Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 758: Legendary War (3)

Seeing countless colorful magic light **** besieging, even though the Frost Sword Saint Lep Heinrich was powerful, he couldn't help but frown.

"Old Sage" and "Sword King" are worthy of being old friends for more than 800 years. The cooperation between the two sides is full of tacit understanding. A simple joint strike, the timing is just right, he must choose between magic and sword to fight hard. , there is no third option.

At the critical moment, hesitating and thinking could not be tolerated, the Sword Saint rushed forward directly, and slammed the Sword King's sword with his left arm.

It was a golden rapier that looked like it was made of pure gold. But gold is soft, but this sword is extremely hard and extremely sharp. The Juggernaut originally planned to rely on the armor on his arm to block it, to buy a little time to reduce the damage, but unexpectedly, the enchanted leather armor with a strength comparable to metal was like paper paste in front of the golden rapier. It was cut, and a sword was hit heavily on the arm.

What's more troublesome is that with the broken skin injured, a sharp breath poured in from the wound. As soon as they entered the Juggernaut's body, they destroyed it, just like bandits going down the mountain and devils entering the village. In an instant, half of his arm was so painful that he almost lost consciousness, and even his left hand became dull. If it is not strong and determined, I am afraid that half of the body will become paralyzed and completely lose the ability to fight.

Fortunately, he finally escaped the magic of "Old Sage" Majik Noley.

From the Sword Saint's point of view, compared to the Sword King's sword, the old sage's magic is a little more dangerous.

It's hard to say whether this choice is good or bad, but there is no doubt that the Juggernaut's troubles are not over, and his difficulties are not over.

Even if he sacrificed his left arm and suffered a sword, he only passed a difficulty, and there will be many, many, many despairing difficulties in the subsequent battles.

Seeing the Juggernaut's response, Sage Norley shook his head, and his trembling left hand drew runes in the air again.

The runes he painted this time were different from those before, much simpler.

The rune was painted in an instant, and several green rays of light appeared beside him, and then with a wave of his hand, he flew towards the two who were fighting.

Nature Spell, Pursuit of Thorns of Life.

The power of this spell is not great - at least compared to the masters of the Norley sage, but it has a great advantage, that is, it can automatically pursue the opponent and will definitely hit. Moreover, this spell also has dual attributes. When it hits the enemy, it is the damage of plundering vitality and corrosion, and when it hits the friendly army, it is healing, so there is no need to worry about accidental injury.

Sage Norley didn't stop after casting the spell, and his left hand swiped again in the air, so a few similar green rays of light appeared around him.

This is a super magic trick, spellcasting simplified.

It is impossible to cast spells without a spell at the level of "The Pursuit of the Thorns of Life", but Norley Sage can simplify the following spell casting process during a complete spell casting, thereby greatly improving the casting speed.

With his ability, if he keeps using this spell, he can continue to simplify it at least ten times. Eleven "Thorns of Pursuit of Thorns of Life" are displayed, which is almost seventy attacks. So many attacks are enough to seal all the space for Juggernaut to move and dodge, leaving him with nowhere to go.

At that time, the already dominant "Sword King" Ewing Trella can definitely seize the opportunity and kill the Sword Saint in one fell swoop!

With the strength of the Juggernaut, this big loss should not have been suffered. However, he miscalculated the situation - no one expected that the Sword King would have a way to temporarily restore his youth and restore his already aging body to its peak state. Even if this is only temporary, he will have to pay a heavy price afterwards, or even die directly, but all the costs are worth it in the face of the benefits that can be obtained.

As long as he can kill the "world's strongest" Frost Sword Saint, Ewing Trella will not hesitate to die!

Although the Juggernaut was injured, he did not panic at all. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sage Norley who was casting a spell, and even with his extensive knowledge, he had already judged what spell the "Old Sage" was using.

He also didn't miss Ewing's sword, the sword that pierced his chest head-on, the sword that quietly stabbed from under his right rib cage, and the sword that was hovering in the air and was about to slash towards his left leg.

He can no longer take even a single blow. As long as he gets another blow, it is absolutely impossible for him to stop the opponent's attack, and he will die here in a moment.

But he was not even a little nervous or uneasy, just frowned, and with his right hand in good condition, he waved the sword "Hanbing" that became famous with him. , and then rowed down, blocking the sword that stabbed at the waist, and the sword that slashed the leg was moved under his feet and avoided.

This choice is not very good, and the large movement makes him a little embarrassed. But the sword in the sword king's hand must be blocked by himself.

Blocked this wave of attacks, and before the Sword Saint could relax, two swords, one from the left and one from the right, attacked again.

Two swords, one black and one white, the black is pure black, the white is pure white, and the styles are exactly the same. It is obviously a pair of specially crafted swords. There is a wonderful echo between them, and the Juggernaut can clearly feel that as long as he parries any sword, the other sword will change its moves and launch unexpected attacks.

So his choice is to step back and withdraw from the attack range of the black and white swords.

He only took a step back, and the golden rapier that had injured his left arm stabbed again.

In this battle, "Sword King" Ewing has taken out six magic swords of different styles before and after, each of which has extraordinary power, and the power of any one is not inferior to that of the Juggernaut. "Ice".

To control so many magic swords is also a great burden for the swordsman. If Ewing Treyla had a unique technique that could stimulate the spirituality of the sword and greatly reduce his burden, even if he regained his youth, he would not be able to fire all six swords at once.

In fact, when he was young, he could only do four swords at the same time. At that time, he had won the praise of the world's masters with his unpredictable swordsmanship and won the reputation of "Sword King".

After hundreds of years of training, although he is old and his body is no longer good, his will is stronger, and his understanding of "sword" is deeper, so when he temporarily regained his youth, he achieved his youth. What he couldn't do at the same time, he controlled six magic swords at the same time, and launched an intensive attack like mercury pouring down the ground, so that the Frost Sword Saint, whose strength and prestige were above him, was caught off guard for a while, and fell behind.

Now he is even stronger than when he was young!

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