Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 769: A sword chases the soul

The death of the green dragon "Emerald Sweeper" Kamara III greatly shocked the Thracian army.

Different from the death of Owens Pieduc, the previous "Shield Mountain", the last battle of Kamala III's (?) life was fought in the air or even close to high altitude. The entire battlefield—below them, or the Thracian army positions not far away, or the scene of the magic ceremony behind, or the castle of Ellants farther away—everyone could see this place. A battle to see the green dragon being shot down and falling from the sky to the ground.

More importantly, when Kamala III died, it was surging, making it difficult to breathe, making the horses have weak legs, and had to rely on the knights to beat them with whips to run... Such a strong and terrifying dragon. Power, weakened and shrunk to the point of being barely perceptible in an instant.

This kind of change can be clearly felt even by the blind.

The soldiers of the Thracian Army naturally understood what this meant.

Marquis Drake, who was waiting in the tent for the green dragon's triumphant return, scolded in a low voice, then walked out of the tent and asked the soldiers to pack up quickly.

"I am afraid that this battle is going to be lost, and we must be ready to retreat." He said coldly, "Routing is one of the most terrifying things in the world. If the situation is really bad, we will get ahead of the defeated army. Foremost!"

His adjutant, Earl Charles Howard, frowned slightly and asked worriedly, "Is the situation so bad?"

"Maybe it's not as bad as I said." Marquis Drake's tone did not soften, "Maybe it's worse than we thought!"

He paused for a moment, and finally showed a worried look for the first time: "Owens Piduc died not long ago, and Kamara III just died... I don't know how many helpers His Majesty has found, and I too I don't know how many helpers there are in Ai Lanz, but the helpers I found are dead!"

"It's not just that simple. For a long time, our Drake family has obtained many rare treasures from the Great Swamp through the relationship of Kamala III... Now these are gone. Even if this battle can be won, We'll have trouble too, lots of trouble, big trouble!"

"No, these are nothing, if we can win, these problems can be solved." He stared at the rear of the Thracian army position, the direction of the magic ceremony, "If the ceremony can be completed..."

"Then it's really time for us to retreat." Charles nodded and smiled suddenly. "If you are so worried, things must have been very bad. Now retreating is probably the best choice."

"No! Can't retreat now!" Frans Drake rejected the adjutant's suggestion, "At least not yet... In short, go and get ready and listen to my orders at any time. I ask, once I give it. The order to retreat, within five minutes, the elites of our Drake family will be able to withdraw from the battlefield!"

The adjutant nodded and obeyed the order, left quickly, and arranged the work.

Marquis Drake frowned, looked at the direction of the magic ceremony, and then looked at the direction of the Ellands Castle, silent.

He can be stable, but others may not be stable.

After seeing the death of the green dragon Kamala III, someone finally made up his mind.

"Ice Sword Saint" Lep Heinrich, who was fighting hard against each other, sighed secretly, and then swung his sword.

Unlike any other time before, this time when he swung his sword, the famous sword "Ice" that had accompanied him for many years suddenly shattered.

It wasn't broken or shattered, but it fell apart at the moment of swinging the sword, like a handful of fine sand raised in a strong wind, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, "Sword King" Ewing Terrera and "Old Sage" Majik Norley were both shocked, and then they unanimously demonstrated their defensive measures.

They have experienced hundreds of battles, and naturally understand the truth that "if things are abnormal, they will be demons". The Frost Sword Saint has been fighting hard before. That precious sword has resisted the frantic attacks of the Sword King's six swords for a long time, and also resisted the various spells of the old sage. Not to mention cracks, even a small gap No. At this moment, it turned into dust without warning, no matter how you look at it, you feel that there is a problem!

What should I do if there is a problem? Of course be careful!

The sword king even retreated immediately, trying to retreat to the old sage's side, and the two joined forces to defend.

Anyway, they have just taken enough advantage to gain the upper hand. As long as they survive the opponent's counterattack, the next advantage will definitely be on their side--Juggernauts without swords may still be unattainable masters for ordinary people, but for them, it seems like a difficult difficulty. It has dropped to normal difficulty, which is much easier to deal with.

The sword king retreated extremely fast. In a blink of an eye, he retreated to the old sage's side, connecting his sword energy with the spell of his old friend.

The connection between sword energy and magic is impossible for ordinary people, but for them, it is as simple as breathing - after all, they are old friends for hundreds of years, and I don't know how many times they have cooperated.

The two forces are connected, and the defense is greatly enhanced, but the two of them are still frowning, and their hearts are nervous.

They can clearly feel a strong sense of crisis, but they don't understand why this is so-could it be that the Frost Sword Saint without the sword is stronger than the one with the sword?

At this moment, the Frost Sword Saint sighed deeply and swung his sword towards them.

He didn't have a sword in his hand. Strictly speaking, he was holding his right hand empty, and he was just holding the sword and waving it. It looked very weird, like a crappy actor.

But the two legendary powerhouses suddenly felt that the sense of crisis was greatly enhanced, so strong that they almost suffocated.

At the same time, the teleportation light lit up on the two of them, and the magic props used to save their lives were activated.

However, in the next instant, the light dissipated, and the treasure that was supposed to work was lost.

Before the light dissipated, the two felt a sharp pain in their chests at the same time. Looking down, they saw a bright red smooth trace, which was drawn from the sword king's left chest to the right chest, and then from the old sage's left chest to the right. chest.

That's a sword wound.

What's more terrifying is that they clearly feel that the pain is not only from the surface of the body, but also from the inside of the body, even... behind.

what does that mean? Could it be that... with just such a sword, their bodies have been cut into two pieces?

"how is this possible?!"

The two exclaimed at the same time, and immediately cast a spell to heal themselves.

The Frost Sword Saint ignored them and just stood there, breathing heavily.

He was gasping for breath, sweat seeping out from his head, face, chest, back and back in an instant, so much so that his hair and clothes were soon wet as if they were plucked out of water. And his body was swaying, trembling constantly, his face was frighteningly white, and he couldn't see even a little bit of blood, as if he had completely collapsed, and he might even fall directly to death at any time.

This sword took a huge toll on him, so much so that he gasped for at least fifteen minutes before he reluctantly stressed his breath and regained his ability to move.

The swordsman, who was relieved, glanced at the little silver-white dust on the ground in front of him regretfully - that was the last trace of the beloved sword that had accompanied him for many years, and left in the world, and then he took a straight step towards the city of Elanz. Go to the fort.

He approached the Sword King and the old sage without hesitation, passed by the two of them without any hesitation, and walked directly to the castle behind.

In front of him, the knights and soldiers in charge of guarding the castle were motionless and dumbfounded. On their bodies, there is also such a smooth sword mark. The blood spilled, staining their clothes a lot of red.

However, on the castle next to them, there was no sword mark.

It's like... this sword doesn't exist at all.

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