on the battlefield, and the other side was looking for teeth. But the only problem is that my destruction is not as fast as the other party's construction, what should I do?

Online and so on, urgent.

He told the question to the King of the Prairie, Nicholas Ivyin.

"No way, the gap in productivity is unsolvable." Ivyin replied, "You can't destroy the other party's construction faster than the other party's construction, then there is really no way. Even if I were you, in this case, I would like to There is no way to overcome the enemy and win - unless, you can find the headquarters of the opponent and directly launch a beheading attack on the opponent's leader."

"But I can't find their headquarters."

"I also think you can't find it. If you can find it, you won't come to me for help."

"So, I can only use it like this?"

"If you are single-handedly fighting against a huge organization, you can only use this method to cheat the opponent. You can already be proud." Ivyin advised, "If it is someone else, it may not be better than you. ."

Panda thought for a long time, and finally contacted Xingzhao.

"...The problem I'm currently encountering is roughly like this." He introduced it in detail, and then said, "To solve this problem, I don't think what I need is someone with strong combat power—similar to Long Biao, but someone who can help me deal with it. People from a mysterious organization."

"You want to find someone who can help you find the headquarters of the mysterious organization?"

"That's right!"

Xingzhao thought about it for a while and agreed.

Then, she said this in the group chat, emphasizing that "what Panda needs is someone who can help him find clues and finally find the headquarters of the mysterious organization."

Many people are very interested in this action, but they do not have the ability to help pandas.

There are indeed people who are good at searching, but no matter how good they are at searching, they are not sure that they are in a dark place, targeting a large-scale, productive force that can't keep up with the destruction of legendary powerhouses. Start with powerful organizations and find their headquarters.

Even... many people are wondering, does such an organization really have a "headquarters" at all?

"I remember when I was young, the world situation was tense, and everyone was worried about the third world war, and it was a nuclear war." Uncle Volibear, the oldest white bear in the transmigrator, recalled, "At that time, all countries in the world were Desperately building underground bunkers and building secret production and storage facilities. One of my elders was involved in the construction of a military factory in a mountain, and it was not until he was about to die that the military factory was declassified.”

“There is no place or person that is absolutely necessary for an organization with sufficient productivity. To beat it, you can only rely on more productivity to fight,” he concluded. “It can beat steel. Yes, just more steel."

Of course the panda couldn't get "more steel", and neither could the traversers.

If the battlefield is set in the Western World, they can also swarm up and play crowd tactics. But the wizarding world is very difficult to teleport because of the distance. Even if Xingzhao tried his best, he could only teleport one person after about a month.

Just one person, what did he do?

No, only one person can really do anything!

At least, that's what Yogg Shannon, the wishing warlock who stood up at this time, said.

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