Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 760: Stealth and Rampage (Part 1)

The battlefields of Elanz and Thrace are quite large, and naturally the battle will not be fought in only a few places.

For example, at this moment, on the other side of the Thracian army position, the battle is also going on.

The battle here is not as exciting as the three legendary battles of Juggernaut, Sword King and Old Sage, nor as grand as the battle between the three legends of Lopez, Ronald and Othello, but the danger is still there. Of.

"Shield Mountain" Owens Piduc frowned, his eyes swept around. He looked very carefully, and with the amazing eyesight of the legendary powerhouse, it could be said that he checked inch by inch, not letting go of any clues.

But he couldn't find anything unusual.

(No! There must be a problem!)

He said aloud to himself in his heart.

Although there is no evidence, his intuition tells him that there are enemies nearby, and they are extremely dangerous ones.

Could the intuition of the legendary powerhouse be wrong? Sometimes it will. But Owens never believed that his intuition was wrong—it might be wrong temporarily, but it couldn't be wrong all the time. But from the beginning, he had been clearly feeling the strong danger, as if someone was standing behind him, pressing a sharp dagger against his heart, making him horrified.

(Who is it? Where is he hiding? How did he hide himself?)

He was full of doubts, his brows furrowed, and he tried his best to search and think carefully.

He was hit and flew by the Ailanz storm cavalry just now, and he was seriously injured. But such an injury is nothing to him. As a legendary powerhouse who is good at defense, Owens is not only good at defense, but also good at recovery-the battle is full of dangers and accidents, and pure defense is far from enough. , must have strong resilience in order to cope with various situations.

Not to mention this level of injury, even if he is seriously injured and only one breath is left, give him three days without any drugs or healing spells, and only rely on his own self-healing ability, he will be able to recover from the injury to seven, seven, eight, eight , to restore almost all of its combat power.

This is the ability he has finally mastered after suffering countless hardships and taking countless risks in the battles and cultivations.

Perseverance and deepness, like a vast mountain, is the portrayal of this strange ability.

If he is not disturbed, like the injury just now, he can recover in only ten minutes.

However, he had just found a safe place and started to use his ability to heal, when he felt an extremely dangerous aura, so frightened that he immediately stopped healing and stood up on guard.

The mountain's immortality is extremely powerful, but there are advantages and disadvantages. After practicing this special ability, unless Owens is seriously injured to the point where his vindictiveness is not enough to protect his body, the external treatment—whether medicine or magic, has limited effect on him. , which is approximately equal to zero.

Moreover, when using this ability, not only can he not wear armor, but his own defense will also be reduced to a very low level. Although it is said that a rotten ship also has three pounds of nails, as the number one "iron can" in the world, even when he uses the mountains to immortalize, the defense power of his skin and muscles alone is comparable to that of ordinary soldiers wearing armor, but in the powerful In front of the assassin, the armor of an ordinary soldier is no different from tissue paper.

If he was stabbed in the back at this time, even the mountains would not be able to save him.

So once he sensed danger, Owens immediately stopped healing, was careful, and looked for the source of his sense of crisis.

But no matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find it.

He once wondered if he had made a mistake, but as soon as he was about to start healing, he could immediately feel that the danger was greatly increased, almost to the point of being fatal. The danger will be reduced only by withdrawing from the healing and being careful.

Of course not.

So Owens was a little distressed and didn't know what to do.

His injuries are not minor, and if he is not treated as soon as possible, it will get worse and worse. Maybe it won't kill you because of it, but maybe you will get seriously ill. is really not the time to delay. As a legendary powerhouse, he is extremely sensitive to breath. In the roar and vibration of the flame giant and the two giant snakes of light, he can still feel the situation near the castle of Ellants - an old friend of brotherly love, Lep. Heinrich was already in trouble and needed help.

So, he has no choice.

Thinking of this, Owens gritted his teeth, and regardless of the slow increase in the injury, he directly took out his armor and was about to put it on again.

The more serious the injury, the more serious it is. The most important thing in front of me is to rush to rescue Leip!

Thrace can be without him Owens, but definitely not without Leip. If he died and Leip was alive, then Thrace would still have an Optimus Prime, which could hold up a piece of sky for Thrace and Pieduc. But if Leip is dead and he is alive, then at best he can only protect the Pieduts family, and it is absolutely impossible to protect the entire Thrace.

In this case, how to choose, isn't it obvious at a glance?

Taking a deep breath, "Shield Mountain"'s eyes were full of determination.

Little did he know, Gondor was behind him at the moment, less than five paces from him.

Since just now, this thief, who is an extremely rare "higher goblin", has been smiling happily. With his special ability, he stood there motionless, occasionally looking for an opportunity to take a step forward and slowly approach behind Owens.

"Shield Mountain" Owens had already died in the war in the game. The battle to besiege him was a well-known and difficult dungeon. Players who have been in the game for more than five years are almost unfamiliar with this dungeon.

As a veteran who has brushed this copy several times, Gondor is very aware of Owens' skills and abilities, so he accurately grasped some small gaps that appeared in Owens' search process, and kept reducing the distance between them.

When the distance between each other is reduced to within two steps, he will launch an attack!

Ordinary attacks will definitely not be very effective on Owens, but he has absolutely uncommon means of attack - in the process of exploring the world of Mad God, he asked the novice folklorist Alfin to help him, and he used a stick equal to 60. A one-time "curse-killing dagger" made from the fangs of the demon king of the level BOSS. This weapon is slightly fragile and is guaranteed to break with one use. But in the process of damage, it will also completely release the terrible curse power contained in it, causing extremely serious damage to the target.

As a price, the Gondor who uses it will also die from the curse, and will be weak for a long time after death - he certainly won't waste this only special equipment for testing, but from the system description of the equipment, It should look like ten days and a half months.

Even the user will suffer such heavy damage, the power of this thing can be imagined.

Gondor wasn't one of those squirrels with good things tucked away in the bottom of the box, and for him, the best things were things that could be used.

So he has made up his mind to use the curse-killing dagger here, on Owens.

If this guy survives a backstab with a curse-killing dagger, then... there's someone else. For example, pandas or something, he has just taken care of them.

Anyway, today I must send this "Shield Mountain" to the sky and cut off a pillar of the Thracian Kingdom!

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