Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 793: Butterfly **** its wings and finally merges into a storm

James didn't wait long.

About half an hour later, the sacrificial ceremony came to an end, accompanied by a creepy sound, each sacrificial piece slowly melted, becoming the newest layer on the altar of flesh and blood, and each soul wailed desperately, from The corpse rose, but there was no way to leave or dissipate, it just floated above the altar.

Clearly aware of what was to come, these souls uttered nightmare screams and plunged into utter madness, awaiting their terrifying end.

Panda and other priests stood around, their faces were calm and merciless.

These guys were specially selected by them, and each of them could be sentenced to death at least ten times. No matter how terrifying the results were, they were not worthy of sympathy.

Of these men, the least guilty was a baron. In addition to the evil deeds of ordinary nobles, he also has a special crime - cannibalism.

Cannibalism is actually not too scary. There are many cannibalistic monsters in this world, and some of them have wisdom to communicate with, and can even co-operate with them through threats and inducements. But cannibals are in the minority, and this baron, even in this minority, is an alternative.

What he likes to do is to break the bones of the limbs of living people, spread them on the dining table, cut them open by himself, and enjoy the fresh internal organs. To this end, he also specially practiced a good knife technique to ensure that the "cutlery" would not die until the end of his enjoyment.

The one who caught him was the Templar Roland, with the game ID "Eternal Legend". When Roland rushed into the baron's castle, this guy happened to "dine" to the end. At that time, Roland almost missed and killed him. Even if he tried to endure it, when Alfion dealt with the sacrifice, he complained more than once that Roland was too heavy, adding a lot of trouble to his work.

To be honest, Roland is really restrained, because in the process of catching the sacrifices, the pandas killed more than they caught.

Fortunately, the world is very big, and there are many guys who owe a lot of cuts, so they can successfully collect enough sacrifices without delaying major events.

Seeing the miserable and terrifying appearance of these souls, Panda sighed and said, "Although I know that these guys are doing it for themselves, it's really uncomfortable to see this scene."

Someone immediately replied: "It's normal that it's not very comfortable. If you see it, you'll feel comfortable. I'm afraid the clergy won't be able to do it."

Then someone else said, "These guys can be considered as sacrificing the ego to achieve the big ego. Without their sacrifice, where would the world have a future?"

They had already agreed not to mention the "God of Madness" a word when they spoke, to avoid being perceived by that dangerous ancient god.

After a while, the air suddenly became thick and cold, as if it had suddenly been soaked in cold mucus. Everyone who was waiting was slightly shaken, and they were all ready.

[Wash your hands in a golden basin tomorrow: The God of Madness is coming out! be ready! 】

On the grassland near Wolf's Nest Lake, a huge seal floated no more than half a foot above the ground. Opposite it, an extremely huge portal was shimmering, ready to be opened at any time.

Sanyu shouted: "Prepare!"

The traversers who had already gathered here ran to the opposite direction of the portal, ready to exert their strength.

In the mad **** world, in the mucus-like air, circles of ripples that are clearly visible to the naked eye ripple like the surface of water.

Panda and others took out a bottle of mechanical mind potion and drank it, and then lowered their heads together, not looking over there.

This was specially explained by Alfion, as a sacrificer, she was helpless. But Panda and others must not look at the **** of madness, and must ensure that they are relatively calm and rational.

If they also fell for the mad god's trick, the plan might fail altogether.

After a while, a figure suddenly appeared in the air.

Words are hard to describe this figure, it seems to have a definite shape, but whenever you want to determine its appearance in your mind, you will find that your previous judgment is completely wrong, and its appearance does not match your previous impression. Even its size, color, location... these most basic things, can't be determined.

But it was clearly there, basically did not move, and its body clearly did not change, just like that.

Alphin just glanced at it, and she felt the sticky stuff rolling in her stomach, as if it was about to spew out of her eyes, nose, mouth, ears; it was like being parasitized by monsters in the alien, and that thing was about to tear. The chest breaks through the bondage; it still seems that the whole person is being burned by the flame, but the fire is not big, just slowly refining, to extract all the fat from the body...

She opened her mouth wide, and the spell she was about to recite turned into an indescribable scream. The pupils shrank to almost a single point in an instant, and the eyes, which were almost entirely white, turned into red and green colors, blood slowly flowed down the corners of the eyes, and mucus was constantly overflowing from the nose and mouth, and the originally beautiful appearance became able to act as a Horror footage from a horror movie.

