Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1111: new battle plan

In the fierce battlefield, a calm area appeared strangely around the pandas.

Not far away, an army of devils who came from a rough background was mingling with Aaron's army of bugs.

In the distance, nine of the ten legions under "Dark Horse" Simonli are fighting, and the remaining one is retreating.

Farther away, more than twenty demon legions were still besieging Giant Tree Cliff.

Only they are very calm here, and there is no fighting at all.

... Of course there was no fight, the other side of the fight was already dead.

It can be seen from this that the most effective way to quell a fight is to kill one side of the fight, as the traversers often say when they make fun of it-violence cannot solve problems, but it can solve the people who created them.

However, there are many more people who create problems.

After resting for a while, Panda felt that his spirit was almost recovered, so he proposed to continue fighting.

Jafar objected, saying: "You've done enough, now you need more rest. Only when you're fully recovered can you fight again."

"I'm almost recovered," Panda said.

"It's still a long way off!" Jafar shook his head again and again, "Your breath has just stabilized, and now it can be regarded as a recovery, but how much it has recovered is uncertain."

"...I really recovered almost."

Jafar just shook his head.

He has carefully analyzed the situation on the battlefield. If the previous situation of the Giant Tree Cliff was precarious, the situation has stabilized now. Losing Simonli and the ten elite legions under his command, as well as more miscellaneous troops, the pressure on the giant tree cliff's defense line has been greatly reduced. If nothing else, the angel army guarding the giant tree cliff is enough to support it until The demons retreat until exhausted.

Moreover, the dragon slayer Panda was just exhausted from the fierce battle, and he could fully recover after resting for a while. With his power and the strange spell of the great magician of Aaron, it is enough to contain a lot of demons and make a greater contribution to the war situation.

Not only that, on the way here, the dragon slayer had contacted his friends, and his friends would come to help. Although I don't know who that friend is, but who is qualified to be his friend and can gain his trust, and who feels that he is enough to take on the task of "helping", he is definitely not weak.

As long as you wait for a while, wait for that friend to arrive, and everyone unites, we will definitely be able to achieve greater results!

With the strength of a few people, it is enough to be able to do this. There is no reason to fight with a tired body, and the current situation is not that urgent.

As the middle-level commander of the Angel Legion, every holy angel has a certain tactical literacy, and they will never do things that mothers and mothers procrastinate.

Seeing him so determined, Panda sighed and said nothing, just sat down and rested.

After a short rest, his private chat channel lit up.

"I saw the Giant Tree Cliff, **** it! What a big scene!" You can feel Redding's excitement through the text, "I know it can be fun to kill!"

"Wait, come and meet us first."

"Meet? Is it necessary? Just find a place where there are many people and kill them. I have an axe, and they have necks, so that's all there is to it." Redding said with some puzzlement, "Isn't our tradition 'to be reckless first'? ?"

"...I've been reckless."

"Ah? Are you so efficient?"

"I have also killed one of the three demon kings here."

"Ah?! You are moving too fast!"

"Now the demon army on my side has dissipated, and the team is about to disintegrate. If you come over, let's join forces and get him a demon king."

"Damn it! Say it earlier!" Redding, who was running towards this side in a hurry, jumped and turned into a mighty lion, with red flames on his body, spreading his four claws, and clouds under his feet. Roaring towards the coordinates Panda gave him.

Killing demons is of course very refreshing, but killing ordinary demons is nowhere to be found in killing demon kings!

Most of the traversers wanted to kill one or two demon kings, but most of the demon kings were in the army. Even if they wanted to kill, they did not break through the encirclement beforehand and rushed in front of the demon kings.

Even if they did their best to rush in front of the Demon King, the Demon King's personal guards would not be able to sit back and watch them go head-to-head with the Demon King.

This is like when Jing Ke stabbed the King of Qin. If it was one-on-one, the King of Qin would have died long ago. However, there were a large number of Qin King's helpers in the hall. No matter how daring and careful Jing Ke was, he couldn't fight one group at a time.

