Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 803: Magic Mirror Making Guide

After killing the evil spirit, everyone could feel that the temperature in Li'an's living room was significantly higher, at least a degree or two.

This is naturally the reason why the negative energy carried by the evil spirit finally disintegrated completely, neutralized by the divine power and disappeared. But the people of the Li'an family didn't understand this. They only felt that the living room was suddenly much warmer, and their mood was much more comfortable, and there was no longer the faint sense of depression before.

Because of his good mood, the old Mr. Lean was quite generous with the issue of remuneration. In addition to the money, he also gave the Panda the ancient mirror, which was almost a family heirloom of the Li'an family.

Of course, the panda would not refuse. This mirror has been possessed by evil spirits for many years and has been soaked with negative energy. Although the negative energy has now dissipated, the change in the texture of the mirror has been completed. Now it can become a good magic weapon with a little treatment. .

And in their team, there are people who know this kind of skill.

So they took the pay and the gifts and said goodbye.

When they left, there was a large group of people surrounding the door of the Li'an family, wanting to know the reason for the thunderous noise just now.

Mr. Li An did not hide it, and told everyone what happened.

When people learned that the Li'an family had really encountered an evil spirit, many people were surprised to grow their mouths and make a sound like a duck with its neck pinched. And when they learned that the evil spirits had been eliminated by Master Xiong and others, and saw the trio of peculiar-looking exorcists, many of them roared like roosters again.

Panda ignored these onlookers. He took his companions straight out, said goodbye to the Li'an family, and returned to the tavern.

"It's amazing!" As soon as they entered the tavern, Alex greeted them and said excitedly, "It turns out that when the exorcist destroys the demons, it will be like thunder!"

Panda was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

What should a traditional exorcist "work" like? He doesn't know at all!

Fortunately, Loma responded quickly and took over the topic: "Every exorcist is different - of course, we are the best kind! Have you seen other exorcists before?"

"No, I've only heard stories of exorcists."

"Obviously, there's a big deviation between these stories and the facts," Loma said confidently. "We all know that when things are passed on from people's mouths, almost every time they are passed, it's going in a ridiculous direction. Change a little - I once had a friend who likes spicy food, and once he ate chili peppers and his face turned red. Guess what the rumors were about?"

Alex thought for a moment and asked, "He was red from eating?"

Loma laughed: "It's far from enough! In fact, after a few years, the most exaggerated version I heard was that he was actually a fire dragon that turned into a human. After eating his stomach and showing his original shape, he howled Yell, while breathing fire everywhere."

Alex was stunned, and after a while he couldn't help asking, "Are you kidding me?"

"Just kidding?" Loma shook his head. "There are so many ridiculous things in this world, why should I make a joke about this?"

Alex will be confused by this ridiculous story and can't sleep well. It's someone else's business, what the transmigrants see in front of them is how to deal with that mirror.

"I plan to make it a 'magic mirror'," said Alfion. "However, I'm still considering which style of magic mirror to make."

"Are there any options to choose from?" Panda asked.

"As long as it's not the kind of 'mirror and mirror tell me who is the most beautiful woman in the world'." Loma said nonchalantly, "That thing is very unlucky, and even if you ask it out, are you going to take this world away? Are women who are taller than you all arrested and killed?"

Alfion gritted his teeth, resisting the thought of smashing the teacup on the table and smashing it on the stinking head, explaining: "I plan to create a magic mirror to cooperate with the search for evil spirits - this mirror itself is inhabited by evil spirits. After a long time, it has a relatively strong innate sense of evil spirits and the like. I just need to strengthen this aspect. "

"So, is there anything we can help with?" Panda asked, taking out a piece of barbecue and covering Loma's mouth.

He noticed that Alphine just glanced at the teacup on the table from the corner of his eyes, and then glanced at Loma's head. If Loma's mouth is not blocked, I am afraid that it will not be long before Alphin will pay. All implemented.

Alfion smiled: "I will go to hold a ceremony outside the city tonight. You can help me watch it, and don't let any messy things interfere with my ceremony."

"No problem, it's easy." Loma said confidently, swallowing the piece of barbecue that was enough to choke an ordinary person.

That night, they came to a small hill outside the town of Mutter. Following Alfion's instructions, Panda and Loma brought a large rock and cut it along the middle to make a temporary platform. Alfion used an enchanted knife to draw a weird magic circle on it that made people feel disgusting at first sight, then sprinkled silver powder all over the magic circle, and then placed gold coins in the positions symbolizing the sun, moon, stars and herself. , sprouts, gems, and a piece of meat to complete this simple ritual preparation.

"Don't let anything get close!" She urged at last, took out the ancient mirror, placed it on the magic circle, and chanted a spell.

The blue and green rays of light are like tentacles, which grow from the magic circle and hold the ancient mirror. One by one, the symbols were created empty, and slowly imported into it.

At the same time, a strong wind suddenly blew up on the top of the mountain, and the gloomy and cold wind carried a disturbing penetrating power, as if it could blow through the flesh and into the bones.

Panda and Loma each held weapons and guarded both sides. They watched their surroundings vigilantly, not letting anything come near.

Just a moment later, a hoarse cry came from the sky, and a **** bird flew over and circled the top of the mountain.

With sharp eyesight, the panda could clearly see that the big bird was staring at the ceremony in progress and could attack at any time.

Running on the idea of ​​​​starting first, he bent down to pick up a small stone and threw it towards the big bird.

The gigantic bird was so agile that it avoided his attacks. But it was obviously frightened too - it was the first time it must have encountered an opponent who could throw stones from the ground to attack the air.

So it hesitated for a while, but still made that unpleasant cry, and gradually flew away.

But some of the "visitors" did not leave, and the panda could clearly see that there were at least five or six black and transparent figures surrounding them, looking for opportunities to attack.

"Loma, wear glasses," he said.

Loma immediately put on special glasses, and immediately saw these virtual bodies that were normally invisible to the naked eye.

"What to do?" he asked.

"The incorporeal body is not afraid of physical attacks. In order to avoid sabotaging the ritual, I can't use a wide range of sacred spells - just wait, if they have to rush up, we will fight back."

Soon, those evil spirits rushed up, and then under the attack of the enchanted weapons of Panda and Loma, they let out a desperate scream, turned into dust on the ground, and was blown away by the night wind.

When the dust formed by the last pile of evil spirits also dissipated in the night wind, the stone used for the ceremony shook violently, and slowly collapsed like decay, turning into a large piece of mud.

Above the mud, an ancient silver-gray mirror is shining with blue and green monster light.

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