Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 738: Liu Daoqing's preparations

The successful establishment of the portal means that the pandas and the others who have been "traveling" in the Mad God World for several months can return to the castle to rest, and it also means that those who are curious about this world can go there to explore and take over their work.

But for the sake of safety, everyone chose not to go through the portal to return to the castle, but to commit suicide to return to the city. Even the panda, who had already passed through the portal, walked back, and then ran into the middle of a pile of metal, burning himself into an infinite holy light.

This is of course to avoid bringing something dangerous back from the Mad God world.

Although several barriers that can block pollution have been added to the magic circles on both sides of the portal, no one is worried about their effects.

No one dared to take this risk until the final boss of that world was killed.

Therefore, although some of the locals in the Mad God World wanted to go to the normal world to see, but the traversers did not agree.

They can bring uncontaminated food and drinking water to these people, bring delicious food and drink, and even bring new blood to the population, but they dare not rashly let these people go to the Western World.

According to the plan agreed upon by everyone in advance, we must wait for Xingzhao, Alfin and others to rise to level 70 or above, have more powerful abilities, and fully activate the legendary skills before they can try a little.

How long will that take? According to the most optimistic estimates, it will look like ten or twenty years...

The premise is that the speed at which they gain experience points cannot be reduced.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with the panda. After being resurrected in the castle hall, he ran to the restaurant to have a delicious Chinese meal, then went back to the room to sleep soundly, and slept peacefully for more than ten hours.

After waking up, he began to think about what he was going to do next.

The Elanz family's war of independence was in mid-June, and it was almost a month away from now. Are you going out for an adventure this month? Or exercising at the castle?

He thought about it for a while and then made up his mind.

Exercise, but not in the castle, go to Tarakhan.

His disciples are still there, and it's fine to teach students by the way.

So he set off for Tarakhan City and resumed his life as an instructor.

The smooth days always passed quickly, and a month passed in the blink of an eye. On the 12th of June, Panda and other activists in the traversers set off for the Elanz family.

With the help of the power of the human cannon, they came to the vicinity of the Elanz Castle. As soon as they landed, they felt that the atmosphere was not right.

The peaceful countryside in the past has a faint sense of chilling.

The place where the panda landed happened to be a farmland, but he didn't see a single farmer in the field. Even when he looked around, he couldn't even see a single person in the nearby village.

"Where have all the people gone?" he asked himself in confusion, looked left and right for a while, and walked towards the Castle of Ellands according to the system map.

After a while, he saw the great transformation of the Ellands Castle.

Outside the original castle, two additional layers of walls were added, and there were a large number of residents inside each layer. That town has turned into a huge military fortress.

Outside this fortress, the wide moat is rolling in waves. Outside the moat, there are many small fortresses, ditches, and horses. .

The trees in the dozens of miles around the fortress have all been cut down, leaving nothing to hide. The panda was just approaching when two cavalrymen came up to meet him.

"Instructor Panda, you are welcome!" Coincidentally, among the two cavalry, there was someone who knew him. The Ailanz family organized many people to go to Tarakhan to learn fighting skills, although in Panda It seems that they just learned some superficial self-defense and wrestling, and they didn't teach them much valuable things, but they were just like the soldiers of Tarakhan, and they respectfully called pandas as instructors.

Accompanied by them, the panda came to the Elanz Castle and met Katerina and others in uniform.

"Welcome! With your help, our odds are even better!" Katerina said happily.

Looking at the busy craftsmen and soldiers in the fortress, Panda couldn't help but ask: "You guys are too big! When I was in the Norma line of defense, I never saw such an exaggerated battle."

"Norma Line of Defense?" Katerina showed a sarcastic smile, "Those Molai people, how do they know how to fight! If it hadn't been for the help of natural dangers to pull the team into a head-to-head confrontation, our Alanz family would have been able to take the entire Molais down. The army went over and over, and repeatedly ran over it a hundred times!"

For this, Panda does not doubt.

The "Storm Legion" of the Ailanz family is the world-famous army that is best at attacking. With the Molai army during the Norma campaign, it is really possible that they will be crushed casually.

When he came to the castle in the center of the fortress, he saw Liu Daoqing, who had not seen him for a long time.

Liu Daoqing, who was originally fat, has lost weight, his chubby chin and cheeks have shrunk, and his sturdy waist has become a lot thinner. The whole person looks much more energetic, as if after a period of exercise and On a diet, the fat man who successfully loses weight is generally.

"Huh? Yuguo, have you lost weight?" he asked in surprise.

Liu Daoqing gave a wry smile and replied, "You are not the first person to ask such a question."

"That's for sure. Seeing you like this, normal people would ask." Panda smiled, "Have you really lost weight?"

"I didn't lose weight!" Liu Daoqing sighed, "I'm tired and thin!"

Wang Tuhao, who happened to have also arrived at the castle, heard this. He smiled and said, "One drop of essence and ten drops of blood, young people must restrain, take care!"

"Only you are not qualified to criticize me for this!"

Liu Daoqing shouted angrily and glared at him angrily, Wang Tuhao didn't care at all and left with a smile.

"How can you be so tired?" Panda asked suspiciously, "What are you doing?"

Liu Daoqing sighed and said, "Enchanted weapons."

"Huh?!" Panda was taken aback, "You also learned alchemy? I remember you are a Taoist priest, and a Taoist priest also has this skill?"

"The Taoist belongs to the first-class immortal family, how can there be no enchanting skills? It's just called this name." Liu Daoqing said, "I use the technique of blood refining, using the blood of powerful creatures to temper weapons and enhance their power. ."

"That's not so tiring!"

Liu Daoqing gave a wry smile and asked back, "What do you think is the powerful creature that I can easily find?"

Looking at the two long whiskers on his lower jaw, the panda suddenly realized and patted his shoulder hard.

"Brother, you have worked hard!"

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