A group of people have gathered around to "fight" with you. Even if you have a dagger, what's the use?

That dagger doesn't know if there are other people who use it in court!

Although the dagger is made of iron, and the chao wat is made of bamboo or ivory, it can also be used as a weapon...

It was Sima Qian, a man who wrote history in the same style as a novel, so he portrayed the scene as if Jing Ke had some advantage - he would just stop the food without stabbing the dagger, okay? Is it true that the King of Qin has no servants? Are the ministers not coming?

The palace is just a little bit big in total, okay?

It is even more difficult for the traversers to assassinate the Demon King Yu Wanjun than Jing Ke's assassination of King Qin - King Qin can only come back to cut people after others have already put Jing Ke on the ground. The Demon Kings are one-on-one. Can play with them for a long time.

Therefore, the opportunity to kill the Demon King like this time is definitely very rare.

Reading has also participated in dozens of wars in heaven and hell, big and small, and it is the first time he has encountered the opportunity to kill the Demon King.

With the whistling of the wind and the roar of the lion, a crimson fire rolled in, and soon came to the pandas and the others.

Then, the fire light dissipated, and the lion-headed Redding appeared. He looked around excitedly and asked loudly, "Where's the Demon King?"

"What devil?" Panda asked back.

"That's what you said just now, you were beaten to death..."

"...When you die, of course you will turn into light and disappear." Panda replied, "Under normal circumstances, the Demon King doesn't leave a corpse behind, don't you know?"

Redding came back to his senses, touched his head, and asked, " didn't get any trophies?"

"Does the Simonly horse count?"

"Of course! Where?" Redding became excited again, "That horse is definitely a good thing, you can drag it to breed, and it won't take long for everyone to have a **** horse to ride!"

Facing his excited smile, Aaron said lightly: "It's dead, but the corpse remains. If you want a warhorse with its bloodline, give me a few months, and I should be able to extract it from the corpse. The bloodline gene, transforming the horse with its bloodline."

Redding was a little disappointed at first, then nodded again and again.

After thinking for a while, he became excited again: "Since the Demon King's war horse can do it, what about the Demon King's own bloodline?"

Aaron turned his head to look at him, with a flash of surprise and approval in his eyes: "This idea is very interesting! It's a topic worthy of study..."

Seeing the glowing eyes of their two eyes, the panda couldn't help but stroked their foreheads.

That's the way the traversers are. Once they find something they are interested in, they will immediately stop asking other questions regardless of the occasion.

In other words, in the eyes of most traversers, the sky and the earth are not as big as their own interests. "Interesting" is the most important thing, and nothing else matters.

Fortunately, he is here.

Fortunately, Redding and Aaron were still willing to listen to his advice.

Fortunately, what they are going to do now is exactly the same direction that these two are interested in.

"We're all here now." He looked at Jafar, who was stunned. "Then, it's time for you to use your brains to find a solution."

"How?" Jafar asked blankly.

"Of course, so that we can rush in smoothly, find a demon king to come out, and let everyone besiege him." Panda said, "I believe you can definitely find a way."

Jafar froze for a moment, then sighed.

"Okay, I'll find a way."

He stopped talking, and carefully observed the movements of the Hell Legion. There was a strange light flowing in his eyes, and his face was thoughtful and worried for a while, and sometimes he smiled, but then it turned into thinking.

After at least ten minutes, Panda and Aaron didn't care, and Redding had been waiting a little anxiously before he closed his eyes and calmed his mind.

After a few more seconds, he let out a long breath, opened his eyes, and smiled.

"Our strength alone is not enough." He said, "However, we can get in touch with the Giant Tree Cliff and ask them to cooperate with us."

Panda's eyes lit up, but before he could speak, Redding hurriedly asked, "What should I do?"

