Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 771: Another version of "Battle of the Royal Capital" (Part 1)

The capital of the king of Thrace is now in chaos.

Through the temporary portal built by Eric, more than a hundred travelers flocked to the palace.

Because the elites of the kingdom have been brought by King Richard to attack the Elanz family, the original reserve team is now guarding the capital. It's not that these reserves are weak or incompetent, but they are powerless.

Back then, even the Royal Thracian Imperial Guards were beaten to pieces by the traversers. Today, although those particularly fierce ones are still fighting on the battlefield of Ellants, the remaining people are definitely not soft persimmons.

It has been more than a year since they attacked the capital at night, and it will be two years in three months. For ordinary people, two years is of limited help, but for traversers, two years is enough time for those traversers of lower levels to go to the next level, generally reaching level 50 or higher.

What would be the result of attacking the palace guarded by the reserve team with such strength? Don't even think about it!

Near the palace, they shouted to kill Zhentian, but the various noble lords and various organizations remained silent, and no one dared to act rashly.

With the passage of time, the strength of the "inhumans" has become more and more known to people. Powerful force, rich knowledge, endless means, and life that seems to be immortal... If there is only one such enemy, everyone may be able to summon the courage to deal with him, and even want to capture him and slice it for research. But there are hundreds of such strong men, and there may be more... Then no one dares to make unrealistic delusions.

Oh, delusion is still daring, but it is only limited to "dare to think".

If anyone wants to put their delusions into practice, they don't need to take action from the transmigrators, and his companions will kill him first.

You are tired of living, you can hang yourself, don't implicate others! We still want to live a hundred years!

In this strange atmosphere, the traversers did not receive any resistance from outside the palace guards, and rushed to the front of the palace in one go.

This time, the great formation guarding the palace did not rise.

"It's great! Richard's absence, the palace formation really can't be opened!"

"What are you waiting for? Brothers stand shoulder to shoulder!"

"The gun is in hand, follow me, kill Shiro, and rob the watchtower!"

"Hahaha! Go! Kill!"

"For the new China, move forward!"


In the chaos of slogans, the traversers descended the mountain like tigers and rushed into the Thracian palace.

Then, they dispersed.

A group of people felt that they should go to attack places like the Golden Palace, destroy the symbol of the country, and thus destroy the morale of the enemy; a group of people felt that they should attack places like Yushufang and Shangshusheng to seize those confidential information; I feel that I should attack the harem, and let him grab a fortune first; there are a group of people who don’t think about anything, just shouting and rushing to a place where there seems to be a lot of people. kill.

Seeing the chaos in front of him, Aaron, who rushed into the palace first, sighed helplessly.

"What a bunch of rabble!" he scolded angrily.

After scolding, he also knew that he could not convince these people to act collectively - if Richard Thrace was here, they could work together to besiege Richard, but that tyrant was on the battlefield of Ellands.

In this situation now, unless the three pandas, Longbiao and others are here, and they take the lead together, no one can try to restrain this group of traversers who have lost their grip like wild horses - they are like Grandma Liu leading the peasant rebel army to fight. When I entered the Grand View Garden, I saw that there were good things and bad guys everywhere. I was already confused and didn't know where to go first.

Although the traversers are powerful, in reality most of them are small people. Even the rich second-generation Wang Tuhao could not bring a large group of people into the Forbidden City to make trouble. Compared with the Forbidden City, the Thracian Palace is more extravagant and luxurious. Even if the travelers are actually quite rich, they can't help but look at it now and don't know what to do.

But Aaron himself is very clear about what he wants to do. He has even contacted several people privately and formed a small team.

Soon, they gathered in an inconspicuous side hall.

"Do you remember my previous plan?"

"Remember! Cut down the roots and kill all the heirs of the Thracian family."

Hearing his companion's answer, Aaron nodded, his eyes flashing coldly: "The Thracian family is prosperous, and there are more than a thousand people in the direct line alone. If we want to exterminate these thousand people, even we can't. It can be done. But as the saying goes, the core of the Thracian family is the direct line of the Thracian king, and the number of this line is not too large. As long as we can capture enough direct line of the Thracian king, the most important thing is If enough blood of the royal family is drawn, we may completely wipe out the entire Thracian family by means of a curse!"


"Cold Wind (Aaron), you are always very thoughtful, and you are much better than those fools!"

"As expected of our intellectual responsibility!"

Some people still didn't understand and asked in confusion, "Even so, what's the matter with the children of the Thracian family?"

"Children's blood is pure, and more blood can be extracted!" Aaron said gloomily, "Besides, it's easier to catch children than adults!"

Only then did everyone fully understand that they had always been in favor of Aaron's set, and this time was no exception, so they quickly set off quietly, caught a few guards, used magic to extract memory directly, and found the royal family in the palace. The location of the area, hurried over there.

On the other side, the traversers who rushed to the study of the Thracian palace encountered unexpected strong resistance.

The Thracian soldiers along the way seemed to have a grudge against them for killing their father and taking their wives. Each one fought with all their might, even if they were seriously wounded, they even rushed to bite them. The fierceness of the momentum and the resolute attitude made the transmigrators feel puzzled at the same time.

"What's going on here?" The leader of the troops and horses along the way, Feng Huang of the strategy team, asked in confusion, "What treasures are there in the imperial study room that are worthy of their lives to protect?"

"You are from the strategy team, you don't even know, how would I know!" The head of the song and dance group Semiramis, who replaced the usual pink magical girl costume and put on the standard full-body armor of a guardian knight, kicked. A Thracian soldier who had his chest cut open and his internal organs could be seen, kicked the Thracian soldier who wanted to jump up and hug him, and said angrily, "They are sick!"

"I will cure this kind of disease!" said Sean, a former singing and dancing troupe superstar who is now a semi-reclusive Druid. "If you have a disease in your head, you will have to beheaded. The medicine will cure the disease. Once the root is removed, it is guaranteed not to happen. relapse."

Everyone laughed, and the magic swordsman Aaliyah even shouted: "This method is good! We need to promote it vigorously! - But Sister Sean, what about medical insurance?"

Sean was stunned by this question, and took a while to answer: "I'm not from an insurance company... I'm only responsible for treating illnesses and saving people, and insurance matters are under their control!"

Just talking and laughing, they went all the way. No matter how hard the Thracian soldiers tried to stop them, they could not slow down their progress.

In the royal study, King Richard stood uneasily, listening to the constant news from the guards, frowning.

He never expected that the Inhumans would come to attack the Thracian palace during the battle of Elans!

"Could it be that... the news of my secret return leaked?"

He muttered to himself, his eyes flickering fiercely.

Knowing about his secret return, there were no more than ten people in the entire palace. According to his past impressions, these people are absolutely reliable. Unexpectedly, there are even traitors among these people!

...In fact, everything was just an accident. The transmigrators still don't know that he has come back, and they are still wondering.

Richard is determined to track down and clean up the traitor, find the guy who betrayed him, and the whole family will be executed with the most cruel punishment. They must be allowed to mourn for days and nights, regretting their mistakes.

But he knew that now was not the time for such a thing. The enemy is right in front of you, and it's getting closer. The most important thing now is to strengthen your defenses and stop the alien bandits who are coming towards the imperial study room, or lead them to other places. In short, don't go to the imperial study room again Just come.

Of course, he has another option, which is to escape directly!

Standing at the door of the imperial study, Richard "The Lion King" looked calm on his face, but he was hesitant in his heart, not knowing what to do.

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