However, at this moment, she played a role in a pre-set arrangement for herself, and Panda and others who acted as insurance also acted according to the plan at the same time.

Divine power poured into her body from the soles of her feet along the pre-buried mithril threads, and next to her heart, a magic rune that had been cut into her body before and put in, shone with golden light.

The two arrangements worked at the same time, allowing Alphin to temporarily regain his sanity. Knowing that it wouldn't be long, she quickly sent a signal to Sanyu.

Next to the temporary portal of Wolf's Nest Lake, Sanyu shouted: "Launch!"

On the slate held under the huge seal, the restriction circles failed almost at the same time. They were already ready to go, holding the seal and galloping towards the portal. The traversers are still working hard together, trying to give them some speed.

It only took about two seconds, and the huge seal with a length of more than 500 meters rushed into the portal together with the stone slab below.

The casters who had been prepared immediately annihilated the portal. Except for leaving some people to do the finishing work, the rest of them swiped back to the city and hurriedly ran towards the basement of the castle.

They're going to help.

When Aerial Knight Laisha, who was rushing in front, took the lead through the portal in the basement of the castle to reach the world of Mad God, what she saw was not the previous scene, but a super explosion like the end of the day.

In just an instant, she was directly killed and returned to the city.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen traversers were bombed back to the castle hall one after another. Fortunately, the follow-up personnel also discovered the problem and did not rush over.

After another ten seconds, staying in the underground bunker, the dwarf Loma, who was with the residents of New Raccoon Town, sent a message.

"The shaking on the ground has stopped, you can go over and take a look."

The traversers carefully entered the world of crazy gods. The first thing they felt was that the air in the whole world was becoming refreshing and comfortable, just like coming from the city to the countryside. Then they saw that the gloomy sky was clearing up and the sun became warm. Cozy.

Immediately afterwards, they saw a large blazing flame.

The explosion point (probably the center of the altar) was centered, and at least five or six miles around were directly razed to the ground, and there were clear traces of the explosion on the ground. Above the explosion point, many floating flames are burning, they seem to be still struggling, but they are slowly dispersing, and their movements are gradually stagnant.

I don't know how long it took, these things fell to the ground one after another and were burned into pitch-black coke.

The traversers looked around, looking for Alfin and others who had not returned to the city, and soon found them.

Probably blasted away by the force of the explosion, they fell to a distance of about ten miles one by one. It is also thanks to their bodies that they are strong enough, otherwise they would have died long ago.

A moment later, they learned of the whole thing from the only witness, James Edward.

It is very simple and can be summed up in one sentence.

The plan was successful, and it was fried brilliantly and beautifully.

The news made everyone cheer, whether it was the people in the underground bunkers, the pandas and others who were blown to pieces, or the Alfine who had no injuries but was covered in strange patterns, or the first wave who rushed in and was bombed back. Laisha and others in the city, everyone is very happy.

After they were happy, they discovered a problem.

The number of people who returned to the city and resurrected was wrong.

It is said that after the big explosion, everyone in the seal should return to the city to resurrect, but in fact, there are still many people who are missing.

Everyone hurriedly searched in the Mad God World, but did not find the whereabouts of the others.

A few days later, Xingzhao researched and determined that it may be because the force of the collision between the crazy **** and the huge seal ripped apart the space, and many people in the seal were thrown to other worlds.

However, she later stated that she had mastered the spatial fluctuations of those worlds, and as long as she analyzed it for a period of time, she could open the portal to those worlds.

At that time, travelers can go to those worlds and retrieve their lost companions.

"Aren't they going to commit suicide and go back to the city?" someone asked worriedly.

"Maybe they are still in a sealed state, or maybe they think that world is very interesting... In short, there are many possibilities. But at least it is certain that they are not so bombed that they can't even be resurrected." Xingzhao said, "Don't worry. , when I parse out those worlds and find them in the past, everything will be clear!"

Although the ending was not perfect, the traversers finally accepted the result and held a small-scale celebration.

"In any case, we eliminated tyrants, destroyed the source of turmoil in this world, brought peace to the western land, and eliminated the **** of madness, saving the world of mad gods." At the celebration, Sanyu took the lead in raising his wine glass, "Let's toast these great achievements with the share of those who are probably in other worlds!"

Everyone toasted and laughed.

From the traversers who graze in despair, to the heroes who bring peace and save the world, these butterflies flutter their wings and set off a storm that swept the earth.

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