Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 811: The night of the roaring royal capital kicks off

Seeing the news of Alfin, the panda directly dropped the magic circle that was about to be completed and ran wildly in the direction of the capital of Clauda.

As he ran, he couldn't help scolding: "What the hell! Why did those unlucky things come to the capital!"

"Evil Spirit Circus" is also one of the dungeons of "Halloween Carnival". Unlike other dungeons, this dungeon is quite large, including not only an entire circus, but even a surrounding village - assuming the player moves Not fast enough.

The background of this copy is that an evil spirit uses the circus as a cover to kill people born at a specific time and devour their souls to gain power. According to the plot in the original game, this guy has already swallowed 65 special souls. As long as he devours the last one in the Corn Village, he can complete the evolution and his strength will be even higher. And if the players didn't find its place in the dungeon, it rushed out of the circus and devoured that special soul...

Then we can only say "Victory or defeat is a common thing in military affairs, heroes, please come again."

But, why did this guy come to the capital?

It also makes sense when you think about it - the capital has a large population, and there must be many special souls who meet the requirements, which is naturally more convenient than in the backcountry like Corn Village.

But kings have armies, scholars, and great adventurers. This guy went to the capital to make trouble, isn't he afraid of being beaten by a group and then throwing himself in the street?

Panda wondered in his heart, but he ran fast under his feet.

No matter what this guy thinks, in short, he has to arrive as soon as possible to stop this evil spirit from completing its evolution!

At this time, Eric and Loma had also received news from Alfin.

"Evil spirit circus? How did it come to the capital?"

"Fuck! This is the rhythm of a war! I like it! The axe of the family can kill again!"

The two also threw down the magic circle, and they didn't care about any stealth spells, and hurriedly rushed in the direction pointed by Alfion.

But only halfway through the run, they heard a roar from the front.

The two looked at each other, feeling a little bad in their hearts.

"How did this start?" Eric said uneasily. "Shouldn't we wait for us to get there?"

"God knows!" Loma only said half a sentence, then looked up at the sky in surprise - only to see a large metal cage flying from a distance, just in their direction.

"Shit!" He rushed forward two steps, grabbed in front of Eric, jumped up, swung the battle axe, and smashed the cage aside.

Before the cage landed, a green light suddenly flashed inside the empty cage, and a vicious tiger rushed out towards them.

"Damn it!" Eric, as a wizard from the capital city, is definitely not the type with agile reactions and vigorous movements. Seeing that the tiger is coming fiercely, he can only scold, a lazy donkey rolls and hides beside him.

And Loma, who was falling from the air, had no way to dodge. He had no time to take the shield from the prop bar or to fight back, so he had no choice but to throw away the axe, so that he could free up his hand and hit him hard with his fist. up the tiger's chin.

"Ouch", the tiger staggered and stumbled to the side after being beaten by him. But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, another golden and black leopard rushed out of the cage. With vigorous steps, it rushed to his side in a blink of an eye, biting when it opened its mouth.

This time, Loma really didn't have time to fight back, so he could only turn his body slightly and took the bite with his shoulder armor.

The leopard's teeth were extremely sharp, and Loma's pure steel shoulder armor was bitten through, dripping with blood.

Fortunately, at this time, Eric finally calmed down, took out a green wand, and pointed forward: "Thorns entwined!"

The green light fell on the ground, and countless thorns grew wildly from the ground where there was nothing, and entangled everything that could be touched except for Loma.

Both the tiger and the leopard were entangled, and a green light flashed inside the cage, and other beasts regenerated, but they were also entangled and could not rush out.

Eric took the time to heal Loma with a healing tool.

"How? Can you still fight?"

"It's okay, no broken bones." Loma took out the arm shield, installed it on his left hand, ran over to retrieve the battle axe, and then looked at the weird metal cage, "What the **** is this?"

"The 'beast cage' in the circus of evil spirits," Eric explained, "one of the incarnations of evil spirits."

"I understand!" Loma nodded, rushed over and struck the tiger's face with an axe, and then sent the leopard's head to the body with another axe, and finally rushed in front of the metal cage, and was summoned with an axe. The black bear that came out went to accompany the other two beasts, and finally wiped his finger on the blade of the axe. As the blood soaked, the blade of the axe lit up with brilliant golden light.

"Go to hell!" The sound of broken metal sounded one after another, and after a while, the huge metal cage had become a pile of scrap metal.

At the moment when the metal cage was chopped down, the three beasts that had fallen to the ground turned into countless green lights and collapsed and disappeared together.

In the system logs of Loma and Eric, the prompt [You defeated the partial clone of the evil spirit "Dancing Puppet"] appeared at the same time.

"Let's go! I'm afraid the problem over there is serious!" Loma was going to continue to cut, Eric shouted, "I'm afraid Alfion can't stand it alone!"

The two threw down the battlefield full of scrap metal and thorns, and hurriedly ran in the original direction.

After a while, the soldiers on the night watch arrived, and they were stunned when they saw the thorns on the ground.

"Why are there so many thorns in the capital?" a soldier asked blankly.

"You ask me, who do I ask?" the patrol captain said angrily, "Quick! Start shoveling a way out of this thorny bush! There is a noise ahead, we have to hurry up and take a look!"

The soldiers stepped up helplessly, swinging their swords to chop down the sturdy thorns.

These thorns are thick and tough, and the long sword of steel cuts them, and the effect is not obvious at all. They were busy for a long time before they cut three or four. According to this trend, if you want to open a way in this large thorny, I am afraid that you will be busy until dawn!

The patrol captain was in a hurry and was about to order a detour, but when he saw a green light flashing in front of him, the thorns that had been all over the ground disappeared without a trace, and the messy streets became clean again, with no traces at all. Only there was a pile of scrap iron bars in the corner, still the same.

"What's that?" an eagle-eyed soldier asked, noticing the pile.

"Don't worry about it! No matter what it is, I don't have time to control it now!" The captain slapped him, "Let's go! Let's rush to the place where there is constant noise!"

The soldiers hurried over, and the streets were quiet again.

However, if anyone looks carefully, they can vaguely see that a little green light is slowly converging, and the speed is very busy, but it does not stop for a moment.

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