Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 784: The truth discovered by the Thracians

Compared with the laughter and laughter of the Elanz Castle, the barracks of the Thracian noble coalition were full of gloom and gloom.

From the perspective of the battlefield, both sides were defeated in this crusade against Ai Lanz. Almost all of the 15,000 "Storm Cavalry" in Ai Lanz were completely wiped out, and the Thracian army basically lost all the troops at the bottom. Calculated according to the proportion, it is possible that the loss is more on the side of Ai Lanz.

However, judging from the number of casualties, Ailanz also lost about 15,000, while the Thracian army suffered more than 300,000. Such a huge battle loss ratio is enough to make any military personnel on the Thracian side increase their heart rate, blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease incidence by more than ten times after receiving the news.

Not only that, the Thracian army also faced an extremely serious problem.

This is the Duchy of Islandz!

On their own turf, the Elants can easily replenish their forces.

So, do the Elancians have troops to replenish?

Of course there is!

In addition to the world-famous "Storm Cavalry", Elans also had at least 50,000 regular infantry and about 5,000 reserve cavalry. If the militia reserves are mobilized, at least 100,000 troops can be assembled. If the crazy rhythm of all the people is deployed regardless of everything, even an army of several million will be no problem.

It is unlikely that the people of Ellants will be nervous to engage in general mobilization, but at least the 50,000 infantry can definitely be replenished immediately - in fact, they are stationed not far behind the castle and can enter the battlefield at any time. Probably when the rainstorm fell, they had already entered the battlefield under the leadership of "Burning Steel" Otto Spinola and "Administrator" Candy Pied, and firmly held Alan Citadel, do not give the Thracian army any chance.

Of course, it is not easy for them to pursue the victory. Although the Thracian army suffered heavy losses, the loss was low-end force, and the medium and high-end force basically did not suffer much loss. With the remnants of the Pieduc Mountain Army as the core, the Thracians actually assembled a force of about 50,000 to 60,000 people after the war.

All infantry, because the warhorse either died or ran away.

On paper, the strength of the two sides is actually comparable. Even if you consider the level of elites, the Thracian army still has a clear upper hand - those who can survive the hellish fire are conservatively estimated to be characters above level 40. The average level of their army of 50,000 or 60,000 may exceed At level 45, if you remove some of the weaker ones who survived by luck, only the real elite who survived by strength, the average level may even reach the unprecedented level of 50!

However, their morale was low and their state was sluggish. After experiencing the baptism of the hellfire during the day, even the most courageous knight is still trembling with fear. I don't know how many people can't sleep at night, and I don't know how many people barely wake up and then wake up from a nightmare.

Going to war with such an army... it's basically no different from sending death.

Therefore, the generals of the Thracian army could not even wait to clean the battlefield. They retreated in a hurry in the face of the heavy rain, and almost discarded all the baggage along the way. They just wanted to escape as quickly as possible.

By the time it was dark, the 50,000-60,000 Thracian army had already dispersed into a long messy dragon on the vast land. The only ones who can gather to have a military meeting are those commanders who run ahead and are relatively powerful.

"There is no way to fight this battle any more!" The first person to speak was Marquis Drake. Because of preparations, the Drake Army retreated the fastest, and the losses suffered during the retreat were relatively high. Smaller, they are the undisputed leaders in the current army of defeated soldiers.

The nobles nodded in succession, always agreeing with his judgment.

"Now we can only withdraw, first withdraw from the territory of the Ayrantz family, and find a place to repair it." The new Duke of Pieduc sighed, "I can't believe that the advantage of five times the force will end up like this. Fiasco!"

"It's all to blame for that unreliable guy, Norman Speak!" The leader of the Henry family said angrily, "What the **** is the 'Meteor Magic'! As a result, he was attacked by the Elants, the magic failed, and everyone It's all miserable!"

"He wasn't much better himself. That explosion, he was at the center of the explosion." The good old man Marquis Brian sighed, "Even if he is a legendary mage, with high strength, I am afraid that his life will not be guaranteed."

Everyone sighed, both for their heavy losses and for Norman Speak, who had committed suicide.

At this moment, an earl suddenly said: "Do you really think... Norman Speak is dead?"

Everyone was startled and looked at him.

The earl's eyes were gloomy, and his face was full of viciousness: "The old man saw that the Alanz army came, and he was the first to run away! Do you think he will stay at the ceremony site?"

The great nobles were shocked. You look at me, I look at you, and after a while, someone said, "Impossible! All the mages are dead, and none of them have come back..."

The group of Thracian mages who held the ceremony came from various families, and they were all connected to their respective families. After the explosion, no family received news from them, apart from "all dead", what other results could there be?

The earl sneered and said, "It's true that all the mages died, but... how do you think they died?"

The big nobles looked at him in unison, and some of the more impatient ones urged him not to betray him and tell the news as soon as possible.

The earl sneered again and took out a message crystal.

There are many cracks on this communication crystal, and at a glance, you can tell that the damage is not light. Fortunately, there are magic masters in the army, and they can use the means skillfully, and they can still roughly read the information.

The information stored in this crystal is a little messy, but it can still be seen.

It was a large underground cave, and the ground, overhead, walls... were filled with strange magical runes everywhere. A chandelier made of human skulls hangs in the cave, and the green light is eerie.

Inside the cave, with the help of a female archer, several magicians were besieging a huge monster with a huge body and a black aura. There were a lot of corpses lying around, all wearing robes. Judging from the few corpses that were close enough to see the robes clearly, the level of these mages was not low, almost all of them were intermediate or even advanced.

And the huge monster waved its arms from time to time and cast some spells during the battle. Among these spells, more than one is familiar to people-that is the unique spell used by Norman Speke, the "sage of the secret spell".

And then, a few last words. Because it's a bit messy, I can only hear that the mage is going to burn his life, send the news out, and expose the truth of Norman Speke, the demon in human skin.

So much information, but enough.

After reading the message, the great Thracian nobles, look at me, I look at you, and in the end I don't know who roared.

"No wonder... it turns out that this **** demon did it!"

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