Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 724: Finally got into the rhythm we are good at

The dark clouds gathered more and more and gradually filled the sky. And it got thicker and thicker, as if it was pressing towards the ground in the sky, it felt like the sky was about to fall, crushing everything on the ground.

The residents of Raccoon Town were so frightened that they were paralyzed on the ground and shivered, even the two young people who had received the education of occult scholars-their situation was even worse than others, and the others were just trembling with fear , but they even started foaming at the mouth, digging their own facial features with their hands. If Panda and the others didn't find out quickly and tied them up in time, I'm afraid that they would be able to smash their facial features and die tragically like this.

The traversers were the only people who could stand in the celebration venue, and they frowned and looked at the sky.

"This is the stance that the boss is coming!" said the Lion Man Redding, "and it looks very mighty."

"Will it be mighty or not, uh, you won't know until you beat it!" said the wolf orc Klein in disbelief.

Panda frowned, and he felt as if he had seen this scene somewhere before.

The sky is dark, and the clouds are dense; the dark clouds are getting lower and lower, as if they are going to crush everything on the ground...

Suddenly, an electric light flashed in his heart and it rang.

Isn't this the "dream within a dream" that I had done before!

But he did not become relaxed because of this sudden realization, but was startled.

Why did he foresee the situation that was happening now in his dream in advance?

At this moment, he heard more than one person exclaim: "Isn't this what I saw in my dream!"

The panda looked down and exclaimed, all of them were people with higher perception attributes.

He was stunned for a moment, vaguely guessing a few points.

"This guy has always been around." Alfinne - perhaps the last formal folklorist in the world, she answered, "But for a long time before, He was in the state of 'unappeared' and had little effect on the human world. Influence. So I never told everyone about it.”

"Wait! Can you feel His presence?" Panda asked in surprise.

"Of course, I'm a folklore scholar. First of all, I must be able to sense the existence of various 'abnormalities', and then I can negotiate or fight."

"Then... this ceremony, do you understand what's going on?"

Alphin sighed: "I didn't understand before, but now I understand."

She looked at her companions who had the words "I'm curious" written all over their faces, and their eyes were almost sparkling, and explained: "Actually, Raccoon Town is not really able to resist pollution with just a few spells. In the world of folklorists, if you can't borrow power from a certain existence, then the spell has no power. In other words, the power that Raccoon Town uses to resist pollution is this group... how to say it? Barely call it' Falling Cloud' - Raccoon Town's strength against pollution is its strength."

"In other words, this celebration is actually offering sacrifices to it?" Panda asked.

"That's right, it is an existence like the evil **** after all. If you want to use its power, of course you need to sacrifice." Alphin nodded, "The reason why the celebration is held regularly is actually to borrow its power through sacrifice. to consolidate the anti-pollution effect.”

She paused, looked at the venue again, and added: "In the process of sacrifice, the 'power' generated will not be taken away by this 'falling cloud', but some will overflow. Power can first purify the land, and secondly, it can strengthen people's physical fitness - that's why the venue is laid out like this."

Panda nodded slightly, and finally understood.

"That's not right!" Heyin asked, "Because of us, Raccoon Town's resistance to pollution has been greatly enhanced. Even without the power of the 'falling cloud', it can resist pollution and keep residents safe. Live on the ground. Why does the village chief hold sacrifices at this time?"

Alfinne smiled, full of sarcasm: "Because he can't help himself. The power of the 'Falling Cloud' is not so easy to borrow. Once the power is borrowed, you must abide by the contract. And the content of the contract must include Regular sacrifices."

She looked at the broken corpse of the village chief lying on the ground, shook her head, and said, "I originally thought that he was able to use his abilities beyond his own level because of the effect of study and special practice, but now it seems that it is not at all. He just used the help of The power of the 'Falling Cloud' enables him to perform rituals beyond his own abilities."

"So now that the village chief was hacked to death by us and the ceremony failed, what should we do next?" Xingzhao asked.

"What else can I do?" Alfion sighed, "Someone broke into the venue where the sacrifice was offered to you, destroyed the sacrifice, and killed your priest. What would you do if you were a 'falling cloud' ?"

Panda laughed: "That's easy, this is exactly what we are good at!"

The transmigrators also laughed and talked a lot.

"I said so much, but the result is still fighting monsters!"

"I don't understand the truth. Anyway, just kill that 'falling cloud', right?"

"I love this choice!"




Some people also sighed: "Thinking about this 'falling cloud' is quite bad. If you don't talk about the benefits of getting it, you will be hacked to death by us..."

"What's the matter? Do you sympathize with it?" the person next to him asked with wide eyes. "When did you contract the Virgin Mary's disease?"

"No, what I mean is, for the boss who brought me to your door like this, please give me three or five groups and stand in line in order. I like this situation very much!"

So everyone laughed again, and the atmosphere was very happy.

The residents of Raccoon Town couldn't understand the sudden relaxed atmosphere and high emotions of the traversers.

Panda asked Sean, who rushed to the stage, to help the girl who was almost a sacrifice. At the same time, he kicked the four young people who were helping to perform the sacrifice to the bottom of the stage, and then pulled out his feet like lightning. A sacred short sword came out, pointing to the sky that was slowly falling.

"In the dream, I turned into Pangu to cut you. I don't know this technique in reality. Maybe I will disappoint you. However, you don't have to be too disappointed, try this trick!"

The dagger in his hand suddenly lit up, becoming as brilliant as gold in the sun, and then he bowed his body slightly, using all his strength, threw the brightened sacred dagger towards the sky fiercely past.

"Say hello and welcome!"

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