Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1086: young dragon slayer

There is a vast glacier near the sea in the northwest part of the West Land World.

The temperature here is not very low. In midsummer (assuming that the time when the ice and snow is a little warmer can also be called "midsummer"), there will be some small-scale green spaces in the glacier, and there are many such as snow deer, snow fox Such creatures thrive here, adding life to the cold world.

But now, these sights are invisible, because it is winter, and it is the coldest season of the year. At this time, not to mention the cold seaside glaciers, even in the warmer Molai area, people usually like to huddle in the house and do not like to go out.

In this season, the Mermaid Kingdom and the South China Sea Kingdom in the South China Sea are probably the only ones with a pleasant climate. In fact, many rich people in the mainland like to go to the South China Sea in winter, and go to the Northland in summer to enjoy the good days like spring in all seasons.

Of course, an important premise for enjoying this kind of life is that you not only have money, but also a certain amount of strength. With the help of the teleportation array to cross most of the Western World, the burden is too great for ordinary people, which often leads to Multiple injuries, including extremely dangerous visceral bleeding.

Although these can be treated, the efficiency is not bad if they are treated with magic, but toss out an internal injury just to avoid the cold and summer, it is a bit suspicious that the brain is missing.

Interestingly, there are quite a few people in this world who have less brains. The Church of the Goddess of Water has set up treatment centers near the official teleportation formations around the world, providing paid treatment to those who are sick and injured from the teleportation formations, and the profits are quite lucrative.

It is said that the Holy Knight Semiramis, who originally proposed and presided over this idea, has become a new generation of Pope by virtue of this merit-although folks say that she has accumulated a huge amount of money by running a song and dance troupe for many years. Wealth bribed most of the top of the church to be crowned the pope.

...Actually, the Pope's throne of the Church of the Goddess of Water is really worthless. This church is not a powerful organization with a strict and orderly structure like the Church of God of War or the Church of God of Order. Its structure is quite loose. Besides the crown, there is no more authority or status.

However, for Semiramis himself, the crown and its symbolism were the most important value.

Back then, she stepped into the legendary realm with this, although... in her legendary skill tree, the performance department is the main one, and the priest department is only auxiliary.

At this moment, in the ice and snow, there is a large-scale team, trudging hard against the whistling north wind.

They all wore heavy armor, and the light of magic flashed on the armor, which not only helped them resist the cold, but also resolved the power of the wind, allowing them to move more easily. But even so, the large amount of supplies they were carrying was enough to make them extremely tired.

To make matters worse, for some reason, the camel beast cannot be used here at all, and all things can only be carried by people. Ordinary supplies are fine and can be stored in space items, but many special items cannot be included in space items.

Although they were all strong, they were still sweating from exhaustion. Sweat was transported to the end of the scarf by the enchanted clothes, and turned into ice beads that fell to the ground to ensure the warmth of the body.

"Princess Sonia, are we really going to challenge the ice dragon this season?" Norton Spike, the team's vice-captain and one of the four commanders of the South Sea Kingdom's palace guards, couldn't help but persuade him again. "I don't think this is a wise decision!"

"It's just a street dragon that has been beaten several times. What's there to be afraid of?" The only person in the team who wasn't wearing heavy armor was a beautiful girl with long blue hair and golden eyes. Golden scales are distributed on both sides of her neck, and there is a wonderful and breathtaking rhythm in her voice. If there are adventurers who are familiar with various magical creatures here, they will be able to recognize her immediately.

She is a merman, or at least a creature with strong merman blood. Considering that when a merman is mixed with other species, the merman lineage is often severely weakened, so she is mostly a purebred merman. If you consider the feature of the golden scales on both sides of her neck, she is likely to be the royal family "Golden Scales" of the Mermaid Kingdom.

Since the "Bold Girl" who visited the mainland regularly in the past years became the queen of mermaids, mermaids like this have rarely appeared on the mainland, let alone in the north.

In today's world, as a family of golden scales, there is only such a person who will often appear on the Western Continent.

The common princess of the South China Sea Kingdom and the Mermaid Kingdom, the bond that links the two kingdoms of the South China Sea, has the most noble inheritance in the world, and may be the girl of the most powerful blood, the mermaid princess of dragon blood, Sonia Brenney Sea Dragon.

She inherited from her father the blood of an ancient dragon capable of commanding scaly creatures, the beauty and talent of a merman from her mother, and learned terrifying spells from her teacher. When she was on the sea, even if she was a thousand troops, she could not match her.

Many people say that if it wasn't for her young age and not fully grown up, she should be the overlord of the entire sea.

The title "Future Aquaman" has long been hailed by many bards.

And now, the future Sea King is leading an elite force under his father, trying to complete an adventure that fits his status.

Dragon slaying.

Famous Adventurer, Conservator, Ranger of the Wilderness, Founder of Dark Cuisine, Scholar who always rode a giant black saber-toothed tiger and spent more time with pen and spoon than knife Mr. Ersse once introduced the giant dragons in the world today in his book "Dragons in this World". In his introduction, the most suitable dragon in the world today is the one located in the northwest of the mainland.

Strange dragon, immortal, king of frost, minions of destruction, moving blizzard, shadow of the north, Dorenkars.

This is a very strange dragon, it has more power than ordinary dragons, and a strange life that never dies. You can defeat it and kill it according to the normal dragon slaying method, but you cannot get any trophies from it, because after it dies, its huge body will collapse suddenly, turning into countless snow and ice, sprinkled all over the ground, leaving no trace trace.

For this reason, except for some warriors who want to prove their strength, almost no one will try to challenge this terrifying existence.

From its appearance to the present, in just over ten years, it has turned the area of ​​more than 3,000 miles northwest of the mainland into its territory, and it has also attracted many challengers.

And today, there is a new challenger.

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