"The aliens have gone to the Viscount of Remy." Piede walked into the conference room and said, "They judged that Richard may want to attack the Remy family and plan to save people first."

Katerina, who was eating cake, didn't even look up: "They can go if they want. They won't die anyway. Maybe they can save the next group of people, or deal a heavy blow to the Thracian army."

"To be honest, I still can't believe it... Are aliens really immortal?"

"According to the information we have collected, we rule out several absurd possibilities, such as several twin brothers, and the only explanation left is the 'immortal body'." Sage Lopez, who was sitting in the corner, put down his hand. The book on the book said, "Actually, the immortal body is not so unimaginable. In the spell, it uses its own flesh and blood to create a blank body. Once it dies, the soul will immediately be summoned to this body. The method of resurrection. Strong people, the more difficult it is to make such a blank body, and I don't understand how they do it in batches."

"Can we exchange this kind of technology?" Piet asked enthusiastically.

Sage Lopez smiled and shook his head: "This is the foundation of others, and its importance is even higher than our storm charge. How could they leak this technology!"

Pied sighed and shook his head, disappointed.

"You don't have to be disappointed. This technology can only prevent violent death, and it is ineffective for normal death of old age and disease." Sage Lopez said, "The possibility of you, an internal political officer, of violent death is very small. I estimate that you will die of old age in bed. A large group of sons and grandsons are crying around... Is there anything wrong with this way of dying?"

"I just think, if this technology can be obtained by us..."

"Then there is no way to be an ally!" Caterina interrupted him coldly. "There are so many examples of rivalry in the world, all because of wanting to get something that others value. Administrative Officer Piede Candy, Forget this idea completely, don't even think about it in the future!"

Piede Candy froze for a moment, then nodded.

Although he was reprimanded, he didn't get angry at all, but laughed: "If you can think like this, I'm relieved!"

Only then did Katerina realize that she was being tricked, she raised her head angrily, and glared at Pied: "Uncle Candy, Gu Liu has a word, I think it should be given to you."


"Be a human being, be more sincere and less routine!" Katerina said angrily. "If you want to know my attitude, just ask directly. Is it necessary to be round and round?"

Piede let out a haha, muttering, "I'm going to handle government affairs," and walked out as if nothing had happened.

Katerina sighed deeply and said helplessly, "Teacher, why does Uncle Candy have such a hellish idea?"

"Because this matter is too important." Sage Lopez sighed softly and said, "This matter is related to the reliability of the covenant between us and the aliens - that is second, the most important, is related to Your life event!"

Katerina blushed immediately. Of course she understood what the tutor meant, and said awkwardly: "I...I haven't decided yet! It's too early for life-long events or something..."

"Okay, it's too early." Sage Lopez was not in a hurry, and picked up the book again with a smile, "I'm not in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry. As long as the big fish is not in a hurry, I What's the hurry..."

Katarina's face turned red, almost as red as the cherries on the cake. She bit her lip and said nothing, turned to see the cake, cut a piece viciously, and put it into her mouth.

Of course, the passers-by did not know the little episode that happened in the castle conference room. They first teleported back to the castle, and then flew to the Viscounty Remy with the help of the human cannon.

Because of the limited time, they didn't wait to gather. The panda and others who arrived first rushed towards Viscount Remy's castle regardless of their weakness.

At the gate of the castle, guards stopped them.

"We are messengers from the Elanz family, and we have something important to talk to Viscount Remy about." Panda said bluntly, "It is related to the life and death of the entire Remy family!"

The guard was startled, hesitated for a moment, then separated a person and ran quickly into the castle.

A few minutes later, a chubby middle-aged man with a lot of gems inlaid on his clothes and hat hurried over.

He was obviously not an ignorant person. Seeing the panda without a helmet, he was stunned for a moment, then guessed the identity of the panda, and asked in surprise, "Are you Mr. Panda the Dragon Slayer?"

"I am, sir or whatever."

"Aiya! Disrespectful!" The middle-aged man was Viscount Remy. Facing the world-famous dragon slayer, he was very polite and warm-hearted, without the arrogance of the aristocrats. Lord's Merchant.

"I can't believe that you are a member of the Elanz family... No wonder no wonder!" Viscount Remy nodded, his eyes rolled a few times, and he didn't know what he was thinking, "You came here suddenly, I don't know why? "

"In order to save your whole family." Time was limited, and Panda didn't waste it. He bluntly told what happened recently, "Richard is currently using the charge of 'cooperating with the enemy and treason' to attack a wealthy small and medium-sized noble like you. , If nothing else happens, he will kill him here tomorrow. At that time, all of your family, including soldiers and servants, don't even want to live!"

Viscount Remy obviously did not expect so much. Hearing his words, he was stunned at first, full of disbelief; then he frowned and thought for a while, then his face became more and more pale and panic; His body couldn't help but tremble, and he even trembled when he spoke.

"You...you said...that's right! I...I...what should I...how...how...do...do?" He leaned tremblingly against the bewildered guard, as if He looks like he's going to faint in the next instant.

"What else can I do? Run!" said Locke, who came with him, angrily, "You have time to waste time here, why don't you hurry up and gather the whole family and run away in the direction of the Castle of Ellands? !"

"Come on...it's too late!" Viscount Remy almost cried, "Packing up...it will take a long time!"

"Clean up your ass!" Locke was annoyed, "You want money or not your life!"

Viscount Remy was shaking like a sieve, but he couldn't say the words "I don't want money".

Everyone was annoyed when he looked like a bear, but they felt that he was extremely pitiful.

So Locke sighed and released the "City of Sinners" surrounded by black gas.

"Hurry up and pack your things. After you pack up, let's go to this place for the time being." He said helplessly, "It's not very comfortable here, but at least it can be transported to you to fly on your way."

Viscount Remy regained his energy immediately and ran away as if flying.

At noon the next day, when the Thracian army arrived at Remy Castle, they saw nothing but the emptiness, not even the copper nails on the gate.

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