Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 722: Preparation before the ceremony

When I woke up, it was already dark for a long time.

The old militiamen had already eaten dinner, but they left some hot soup for the panda.

Although they all know that this orc adventurer named "Panda" is rich, he must not be short of food and drink. But these old militiamen felt that at least preparing him some hot soup would make his dinner more comfortable.

After the panda thanked him, he ate a satisfying dinner of hot soup—or breakfast, it didn't matter. Then he said goodbye to these loyal old militiamen and set off up the mountain.

When I arrived at Raccoon Town, I saw that the celebration had not ended. People were still singing, dancing, eating, drinking, and the scene was very lively.

He frowned and found Aaron sitting in the corner.

"Did you notice anything special today?" he asked.

Aaron shook his head: "Nothing special. But according to the villagers, when the moon is in the middle of the sky in the early morning of tomorrow, it will be the climax of the celebration. No matter what the weirdness of the celebration is, it will be known at that time."

Panda looked up at the sky. Although there were a few dark clouds in the sky, he could still see the sky clearly. It wasn't long before the moon rose, and there should be at least two or three hours before the "moon is in the middle of the sky".

He opened the system panel again, frowning.

"According to the system time, when the moon is in the middle of the sky, it should be exactly midnight." He asked, "Is this day also specially selected?"

"It should be." Aaron nodded, "I discussed it with Alfion, she analyzed it with mysticism skills, and determined that midnight tonight, that is, when the two days alternate, will be a moment full of power. Although she herself I don't know where the 'power' is, but she's pretty sure there's a lot of power at this moment."

"The profession of folklore scholar is really full of slots, it's too vague!"

"That's not it, she has complained about this herself."

"What is she doing now?"

"Prepare. She thinks something will happen tonight, so she needs to prepare in advance to save her time."

Panda frowned: "What she means—there will be a fight tonight?"

Aaron smiled: "That should be what it means."

"Have you informed everyone?"

"It's not too late to wait for the notice." Aaron said nonchalantly, "Anyway, for us, the only thing that is not worth worrying about is fighting?"

Panda sighed: "I hope we don't fight. Although we are not afraid of fighting, it will bring disaster to civilians..."

"No one wants this kind of thing, but it is the so-called unpredictable situation, and people have good fortune. If it is their bad luck, then no one can do it." Aaron still said nonchalantly, "It can't be for the sake of avoiding disaster. They, we should not fight the war, right?"

Panda nodded, but was still a little worried.

He asks himself that he is not the Virgin of unconditional self-denial, but if he can, he wants to minimize the casualties of innocents as much as possible.

After a while, the panda walked away worriedly. Aaron looked at his worried look and shook his head, but said nothing.

Everyone's ideas are different, and it's useless to say more.

Besides... having a friend who is willing to worry about others is really not a bad thing. Enthusiasm is better than cold-blooded. If everyone were like him, the team would have disbanded long ago.

He smiled, and soon returned to his usual indifference, his eyes were slightly closed, and he pondered the content of his research.

The ceremony a few hours later, he did not take it to heart.

Although he knew that there must be something odd about this ceremony, and that there might be a battle, he didn't feel that this kind of thing was worthy of attention.

In folklore, the gods have a saying that "there is no major event other than life and death". For the traversers, life and death are no longer a matter, so what are the major events worth paying attention to?

In addition to their own hobbies, there are probably only friendships left.

As for this crazy **** world, or the residents of Raccoon Town, Aaron doesn't care.

In fact, if he hadn't worried about making Panda and the decent people unhappy, he would have just mixed some poison to kill all the residents of this town, and it would have ended up clean. Save Xingzhao and Alfion all day tossing those meaningless things and delaying everyone's time. Going home early and playing each other is the only way to feel at ease.

Of course, Panda was not as thoughtful as Aaron. He walked around in the crowd, found one after another, and told him that there might be a fight in person.

Hearing his reminder, most of the traversers were startled, and then said that they would be ready and would never fall off the chain. But there are also people who are not interested in this and ask if they can avoid the battle.

...After all, in this event, in addition to activists, there are also many slackers invited by Alfion and Xingzhao. They are not really interested in adventures and battles. They are only invited because of their unique expertise. Due to the friendship of their companions, they will not refuse to participate in battles and adventures, but if they can avoid battles, most of them are more willing to stay. In a safe place, do some light and simple auxiliary work.

Fortunately, after all, everyone is still facing their own people. When Panda said, "It's not clear for the time being, but I just hope that everyone will be prepared first", even the most hated battle Harmony also said that he would definitely be prepared - of course, can not be. Hitting is the best.

After some notification and negotiation, a long time passed before I knew it. Seeing that the moon was gradually approaching the zenith, the singing and dancing on the celebration platform stopped, and the residents of Raccoon Town gathered in the square and stood silently.

Looking closely, they stood very regularly. The young and strong stood near the celebration stage, the older ones stood on the road in the fields, and the older or younger ones stood on the small square. The middle-aged, with children, stood on the edge of the small square.

"Strange, why didn't I see the old man and the baby?" Someone asked suspiciously.

"The old man is staying in the house with the baby." Sean replied with a slightly pale face.

Maybe it's because her alcohol intake is really not enough, or the "fire wine" is really strong enough. After getting drunk last night, she has been groggy and has not fully recovered until now.

On the contrary, more than one person has used spells for her to remove the abnormal state, but the effects of these spells are not very good. Therefore, Alfion wondered whether "fire wine" was one of the spells belonging to folklore scholars. She checked her mysticism knowledge, but found embarrassingly that her skill level was not enough, and she couldn't search for relevant knowledge.

As a traverser who can rely on the system to improve his occupation and skill level, Alfion grows much faster than ordinary folklore scholars, but because of his ability to improve, he is not like ordinary folklore scholars like village chiefs who can Through learning, master the ability of higher level in advance. Which is better or worse is difficult to determine.

Hearing Sean's words, Panda thought of the old militiamen guarding the pass at the foot of the mountain, and couldn't help frowning and turned to look at Alfion.

Alphin smiled, nodded, and whispered, "Don't worry, there's no big problem."

Only then did Panda relax a little.

But soon, he felt that he was too relieved...

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