Jafar glanced at him and wanted to explain, but stopped again: "Leave this to me, I'm ready, I'll let you know."

Redding nodded again and again, while Panda laughed secretly - it seems that Jafar also saw through Redding's character at a glance, and knew that this brother was not someone who could listen to explanations slowly.

So Jafar took out a communication tool and sent a message using the password inside the Angel Legion.

After a few seconds, the white gem began to flash, and the light suddenly became stronger and weaker according to a specific frequency.

This is an internal communication method that can only be used by angels. The strength of the light has nothing to do with the content of the password. The people in the strategy team had planned to analyze this password, but it took a lot of time and effort in vain. discovered the truth.

In the library, he saw a video of a white gem glowing, and asked curiously, "This is a battle plan to attack Blackwater City. Are you going to join the war?"

He Yin, the librarian who was sluggish because the "deciphering" work was not smooth, jumped up and asked what was going on, and then the little guy who was slower than Jinsi Nanmu asked blankly: "That's not clear and simple. Right? That's what the flash means."

Harmony spent a lot of time and paid a lot of money (mainly entertaining the little guy), and finally figured out what he meant.

Every angel, even a half-blooded angel, can immediately understand the meaning of the light when he sees it - and this meaning has nothing to do with the change in the strength of the light itself.

Why does the light change in intensity? Who knows, maybe it's a side effect of the subpoena...

Panda is neither a half-blood angel, nor does he have the idea of ​​trying to crack the angels' means of communication, so he can only choose to wait patiently.

After a while, Jafar put away the communication gem, nodded, and said to them: "We have already discussed, wait for the army of Giant Tree Cliff to take the initiative to attack the forty-first Demon Lord 'Sea Hurricane' Fogallo's position. Fogallo will definitely not be able to help at that time, and we will take advantage of that time to attack, and there will probably be a certain chance to rush in front of him."

"But what about after rushing in front of him?" Panda asked. "With just the few of us, it's impossible to kill the Demon King under the siege of the Guards."

Jafar smiled: "After rushing in front of him, you just need to buy me a few seconds, and I will be responsible for creating the opportunity for you to besiege the Demon King."

Panda frowned, looked at him for a while, then nodded and said nothing.

He already understood what Jafar meant.

After a while, the Angel Legion of Giant Tree Cliff broke out of the line of defense and took the initiative to attack.

The direction of their attack is another demon army.

"Bow of Dispute" Lelagin saw the Angel Legion attack and storm the position of the Fugalo Legion, and his face changed immediately.

He had fought for so many years and had a lot of experience, and he immediately understood what the angels meant.

"Fugalo, be careful!" He immediately sent a letter to Fugalo, "The angels are afraid that they will use a strong attack as a cover and send a small force to attack you!"

The demon king with eagle wings flicked the lion's tail behind him, and replied nonchalantly, "Understood, I will let the personal guards stay by my side and stay close to each other."

After finishing the call, he shook his head and issued an order to the guards beside him.

"No matter what the situation is, you must stay by my side," he said. "No matter what the situation is, in short, you must stay here and never leave!"

The members of the Demon King's personal guard immediately answered in unison, "Yes!"

Looking at these powerful and orderly high-level demons, Fogallo showed a satisfied smile.

With the protection of this group of personal guards, no matter who is looking for trouble, don't try to kill him!

The 41st-ranked Demon King is already extremely powerful. In one-on-one terms, there are not many strong people who can defeat him, and even fewer can kill him. If you add this group of helpers, no one will be able to win against him unless a powerhouse at the level of the Seven Sovereigns makes a move.

Not to mention killing him, it is not that easy to escape from him.

With the help of the Guards, even in the face of the Seven Sovereigns, he has the confidence to fight a battle. If the opponent is a little weaker, say... like Leelagin, he can even kill the opponent in reverse.

What's more, even if the situation is not good, he can at least leave the personal guards behind and take the opportunity to escape...

Guards or something, isn't that what they use!

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