Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1083: The end of the mysterious organization

The golden red pillar of fire descended from the sky, looking up from the ground, the vast sky seemed to have broken a big hole, and the endless flames were pouring down like a flood.

Many worlds have myths about the destruction of the world by floods. Although the reasons for the floods in different myths are different, the intensity of disasters is different, and people have different choices to deal with disasters, the fact that "the rolling flood falls from the sky" is the same in almost all myths. plot.

At this moment, the plot in the myth has clearly happened.

The difference is that in the mythology, what descends from the sky is a ruthless flood that destroys everything, but at this moment, what descends from the sky is a divine anger that washes away evil.

The celestial fire caused by the skill of divine scourge has a strong attribute. For evil, it is the fire of destruction that is irresistible; for good, it is the fire of healing.

The golden red pillar of fire fell and slammed heavily into the army of puppet soldiers. In the next instant, something amazing happened.

Almost half of the puppet soldiers stained by the golden-red flames did not even have time to react, and turned into flaming torches, which burned cleanly in an instant, leaving only a pile of ashes on the ground. Of the remaining half, more than half of them struggled hard, but they were still burned by the flames.

However, there are about one-tenth of the puppet soldiers. Although they were clearly burned by the fire caused by the scourge, they did not mean to struggle at all. On the contrary, their bodies shook violently, and the originally empty eyes appeared in their eyes. The brilliance of wisdom and humanity.

Those who will be left at the headquarters of the mysterious organization are of course elite puppet soldiers. They are all made of living people as materials, and inside their bodies, the souls of the victims still exist.

Although the wizarding world is generally a black world where evil has the upper hand and goodness suffers everywhere, even in such a world, there are still many good people.

Some of these people who were made into puppet soldiers could be called kind people.

Although, not many.

When these puppet soldiers encountered the sacred fire from the heaven, the sacred flame not only did not harm them, but helped them break the **** and healed the distortion of their bodies and souls.

In other words, they were cured all at once, and although they were still the puppet soldiers of the mysterious organization in terms of "character image and ability", in fact, they had been freed from the control of the mysterious organization and returned to freedom.

Although they have lost a lot, at least they are alive and have powers that were impossible to have in the past.

For them, everything is still too late, and they can start all over again.

Even, as long as they get out of the shadows in their hearts, most of their future lives will be smoother and more successful than before!

"I can't believe that the scourge actually has such an effect..." Yuge slapped the light's dragon wings, far away from the falling sacred flame of scourge, and sighed sincerely, "It really deserves to be something from the heavens, in the 'reward' "Good punishing evil" is much better than "Zhang San Li Si" in martial arts novels!"

Although his strength is not strong, his vision is not weak. Since ancient times, "punishment" has been much easier than "reward", and once the "reward" can be done well, it can often exert a powerful force. During the Warring States Period, the key to Qin's victory over the Six Kingdoms was the It lies in being able to implement the "rewards"; the key to the establishment of new China is to allow the workers and peasants who support them to get real benefits... There are many similar examples.

The people are not fools. No matter what your slogan is, they only take practical actions.

Why in the Western Land World, the clergy, especially the clergy of the good camp, can get widespread support from the people? A very important reason is that through their actions, the people have benefited and the interests of the people have been safeguarded.

In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that most of the clergy's ideas were so pure that they could hardly eat human fireworks, they would have been able to overthrow the rule of kings, nobles and lords and establish the kingdom of gods on earth by virtue of the advantages of their hearts.

... But then again, if they are not pure stubborn stubborn stubbornness, how can they never degenerate and never degenerate, and always walk on the path of kindness and justice?

In the world, there are always pros and cons.

In the wizarding world, although there will be priests born because they can connect to the heavens, the priests are often attacked by the forces of various factions, and they often die before they grow up.

A cleric who can grow enough to release the scourge may not have appeared in this world.

Therefore, the commanders of the mysterious organization were stunned when the holy flame of the scourge fell.

"What sorcery is this?"

Watching the billowing flames fall from the sky and feeling the power of kindness and justice contained in the flames, more than one commander exclaimed.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that "hatred is like hatred". In fact, hatred is relative. Although good warriors are jealous of evil, most of the evil guys are also jealous of goodness. Once they see a good person, they must not help but get rid of them.

This kind of thing, not to mention in the wizarding world with a worrying moral level, even in the earth with a higher moral level, also exists.

Don't you see, whenever there are good people and good deeds, there will inevitably be a few people who will jump out and poking badly. It was as if the filth in his heart would overflow and drown him if he didn't pour some dirty water on those brave, honest, kind, and selfless people.

Those wizard apprentices who will join the mysterious organization in order to survive for some time are naturally not good people - there is absolutely no good people in the world who command the army to kill millions of innocent civilians. Therefore, when they saw the holy fire of divine scourge, the first thing they felt was panic and fear.

It was like seeing a mouse with a natural enemy.

And when they found that the army of puppet soldiers who had been very strong and reliable all along had been wiped out under the flames of divine scourge, but the remaining ones were completely out of control, and their hearts were even more panicked.

What is even more terrifying is that through the monitoring tools, they can clearly see that the billowing flames are flowing towards them along the hidden passages!

At this time, I don't know who it is, and suddenly shouted.

"Go find the leader!"

The commanders woke up like a dream and rushed to the laboratory of the leader. This time, they didn't care that they would be punished for disturbing the experiment, and quickly broke the door of the laboratory.

However, there was nothing inside the gate, just an empty room.

Unwilling to give up, they searched hard, and finally found the underground secret room when the holy fire was about to burn in front of them.

In the process of being devoured by the sacred fire, they saw the scene inside the secret room.

A teleportation array that has apparently just been used for a while, and is still flickering faintly...

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