Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1151: How to deal with the Dragon Minions of Doom

The next day, the traversers held a conference to discuss things about the Dragon of Doom.

If there is only an example of the ice dragon Doreno Kars, everyone can comfort themselves by saying "it's just an accident", but with the example of Barbarossa, there is no way to comfort yourself in this way.

One example is accidental, what about two?

"If nothing else, we will soon find the third, fourth... and even more creatures eroded by the breath of the dragon of doom." Sanyu said in a deep voice, "These guys are immortal and immortal, just Even the scourge can't purify them, and the battle with them will be a never-ending battle!"

"If that's the case, there's nothing to be afraid of." Locke said, "Heaven and **** have been fighting for so many years, and I haven't seen any problems. Even if those guys are immortal, the number is limited. The big deal is that we have a pair. As soon as we stare at them, as soon as they come back to life, we will kill them. That way, no matter how weird they are, don't try to make trouble."

"But... who knows how many of them there will be?" Eric said worriedly. "If the number is small, it can be dealt with one-on-one, but if the number is large, what should I do?"

"Maybe we can consider sealing them." Panda thought for a while and said, "Immortal doesn't mean that they can't be sealed. Can the Dragon of Doom itself be sealed? I'm not sure. But these are just the Dragon of Doom. There's no reason why the guy with aura erosion can't be sealed."

"That's right!" Sanyu nodded. "The big deal is that we have prepared the seal of time and space. That seal can even be sealed by the 'Hell Star' Rahab for thousands of years, and it will definitely work against the minions of the Dragon of Doom."

Eric thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

This matter is settled like this, as for the cost of the time-space seal... For the traversers, this is the only thing that does not need to be considered at all.

In order to defeat the Dragon of Doom, cost is not an issue at all. After all, if there is no way to defeat it, the whole world will perish, do you need to think about anything else?

It's like the time of life and death for the country, who has time to think about humanitarian or economic interests?

A person who is about to be drowned has to hold on to a straw, let alone anything else!

After deciding on this matter, Ge Li Cao took the "Aspect of the Four Seas" to the waters of Skull Island to replace the panda guard.

A panda who has cast "God's Wrath" will be weak for a long time, at least for half a year, he will not be able to exert his full strength.

Moreover, Ge Li Trough and his crew are definitely not weak. The few people on that boat are all members of the traveler group who are close to the front line. Maybe they are not Panda's opponents one-on-one, but if a group of people play together, Panda will definitely not be able to beat them.

Regarding the matter of "guarding Barbarossa's corpse", the one who is most enthusiastic is not Ge Li, but the summoner Don Quixote.

In previous battles, the harpy Harpy he summoned and the ice queen Siva were both killed by Barbarossa - although Harpy was killed by the pirates on the ghost ship, so was he. Put the blame on Barbarossa. Although these summoned creatures don't actually die, the weakening time after death is very long, and once they die, their favorability with him will drop once. I don't know how much time and energy it takes to increase favorability again. return.

Therefore, Don Quixote really hated Barbarossa to the core, and wished to arrest this **** bald man, hang him from a tree and beat him repeatedly with a cactus ball, and give him one of the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty.

As soon as he heard that he was going to replace the panda to guard the Skull Island area and wait for the pirate king Barbarossa who might be resurrected, he immediately became excited like a chicken blood, and shouted "I'm not on vacation."

Originally, Ge Li planned to rest for a month or two after the war, but Don Quixote was in such a hurry, so he wouldn't have the cheek to rest. As a result, Across the Four Seas only arrived at the port for a few days, and then set off again to the place where the pandas had been guarding for more than half a year.

"By the way, there is a room I prepared on the bottom of the sea there." Just as the Aspect of the Four Seas hurried on their way, Aaron suddenly contacted Ge Li through private chat and said, "There is a box in the room, and I have used spells. It's sealed. Don't let your curiosity get in the way and open the box."

Ge Li was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what he meant. Although the weather in the South China Sea was warm, he couldn't help shedding a cold sweat.

"Don't worry! We won't touch your stuff!" He immediately assured, "I swear! I will never unseal the box without authorization!"

"That's good. In fact, there is nothing particularly valuable in the box, know, some personal items. Many people don't like others to use their own toothbrushes, their own clothes, their own shoes..." Aaron He explained, "Roughly, that's how it works. You can borrow money, but you can't borrow cars."

Ge Li gave him a smile, but he cursed inwardly.

(I believe you have a ghost! What a **** 'car can't be borrowed', your box is definitely filled with all kinds of heart-wrenching things! I'm not crazy, so I won't look at those disgusting things!)

Many years ago, Ge Li visited Aaron's laboratory out of curiosity.

Since then, he has kept Aaron at a distance, even when he is eating.

Of course, Panda was completely unaware of this private negotiation. He was weak because of the scourge, and he could only rest in peace during this time. Considering that it is boring to be idle, he thought for a while and decided to temporarily transfer to a house party and live in the castle for a while.

The living conditions in the "Crossing the Earth" castle are very good. There are dormitories for the travelers here. In each dormitory, they can automatically change into various shapes according to their wishes.

Most of the passers-by turned the dormitory into the room before they passed through. For example, the panda's dormitory is a small room with a bedroom, a small living room, and a bathroom. It looks the same as the one on earth. A small apartment rented by a single youth makes no difference.

And Aaron's room is a large study room. The study room is full of reference books that he has used on earth, and the shelves are piled up one by one. As for his own bed, it was a reclining chair in the study, and a sleeping bag on the reclining chair.

For the travelers, this small dormitory is almost the only connection they have with the earth. Therefore, even the prodigal sons of the local tyrants would often return to the castle and live in the dormitory for a period of time.

Without him, homesick.

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