Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 751: Break the line

With the **** of the traversers, Katarina's safety is naturally protected.

The huge crossbow arrows shot from the bed crossbow are of extraordinary power, and ordinary people will surely die if they touch it, but for Panda and others, this level of attack is not enough.

They have specialized means of defense.

As the ice-green light flashed, every traverser had a layer of green light shield on their bodies. Once any arrow hit the light shield, it would immediately lose its strength and fall to the ground.

This is "Advanced Ranged Weapon Protection", a very difficult spell, but it works really well.

No matter what kind of long-range weapon, as long as there is no targeted magic attached, there will be nothing to do when encountering this spell, and the power will be transformed into the feet of the attacked person, and the vast earth will bear it. Although in this process, the power of the spell will continue to be depleted and eventually completely invalid, but at least until the spell expires, its protective effect is absolute.

Of course, if you really encounter a master like "Sky Bow", the power of the spell can be exhausted with one arrow, and the remaining power is enough to shoot people to death. To block her arrows, you need a higher level spell, or a more targeted spell.

Fortunately, she is not here.

In the team, the "Roshan Demon King" Mandu, who was in charge of the buff, kept waving his staff, and the protection spells were continuously released one by one. Although he is a battle priest, his main task today is to provide buffs and treatment to everyone. When the real fight starts, he will step back a little.

The battle to besiege the Frost Sword Saint is no trivial matter. How long the support can stand is the key to the entire battle. As long as the support can stand all the time, the battle will be more certain. If the support falls, the battle is almost over.

Also constantly casting spells is the dossier scholar Fenghuang, whose spells also belong to the divine art system, which can stack well with Mandu's spells. The two teamed up, and in just a while, they filled everyone with various auxiliary effects. Each of them was colorful, as if they were painted with colorful paint, full of the Samat atmosphere of the urban-rural junction.

At this time, the charging cavalry had come to the position of the Thracian noble army.

Without the slightest hesitation, they followed Katerina and charged directly towards the central Thracian army.

Owens Pieduts roared angrily and was about to stop him. But Long Biao, who had been beaten by him for a long time, suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed him, and even turned around behind him, using judo-like tricks to entangle him.

Because of the difference in basic attributes, Long Biao couldn't hold Owens for a long time, but as long as he delayed for a while, the storm cavalry of the Elanz family would roar.

Even the most defensive legendary powerhouse would not dare to block a cavalry charge that had formed an army formation. It was no different from courting death.

Owens immediately struggled desperately, but even if he wanted to break free from Long Biao, who was doing his best, he couldn't do it in an instant.

Seeing that the Elanz cavalry was about to rush in front of him, Owens finally didn't care about the price, roared, and a **** flame rose from his body.

Together with these flames, Long Biao, who had been immortal for a while, immediately saw that the duration of the skill was instantly reset to zero, and then he turned into a light and disappeared without a trace.

Owens killed Long Biao with one move, and he hurriedly ran to dodge with all his strength, finally avoiding the most front "arrow tip" of "Storm Charge". Although it was still hit by the side, the whole person was like a baseball shot from a baseball tee machine and flew to nowhere, spurting blood along the way like a movie special effect, but at least the worst result was avoided.

But he didn't know that as soon as he saw this situation, someone decided to catch up and fall into the trap.

Panda felt a slight vibration in the air around him, and heard Gondor's voice: "Good chance! 'Shield Mountain' Owens is seriously injured, I will chase after him and stab him to death!"

"Be careful, don't get killed." Panda whispered.

"I will be careful, but... even if he kills me, he will definitely be seriously injured. Don't miss the opportunity!"


The air vibrated slightly, and Gondor maintained a stealth state, chasing the direction Owens was knocked off, and ran all the way.

Panda looked over there, then stopped paying attention, and continued to follow Katarina closely, protecting him all the way.

The charge of the cavalry was very fast, and once it rushed into the position of the Thracian army, it was like destroying the dead. Even though Thracian soldiers kept coming up to block it, they couldn't stop it for even a second.

