Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 766: Dragon Fights in the Wild (middle)

The fire dragon that just appeared was no nonsense. After shouting that sentence, it went straight to the green dragon Kamala III. The figure was like an arrow from the string, and there was no turning back.

Its speed is very fast, but the powerful people on the ground are still enough to see it clearly.

The body is slightly stubby, the scales are smooth, the horns have no complicated branches, and the claws have not been shed by repeated molting. It is obviously a young dragon. It can even be said that it has just soon adulthood.

In this world, there is only one well-known young fire dragon.

The "Viscount of Hot Spring Township" of the Grand Duchy of Layton, the fire dragon called "Dragon Lord", Rhodes.

However, when the traversers saw this scene, they all showed surprised expressions.

"Hey?! The fire dragon Rhodes, who is always running for his life in the CG, actually rushed out to the front?" The natural guardian Cervantes, who has been acting as a bodyguard with Caterina, couldn't help but wonder in the chat channel. Said, "Isn't he the elite of the Gou world, the king of King Gou?"

"Goujiu also has a time to get angry with the crown." said Prett, who also served as a bodyguard.

"Impossible! Fire Dragon Rhode's characteristics are 'prudence' and 'withdrawal'. He can't take the initiative to jump out and fight others! Not to mention that his opponent is stronger than him..." The library chief Harmony immediately denied their guess, "There must be a backer behind him, someone backs him, and this backer is absolutely powerful, making him confident."

Everyone on the battlefield, look at me, I look at you, and all turn their attention to the direction that Rhode flew out.

Unfortunately, there is a long distance from here to there, and there are several heavy military camps and at least 30,000 to 50,000 troops. Even the sharpest-eyed person cannot see the situation there.

"I'll fly up to see!" Atlas, the flying griffin, couldn't help but say.

"If you want to fly, it's better to fly up to help Rhodes." Prett pointed to the sky, "That kid doesn't seem to be very coverable."

Atlas looked up, and his face suddenly darkened.

Rhode was so righteous when he shouted the slogan just now, but the real fight was completely different. He is constantly circling and chasing with Kamara III, grabbing the commanding heights in the air. But he is obviously not as agile as the opponent, and he has been grabbed by the opponent more than once to the attacking position at the back and above, and he has been beaten several times before and after.

It was also thanks to his well-preparedness that he didn't know how many protective props he brought to block the opponent's attack every time, and he was still unscathed.

But... looking at the increasingly flustered expression on his face, I knew that he was afraid that HOLD would not be able to hold the scene.

"Your sister! You said it so arrogantly, it turns out that you are still a jerk!" Atlas scolded, spread his wings, and flew towards the sky, "I'll help you!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw a flash of light on the ground shot up into the sky, reaching his chest.

Atlas' figure suddenly shattered, but condensed not far away, but it was the "Transfiguration Amulet" that played a role.

He was furious, and yelled: "The dog is forcing Amy Wei! Why are you still a legendary powerhouse, what kind of skill is it to shoot cold arrows all day long! Some kind of jump out and face your uncle! I don't want you to give 365. In a different posture, I will write the name upside down!"

On the ground, "Heavenly Bow" Amy Wei Sislin was so angry that her nose was crooked.

However, since she was shot to death by an arrow during the last reconnaissance, Atlas has paid special attention to the defense of bows and arrows, and has at least twenty or thirty pieces of equipment to defend against long-range attacks. Every time I have to destroy one or even several pieces, I can still persevere.

Although the scene was a little ugly and he looked a little embarrassed, he actually temporarily held back this newly promoted legendary powerhouse.

The traversers looked at each other, and the wilderness ranger Maiev and the wolf orc Klein stood up.

"Let's deal with the Tiangong!" Maiev said, "at least hold her for a while, she can't be allowed to attack so freely!"

"Yeah, hold it, woo!"

Prett, who is now almost a battlefield commander, thought for a while and nodded: "Everyone, put together the things that protect the remote, you bring a little more, and try to delay it for a while!"

"no problem!"

"Wow, leave it to me!"

At this moment, someone in the castle was rushing out.

The seed girl, who has always been sleeping in the acid pool, is standing next to the cannon in the world, walking around impatiently, constantly asking, "Is it okay? Is it okay?"

"It's not that fast, who told you to rush over just now and bump it upside down!" Uncle Volibear said angrily, "You're not too young, don't always be frizzy, the girl wants it reserved..."

The seed girl was so anxious that she forgot to even retort.

As soon as she heard that the fire dragon Rhodes and the green dragon Kamara III were fighting, her first reaction was "how can I miss this kind of battle," so she flew out of the acid pool and went straight to the cannon of the world. As a result, because the car could not stop, it slammed into the human cannon. Fortunately, this thing is sturdy enough and has not been damaged, but even so, it is necessary to readjust the shooting of Zhu Yuan, in order to ensure that people can be bombarded in the direction of the battlefield of Ai Lanz.

Uncle Volibear is worthy of being an "expert in artillery". It only took a while to adjust the cannon of the world, and he blasted the seed girl who had been around for twenty or thirty laps, and flew towards Elanz. The direction of the battlefield is swift and fast.

Unlike ordinary traversers, the seed girl is a giant dragon, and she can fly. So soon after she flew out, she spread her wings, adjusted the angle, and used magic to speed up.

In today's world, Rhodes and Kamala III are the two famous dragons walking in the world, and she considers herself to be the third strongest after the two giants, the South and the North. So this dragon battle, she must not miss it!

The firing rate of the cannon in the world was already astonishingly fast. In addition, she continued to increase the speed, and the speed of flight was getting faster and faster. Only the sound of whistling sounded in the sky, and people on the ground looked up in amazement. A clear trajectory cut through the sky and flew straight to the direction of Ai Lanz.

On the battlefield, the fire dragon Rhodes and the green dragon Kamala circled each other for a few more laps, when they suddenly felt a strong danger attacking from a high altitude in the southeast. He was taken aback by surprise, and he didn't care about the "must stand up" that his friends had told him before departure. With a flap of his wings, his body suddenly accelerated, and he fled in the northwest direction.

Kamala III didn't chase after him—the green dragon was not as fast as the fire dragon. He laughed smugly, and was about to say a few words, but his expression suddenly froze, and he turned his head and looked towards the southeast.

A dark shadow that was faster than expected came suddenly and slammed into him directly.

The green dragon dodged subconsciously, and also used spells to build heavy defenses. But its defensive magic didn't work at all, it was pierced like a burst of soap bubbles, and the black figure passed him by the slightest, and slammed into the position of the Thracian army. superior.

There was a loud bang, and then the screams continued. I don't know how many Thracian soldiers were hit with broken bones and broken bones. As for those who were directly killed or even smashed into a **** mass, it is not a problem.

It was only then that a tender voice came from the direction where the shadow flew.

"If you fight, count me in!"

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