At two o'clock in the middle of the night, the panda was woken up by the system alarm clock - the game system has many intimate functions, and the alarm clock is one of them.

He sat up and looked at it, the bonfire made of magic was still burning unhurriedly, providing enough warmth inside the tent. Relying on the magical protection of guarding the camp, the tents that were temporarily set up did not have any problems, and played a good role in sheltering from the wind.

At the entrance of the tent, next to the bonfire, Feng Huang with a white horn was reading a book.

He stood up and walked to Feng Huang's side: "Why don't you take a break?"

"I'm a little worried, I can't sleep." Feng Huang said, "Thinking about that army, my heart is not at ease."

"No matter how powerful the enemy is, it's nothing more than a battle. What's wrong with that?" Panda asked.

"I can't tell." Feng Huang sighed, "As you said, no matter how powerful the enemy is, it's just a frontal fight. We are all immortal, even if we are smashed into a puddle of meat. Mud, half an hour later, he will be a hero again, so there is nothing to worry about. But when I think that I am facing an army that can still maintain its formation during the march, I can't help being a little scared."

Panda sat next to him and said, "Actually, I am also a little scared. I have never heard of an army that can maintain a formation while marching. In this world, I have never heard of it. Even on Earth, I have only heard of it. , never seen."

"You haven't seen the People's Liberation Army training?"

"I haven't seen it."

"I've seen it before, it's really powerful, and it makes people feel very reliable and confident at first glance." Feng Huang said, "So when I think of fighting an enemy whose discipline is comparable to theirs, I panic in my heart. ."

Panda thought about it and understood his worries.

"Actually, what you are afraid of is not the strength of the enemy, but the meaning behind this strength." He said, "What you are worried about is not whether we can win or not, but what kind of team we are facing this time. This kind of army - will they also have strict military discipline and no offenses, will they also be dedicated to the people and not afraid of hardships, will they also endure hardships and enjoyment later... You project your impression of the People's Liberation Army on this army. On the army, then you can't help but put yourself in the position of the villain, and pressure and worry naturally arise."

"...That's right." Feng Huang was silent for a while, then sighed deeply, "You are right!"

"I think you're thinking too much. The one with the long neck may not be a giraffe, but also Zhou Hei Ya; the one with a headshot may not be a sharpshooter, but also a dog. Just the military discipline is strict, and it doesn't mean anything." A voice came from behind. Come, but Wang Tuhao also woke up and took over the conversation.

Fenghuang and Panda both laughed.

"That's right!" After laughing, Panda said, "Didn't the "Yanzi Envoy to Chu" in the textbook say that oranges are born in Huaibei, Ye Tu is similar, but actually tastes different. Things that look similar on the surface, have inner meanings. Not necessarily the same. We don't know exactly what that army is, so it's too early to worry."

"But...if they really are..."

"That's impossible!" Wang Tuhao interrupted Feng Huang's words, "The political system in this world cannot support an army like that. The social order ruled by the lord cannot cultivate that kind of spiritual outlook and ideological construction. Nothing in the world can appear out of thin air!"

"...Actually, it may not be impossible..." Panda thought of one thing and said, "If it is an army of a certain church, maybe it can do such a thing."

Most of the clergy in this world are idealists. Although they have different ideas and goals, most of them have a high moral level, and their quality is by no means comparable to that of ordinary soldiers. If it is a clergy legion of a certain church, with such discipline, it is not impossible.

But the emperor denied this speculation: "According to the current information, this group of infantry has at least six or seven thousand people, or more. In this world, there may be a church that can pull such a large army of clergymen. Come, but why should the Church pay so much for Thrace? What can Richard give them?"

Panda thought for a while, and nodded slightly: "That's right, and... if a large number of clerics of the same faith gather together, the sacred power in each other's bodies will definitely resonate, resulting in various visions of divine power overflowing - the most common It's the Holy Light. But we haven't seen anything like that in that army until now. There may be priests among them, but they're certainly not many."

This of course meant that his guess was wrong, that it was not an army of clergymen.

"Don't make such wild guesses, look at it with your own eyes after a while, or ask with your tongue, don't you know everything?" Maiev woke up, and leaned over to the campfire, while taking out a kettle to boil tea, said while saying.

The pandas nodded and put their worries aside for the time being.

After a while, the traversers woke up under the urging of the system alarm clock, and drank the herbal tea provided by Maiev.

"This tea is really bitter!"

"Not only bitter, but astringent - Maiev, your tastes are getting weirder!"

"I admit that it's not very drinkable, but the lifting effect is very good."

"That's right..."

After everyone woke up, they packed their bags, organized their equipment, dismantled the tents, put out the bonfires, and disbanded the magic circle... In less than ten minutes, the temporary camp disappeared, leaving only some messy traces on the ground.

There is no need to clean up these traces, and no one can rely on them to trace the origin of the travelers.

Comparing with the system map, a group of people smeared the march.

The weather was bad tonight, the sky was full of dark clouds, and it was so dark that I could not see my fingers. However, this has no effect on everyone. Those who will run out to be scouts are all capable of night vision. The dark night will not affect their sight, but can provide them with cover.

As expected, after walking for about half an hour, they saw the Thracian military camp in the large open space ahead.

It was quiet inside the barracks, and there was no noise at all. It seemed that the Thracians were asleep.

"How to do?"

"What else can I do? Go in, arrest a few people, and then detect lies and wait for them."

"Okay, let's do it!"

Everyone quickly negotiated it. The casters chanted a spell and cast invisibility on everyone. Then the team split into two groups, went around from both sides, and walked towards the barracks.

Not long after he left, before he came to the sentry tent with the bonfire burning, there was a sudden flash of light in the air, and a magic circle that enveloped the entire camp like a bowl appeared.

At the same time, the stealth magic on the traversers melted instantly like thin ice meeting hot water, revealing their figures.

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