But at this moment, a roar sounded.

A fence in front fell, and thousands of heavily armored soldiers formed a neat formation, propping their shields and spears on the ground, turning them into a steel city wall.

Above their heads, clouds rose and formed the shape of mountains. Then the blue-gray breath flowed down, covering each of them, making them look as if they were cast in copper and cast iron, as if the sky would collapse and the earth would not be shaken.

The heavy infantry of the Pieduc family, the formation of the mountains!

Since the establishment of the Kingdom of Thrace, the two armies of the storm and the mountains have become famous all over the world. I don't know how many people have imagined what it would be like when the "storm" and the "mountain" collided.

What happens when the strongest spear in the world meets the strongest shield in the world?

neither knows.

Neither those researchers, nor both Airans and Pieduts, are sure.

Of course, they have deduced this situation more than once with each other. After all, as powerful armies in the world, they all regard each other as imaginary enemies. But no matter how much research or deduction, no one dares to say that they have researched the results, which is enough to prove who is stronger and who is weaker.

The only way to prove this problem is for everyone to fight a real war.

Those who survive are strong, those who die are weak, clearly understand.

But now, the strongest spear and the strongest shield are really going to collide!

Whether it was Katerina Alanz, who was galloping at the forefront of the Storm Array, or Herbert Pidutz, who was standing in the center of the Mountain Array with a broad sword and a large shield, he couldn't help but feel nervous.

In addition to tension, there is excitement.

A mystery that has been around for hundreds of years can finally be revealed today.

The opponent who has always wanted to defeat is now in front of you.

What are you waiting for?

By coincidence, the two sides raised their swords together and let out a roar.

It's too late, it's too soon. The arrows that the Elanz cavalry turned into collided head-on with the city wall that the Pieduts infantry turned into.

Above the heads of the two sides, the gust of wind and thunder slammed into the towering mountains.

In the next instant, the mountain shattered.

Herbert Pieduc's eyes widened, unable to believe what he saw.

The Pieduts Legion, which is famous for being the most defensive in the world, was actually in its own position, and was broken by the Airantz Legion!

"how is this possible……"

A muffled sound came from his throat, but his body collapsed.

Katarina drew her sword from his chest, kicked away his corpse, pushed away the dead warhorse, and stood up panting.

Around her, four or five light spots were dissipating. It was the transmigrators who died to protect her. With their protection, Katarina was able to break through the formation of the mountains and rushed in front of Duke Pieduc in one breath, giving the opponent a fatal blow.

She looked around in confusion.

Although the formation of the mountains was broken, most of the cavalry of the Elanz family also lost the power to charge. At this moment, they are spreading out according to their usual training, turning into sharp little arrows, sweeping the surroundings. Wait for Katarina to lead the most elite troops to regroup, and then go on the offensive.

The Pieduts army, which was broken through the battle formation, fell into a panic.

They are not lacking in courage, but when they condense their courage and army formation into mountains, once the "mountain" is broken, their courage will naturally be destroyed, and they will collapse completely.

The most elite knights under Katarina are wielding weapons, slashing these opponents that usually require a lot of effort to defeat. And the most elite warriors of the Pieduc family were at a loss at this moment, and they didn't even have the strength to fight back.

So she laughed, raised her sword with a smile, and struck down the mountain flag beside Duke Pieduts.

"The formation of the mountains has been broken, and Herbert Pieduts has been beheaded. Put down your weapons and spare you all!"

"Drop your weapons!"

"Whoever descends shall be spared death!"

Roars and roars rang out everywhere, and after seeing the Piduts flag fall, I don’t know how many soldiers on the Thracian side lost all their courage, threw down their weapons, and fell on the ground tremblingly.

At this point, the mystery that has plagued the military strategists in the Western Continent for hundreds of years finally has an answer.

When the strongest and the strongest collide, the winner is the "Storm" of the Elanz family!

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