Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 127: Tarakhan's Wanted

Changsun Wu was not surprised when the panda only bought a small amount of wax.

He just smiled and said, "It seems that the main body of the model is still made of clay."

The panda blushed a bit, but fortunately, it was not obvious through the thick fur.

Changsun Wu accepted the wax, which means that there is really nothing to be busy here. If the panda is still in a hurry, he might as well go to the village chief and ask what tasks he can do.

So the panda went to the village chief. The village chief said that the village is now very safe, very stable, very comfortable, and there is nothing to ask for help. Thinking about it, the troublemaker has lived here for almost two months. Of course, everything is done, and there may still be some leftovers!

What's more, not all the troublemakers left. For example, Changsun Wu didn't leave, and the brothers and sisters Jian Shisan and Xingzhao also stayed here.

The reason they stay here is because of Xingzhao, Xingzhao's profession is a sage witch, and the sage class has a special ability, that is, you can gain experience points by watching "historical events", and there are still a lot of them.

In the game, this ability was only introduced in the 80th-level era, in order to attract new players. A novice, as long as you choose the sage class, and then go through the process to read the main storyline of the entire game from Chapter 1 to Chapter 8, you can upgrade to level 60 and reincarnate. And after reincarnation, the grand picture scroll of this game is really opened.

It only takes about three hours to reincarnate by this method. If it is sent in RMB, it can be further shortened to a little more than an hour. However, the level 60 raised in this way, the combat effectiveness is pitifully low, and there is no equipment for any quest rewards, just as a spectator to learn about "what kind of stories happened in the past".

Of course, Xingzhao is not a sage who has not been reincarnated, but she has passed through, and the "historical spectator" skill, which had been invalid after reincarnation, started to work again. Participating in the battle to destroy the demon altar not long ago earned her a lot of bystander experience points, so now she is resolutely reluctant to leave, and she must wait and watch the big play in Tarakhan City.

She refused to leave, and Jian Shisan certainly wouldn't leave either. So the two stayed in the village, plus the eldest grandson Wu, who had to build armor, and the "crazy study" who went out during the day and came back at night mysteriously all day long, and Wusian and Heyin, who were originally more than 20 people. The team, the last ones left were just a few of them.

With such a shortage of manpower, it's no wonder Wumian was so anxious that he kept urging Panda to bring the support team here.

Now that the support team had arrived, his mood suddenly relaxed, and he seemed calm when designing the action plan—to put it bluntly, he began to procrastinate.

Because he couldn't find the quest in the village, the panda simply went to Tarakhan City to have a look. The guard at the gate of the city happened to be the one he had seen when he entered the city that day. Seeing that his face was still shabby, and the armor on his body was even more worn, he shook his head and confiscated his entrance tax as usual.

"Boss, I always feel that if this big guy keeps messing around like this, I'm afraid he won't starve to death on the streets, or just turn his career to become a robber." After Panda entered the city, he heard a soldier say to the captain, "Should we strike first? To be strong, arrest him?"

"If you want to catch someone else, I won't do such a dangerous thing! Remember, we are paid to live, unless the knife is cut in front of us and we can't hide, otherwise the big things have nothing to do with us!"

"I see! I see!"

"It's good to understand, you are still young, and there is still a lot to learn!"

Panda laughed secretly, shook his head, and went straight away.

But the city defense officer has nothing to do for him, such as stable patrols outside the city. The city defense officer said that there is a fixed mercenary team to do it; unstable ones, such as chasing and killing monsters, etc. There are no monsters or murderers to hunt down.

"Actually, there is a mission." Panda asked again and again, the city defense officer Xu was impatient, looked at him and said, "Recently, near a town not far north of Tarakhan City, a group of adventurers were killed. .According to the survivors, the murderer was a necromancer named 'Locke', that necromancer could summon ghosts, and could easily use teleportation or shadow concealment. If you are not afraid of death, you might as well investigate it. ."

