Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 745: had to attack

On July 9, the Thracian noble coalition finally came.

They set up a large camp about 50 kilometers away from the Thracian castle, with camps, tents, flags... From the sky, a large area of ​​the ground was covered, as if it appeared suddenly A large forest.

"Why are they so far apart?" Panda looked at the magic map and said dissatisfiedly, "It's too far!"

"They dare not approach." Liu Daoqing explained, "We have a 'sage who moves mountains' here, and no one can guarantee that the nearby underground has not been trapped by the sage Lopez. If you get closer, maybe When I woke up at night, I was already blowing wind on the top of a high mountain."

"Sage Lopez is so powerful?" Panda was taken aback and turned to look at the old scholar who smiled gently and looked like a university professor in a robe.

"Of course I'm not that good." Sage Lopez smiled modestly, "but they think I'm so good, and I can't run over and explain to them 'you guessed wrong, in fact, I'm really not good', right? ?"

Everyone laughed.

After laughing, Katerina said, "Since they won't come, then we don't bother to go there. Let's just waste it. Anyway, we can afford it."

Of course the Ellands family can afford it.

It is summer now, which is almost the busy farming season. Fighting at this time almost means that agricultural production will be greatly hindered. To exaggerate, it is possible that the grains will not be harvested. However, the Ailanz family has already stocked up enough food, and they have the backing of Tara Khan and Dracula from the transmigrators, and the Dragon Head Island, which is obviously able to harvest this year... According to Di's estimation, even if this battle is to be fought for ten years, the Ellants family can afford it!

If this battle is really fought for ten years, at least half of the noble coalition will go bankrupt.

Obviously, time is on the side of the Elanz family.

Naturally, the Thracian nobles also knew this truth.

Although they didn't know that the Ayrantz family could get enough food supplies from the traversers, if the dignified Ayrantz family didn't even have enough food reserves to support them for a few years, how could they have the courage to jump out and fight for independence?

Even if you think you are a fool, you can't be a fool as a "sage who moves mountains"!

Therefore, at the military council of the great nobles, more than one noble noble suggested to send troops to attack the Castle of Ellands.

"It's not good for us to drag it on like this." Even Duke Pieduc said, "If we can't suppress the rebellion of the Ellants family as soon as possible, even if we win in the end, we will lose a lot of prestige."

King Richard frowned, but did not answer.

Of course he can think of anything that everyone can think of. But... attacking the Elanz Castle is not that easy!

According to the information collected over the years, the Erants family has arranged a large number of traps and secret passages around the castle, and can silently mobilize the army to attack at any time, so that the enemies close to the castle will not understand where the dark arrows come from. shot.

Therefore, if you want to fight the Elanz family, siege is the worst choice. If you can, it is best not to even get close to the castle.

Looking at the magic map in front of him, Richard thought about it for a long time, and finally said, "I'll find a way."

That afternoon, his "method" began to be put into practice.

The magic detection enchantment in Thrace City emitted a fierce light, telling that there was an extremely large-scale magic ceremony being held not far to the west.

Katerina immediately dispatched the Air Force to investigate, and after some intense aerial strangulation, the Air Force of the Ellants family suffered heavy losses, but they still got the information they needed.

The Thracians set up a surprisingly large magic circle behind the barracks.

The diameter of this magic circle is more than five miles, which is surprisingly huge. Hundreds of sorcerers work in it, perfecting its runes and lines. Even so, at least half of it was empty and nothing.

But even if it's only less than half completed, the magic power it emits is enough to make the magic detection barrier set up by the Elanz family send out the highest-level alarm.

"There is no doubt that this is an extremely large-scale ritual magic." Katerina projected the information that the air force girls had exchanged for their lives in the air, pointing to the unimaginably large magic circle and said, " Whatever magic it is, I believe that as long as it goes well, we've lost at least half of this war."

The traversers also looked at the magic circle. Unfortunately, because of their lack of professionalism, they couldn't see what the magic was.

There is a specialization in the art industry. The most powerful magic circle expert in the world today is among the Thracian nobles' coalition. Although the great magician should not work hard for Richard and others, his magic circle level is not. Sage Lopez can be compared.

"How about I invite the 'Old Sage' to come over?" Sage Lopez asked, "I believe he will be able to recognize this magic circle."

"No, we can find a magic circle master over here." Panda smiled. "I believe that in the knowledge of magic circles, he should not lose to Norma Spike, the sage of the secret spell."

Of course, what he was talking about was Eric, the chief staff member of Earl Tarakhan, who gave himself the nickname "Sleepless Night" in the chat channel.

Hearing that there was a major event, Eric came quickly, and after just over half an hour, he came to the conference room.

After staring at the map for a while, he could tell what the Thracian noble coalition was doing.

"Meteorite magic," he said. "Extremely large-scale meteorite magic, or you can call it by another name - Starfall."

Katerina's complexion changed, as did Sage Lopez's complexion, and the expressions of all knowledgeable people other than transmigrators became very solemn.

The spell "Fall of the Stars" is notorious. It can pull a gigantic star from the depths of the distant sky and smash it directly to the ground. The power of such a blow would be unimaginable and impossible to stop. It is said that in the South China Sea Islands, there used to be a huge island called "Panlong Island", but in the fierce civil war for power and profit, a star was set up, and a star was pulled from the sky. , hit the island heavily.

Then, the huge island, said to be at least one-tenth the size of Thrace, disappeared, leaving no trace.

"Can't let this magic complete!" Katarina jumped up, "We have to take the initiative to destroy their magic circle!"

This order has the support of everyone.

So just before it got dark this day, the gates of the Ellants Castle, which had been closed, opened, and a group of people came out in a hurry, posing an attacking posture.

This war, which was supposed to be attacked by the allied forces of Thracian nobles and defended by the Alanz family, went in a strange direction that was incomprehensible from the very beginning.

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