Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 237: Instructor Harry

According to the settings in the game, NPCs have various levels of "templates". The higher the level of the template, the higher the basic attributes of the NPC, the higher the growth rate, the more skills that can be learned, the more advanced, and often Triggering missions with better rewards has many benefits.

However, high-level templates are not common. The village level is green, the town level is blue, the city level is purple, the country level is gold, and the world level is colorful. Legend has it that there is an Ambilight final boss template on top of the colorful colors, which is unique to the Dragon of Doom. "Destroy the world", there is no second in the whole game.

The traversers had never seen the Dragon of Doom in those days, but they could be said to be familiar with the bosses of heaven and **** - after all, they went to brush people every week. The big guys on both sides are colorful templates, not only with high attributes, but also with many and fierce skills, which are indeed a mess.

After crossing, the traversers lost the ability to discern the friendliness of others, but they still had the ability to see templates. James - now it's time to call him Harry - with his purple name at the moment, means his template has risen.

In the words of some players who are keen on card games, the blue card has been transformed into a purple card. The next step is to make persistent efforts and strive for the second change to become a gold card, or simply jump directly to a color card.

In games, this kind of thing is not uncommon. For example, completing the special plot of a character - "Apprenticeship" and "Heroes" are the two most common forms - can often promote the promotion of this character template. .

Take James himself as an example. He first officially appeared in front of the players in the daily quests of the "Warcraft Crusade" series in Thrace. Players get the task from the "James Knight" in the barracks of Thrace City, and after completing the task, they go to him and the reward is not bad.

At that time, he was a blue card character.

Later, when the plot developed to the important branch "Ice Dragon Crusade", he formed a monster crusade unit and became "Commander Jaime Thrace". At this time, he changed from a blue card to a purple card.

After the completion of the ice dragon crusade, he became the "Dragon Slayer Jaime", a gold card character, and became a high-level executive of the Thracian Empire.

And after the time travel, the travelers have seen the template upgrade more than once - many travelers have accepted disciples, and their disciples often only need to study for a period of time, the template can be upgraded. Among them, the most worth mentioning is the emperor's disciple competition, which has been upgraded to the blue card, and the template is no less than the general knight lord.

Considering that Sai Li is still young, when he fully grows up, he will probably upgrade the template again - then he will be Zi Ka's dossier scholar, and he can be regarded as the No. 1 figure in the world, no longer that kind. Dispensable background characters.

Jaime's template upgrade is also in line with this principle - from ordinary knights to avengers who aim to kill the king, if such a huge change cannot promote the template upgrade, it seems not normal.

After the template upgrade, James - let's call him Harry - not only has undergone a huge change in appearance, but also has a significant improvement in strength. When he came to the city of Tarakhan, Antony appointed him as an instructor of the army, responsible for training elite soldiers. Sean (Li Xiao), who was originally part-timer for this job, was dissatisfied and insisted on forcing him to compete. As a result, the dignified level 35 legendary class "King of Ravens" actually beat nearly ten times in a one-on-one competition. Minutes later, relying on the advantage of strong mana, he knocked him down with a spell.

Harry, who lost, was not depressed, but happy. He expressed that he was very relieved to have such a strong colleague. Sean didn't complain when he saw that his nose was bruised and bruised. After thinking about it carefully, he felt that he seemed a little unreasonable. Instead, he felt sorry and gave him some homemade wound medicine.

As a result, this matter was spread by good people like Wang Tuhao. I don't know who started first. Once they appeared at the same time, someone in the group chat channel shouted "together, together".

Sean was angry and cursed.

Although she was a female night elf after crossing, she was a real man before crossing. The reason for choosing a female role is that "pinch a beautiful girl and play in a good mood", that's all.

The character image he pinched for himself is a reference to the famous virtual singer Weave. She is a woman with long white hair with a good figure and beautiful appearance. This character is of course pleasing to the eye when he is playing, and it is also quite eye-catching for others to look at after crossing, only he himself is very different. He was happy and often muttered, "I am such a handsome man, how could I become Ha Lixiu or Jin Xing?".

Often when she says this, she becomes depressed. If there is nothing to do, she can sit there and complain for a long time.

Fortunately, as long as there is something to do, she quickly returns to her normal self, curious, outgoing, playful, and straightforward.

This time, she was really **** off by the bad people who set up the CP, and she went everywhere to hunt down those who talk nonsense, killing several. It was only then that everyone realized that she really cared about gender issues, and they kept their mouths shut and never mentioned it again.

The arrival of Instructor Harry made the recruits led by Tarakhan very happy. Although Instructor Sean is beautiful and powerful, her training programs are really difficult for everyone to understand, such as long-distance running, queues, obstacle cross-country... What is the significance of these things to soldiers?

In contrast, the long and short weapon coordination, weapon pairing, and actual combat training that Instructor Harry admired was very appealing to them.

"It's a pity that Instructor Harry is a bit ugly, otherwise, it would be good to introduce my sister and sister to him..." More than one person said this.

Honestly, Instructor Harry is indeed a bit ugly.

His eyes were deeply sunken, with thick dark circles, his nose collapsed to almost flat, not a single eyebrow could be seen on his squinted eyes all day long, and his short white hair was messy and withered, showing from the outside. A feeling of despair.

Although he is very capable, seems to be quite rich, and is highly regarded by the count, but this appearance... Unless he has a grudge against his own sister or sister, no one wants to marry him.

Instructor Harry himself doesn't care about this. He is very diligent in training martial arts in addition to training soldiers.

Originally, he mainly practiced swordsmanship, but after Instructor Sean told him something in private, he stopped practicing swords and switched to bows and javelins.

When he practiced martial arts, everyone would keep away from him, because the eyes he looked at the target were so vicious and cruel, it was as if he had a **** feud with the target, but if he looked at him at that time, he was a daring person. It will feel creepy, and the faint-hearted will even have nightmares.

Although Instructor Harry has minor flaws in appearance and habits, his abilities are beyond doubt. Since his arrival, the training of the new army led by Tarakhan has immediately reached a new level. In the competition at the New Year's Festival, this group of new army actually fought on a par with the veterans who survived the crusade against the demons.

Considering they've only been in the army for less than a year, that's pretty impressive!

However, when the news was sent to the earl, the earl was not in a good mood.

"Hey... the storm is turbulent, it's not me and I!" He looked up at the northern sky and sighed deeply, "I don't know if we can train a really reliable and strong army before the war comes. Come……"

There is a reason for his sigh.

A few days before the new year, the Kingdom of Thrace launched a surprise attack on the Kingdom of Leyton, located in the northern part of the western continent. In just a few days, the army hit the capital of the Kingdom of Leyton, defeated and subdued this one with a history older than itself. nation.

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