Panda was stunned. Of course he knew what was going on, but he never thought that such a thing would become a task.

It feels... It's like in the original game, when I was doing the "Chasing and Killing Wanted Criminals" quest, it was not the NPC wanted criminals refreshed by the system that I wanted to hunt down, but other popular players.

Of course he wouldn't take this task and replied, "I'm not tired of living yet, working against a necromancer? Do you think I'm that good?"

"Of course not. In fact, even a regular team of adventurers is unwilling to take on this task." The city defense officer sighed, "That adventure team is relatively well-known, often doing pioneering tasks and exterminating several barbarian tribes. , As for the monsters destroyed, there are even more. Even they were wiped out, and even many of them were found to have committed suicide after autopsy... Unless we dispatch the army, I am afraid that there is no way to take the necromancer. ."

"Then what are you going to do?" Panda asked.

"That's not what you should know." The city defense officer's tone was tight, and he immediately stopped the conversation.

Panda walked out of the official residence with a little worry and went to the hotel where he was willing to host him last time. After paying three times the accommodation fee, he finally rented another room.

"Orcs are really inconvenient..." Coming to the room, he shook his head and sighed when he saw the dim lighting conditions and the apparent lack of adequately made beds.

Sitting down, closing the door, he used a private chat to contact Tiger.

[Panda: The last time I killed people, the follow-up is very troublesome. Tarakhan City has issued your wanted notice. 】

[Tiger: I did nothing wrong! 】

[Panda: Don't get excited, I just said, you'd better not come near Tarakhan City in the near future. 】

[Tiger: What am I going to do in Tarakhan City? I'm concentrating on my cultivation now. After I can skillfully manipulate the three magic swords, I'll go to the northernmost part of the Tara Khan Territory to combat the so-called "pioneering" behavior of invading barbarians! 】

[Panda: ...then you are on the opposite side of the Tarakhan people. 】

[Tiger: Opposites are opposites, and a person must always be reasonable. If I don't help those who are invaded, do I in turn help the aggressors! 】

[Panda: You don't have to be so excited, I have nothing against you. 】

[Tiger: During this time, a lot of people laughed at me. Some people said that I didn’t distinguish between right and wrong, and even helped evil races. Some people said that I was a virgin **** who pretended to be a good person when I was ready to kill people. It's unreasonable, and I use my own morality to ask others... I'm not convinced! Help the invaded and destroy the invaders, where is the problem! 】

[Panda: If you say that, I have nothing to refute. But... have you ever thought that in the northernmost part of the Tarakhan Territory, not only the pioneers attacked the barbarians, but also the barbarians attacked the village of the pioneers. What if you encounter a barbarian attacking a pioneer village? 】

[Tiger: Treat it the same! 】

[Panda: What do you mean? 】

[Tiger: I figured it out, their historical grievances and past blood feuds are none of my business! I just hate aggression, I just don't allow anyone to invade others in front of me! I want them to take the current line of actual control as the boundary, and no one is allowed to cross the boundary! 】

[Panda: You are on the opposite side of the two sides...]

[Tiger: So what? Anyway, it doesn't make sense for me to reason with them. They only recognize fists, so I will use my fists to reason with them! Whether it is pioneering or revenge, as long as it is to attack civilian villages, that is my target! 】

[Panda: Good luck. 】

[Tiger: Of course I will be lucky! The big deal is that I will be with them for the rest of my life! I want to see, who can beat my undead body that can be constantly upgraded! 】

After the private chat was over, Panda thought for a long time, and finally shook his head and sighed.

This guy Tiger chose a difficult road full of thorns and thorns. He could foresee how many difficulties and setbacks this guy would encounter along the way, but he really couldn't do it if he wanted to run to support him.

After all...he didn't approve of Tiger's idea.

In any case, peace is a good thing after all. If Tiger can really bring peace to the northern border of Tarakhan by himself, then no matter what position he takes or what means he uses, it is probably fine...

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