Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 815: Rebellion is a technical activity

In fact, Ilo had already woken up.

After the seal hit the Mad God, the fragment of the seal he was in also fell into this world, but the location was in a valley, right in the stream. After being washed by the stream for about half a month, the crumbling seal completely collapsed, allowing him to wake up.

After waking up, he was not in a hurry to contact other companions, but wandered around the world with great interest for a few months, while looking for companions who might be living in this world, he saw a lot of people and things.

For example, he has also been to the town of Mute where the pandas and the others exorcised before. He also had a drink and chat with old Mr. Lean. When he was drunk, he talked a lot about the principle of "survivor deviation"-that was probably in July.

At the beginning of August, Yiluo found a seal fragment and rescued the Berserker Harley, who was of the violent bear race. With the help of Harley, he has a little more special idea.

In his view, the world is conservative, backward, and lacks strong men, but it has sufficient minerals and manpower, which is suitable for transformation into an industrialized base. However, to transform a world, it is natural to first achieve domination. Although he himself is powerful and an extremely rare production master, he has no military skills at all, and his management skills are about zero. Can only be upgraded to level 9.

What's the use of level 9 skills? If you have military skills, you can probably be a team leader of a ten-man team; if you have management skills, you can probably be the steward of a small manor, or the village head of a small farm.

If you want to occupy and rule a country, this level of skill is obviously not enough, it is far from it!

So although he thought about it before, he never planned to put it into practice.

But Harley is different. This berserker, who is a **** between the Homecoming faction and the Troubleshooting faction, will act with whichever side is interesting. He has participated in the war more than once, and is a veteran of war.

At the time of the Norma campaign, he was a member of Uniron's guerrillas. After he turned against the Duke of Norma, he became one of the leaders of the "Underground Railway" organization for refugees fleeing from the Norma area to the Tarakhan area. Tara Khan area.

After the war, he was also invited by Yuneruo to Longtou Island to work as a civil affairs official for a period of time, mainly responsible for census, taxation and water conservancy construction. But he didn't do it for a long time that time, because he didn't like complicated civil affairs work.

Now he has three sub-professions, "Guerrilla", "Migrant" and "Civil Administrator" in addition to the main occupation "Berzy Warrior". Among them, "Migrant" has even risen to nearly 30 levels. A range of practical skills, just right for the situation at hand.

Compared with him, none of Ilo's four sub-professionals, "Alchemist", "Businessman", "Inventor", and "Engineer", can be used in the current situation.

Yiluo had a long talk with him, and persuaded this "uncomfortable to do nothing", and the two found a village not far from Wang and began to immerse themselves in things.

They imprisoned the village chief, seized the right to rule the village, and then forced the strong men in the village to undergo military training.

This is obviously not what a decent person should do, and Ilo didn't intend to do it, but Harley persuaded him.

"In the whole life, you always have to fight once. If they can succeed with us, then they will be the founding fathers! Although it is estimated that they can't be prime ministers and generals with their abilities, but there will be no problem with peace and wealth in the first life. I can benefit from it—for this, what is the point of suffering a little bit of blood and blood and a little bit of life?”

Yiluo didn't think hard work was a small thing, but he didn't really think that these farmers would need to work hard. He has already determined that there are no masters in this world, and in a real fight, he and Harley, one method, one fight, one near and one far away, are already fully grasping the situation of the battle. Even if the enemy has a thousand children or eight hundred, it is not a problem.

After more than a month of training, although the mental state of these farmers has not improved significantly, they have greatly improved in terms of physique, equipment and fighting habits. According to Halley, they may not be soldiers, but at least they are militias.

Yiluo didn't have the patience to wait for them to continue training. It took too long to train the militia to the level of a regular army. Now, it's almost enough.

So he did a divination and found a very favorable day, at least from the results of the divination, and brought the group to the vicinity of the capital. With the help of a temporary one-way teleportation array, he directly crossed the strong city walls and wide The moat, taking advantage of the night to rush into the capital of Hewang.

Now that they are in the capital, the militiamen are well-equipped and have basically recovered their spirits. He and Harley are in good condition. It is the best chance to break through the palace and seize the country in one go!

The right to rule is a good thing, whether it is to transform the society or search for other lost companions, it can come in handy!

With a wave of Ilo's wand, the gray breath spread out, like a large shadow, completely wrapping them in it. Then they took their steps and marched bravely in the direction of the palace.

The militiamen are aggressive. In the past month or so, they have witnessed the unparalleled courage of Commander Harley (self-appointed), and Prime Minister Ilo (self-appointed)'s endless wonderful methods have also given them confidence. Especially just now, they were still far away from the king, but they came to the royal capital at once, jumping over the moat and the city wall, which gave them unreserved confidence in the methods of the two bosses.

Only the heroes and sages in the legend have such ability. Now they are led by heroes and sages to overthrow the original king, why is it difficult?

Isn't this the case in legends, sages command, heroes lead the team, and then they easily defeated the original king and established a new dynasty.

Now it seems that their situation is similar!

Thinking of this, the militiamen were full of confidence and enthusiasm, and even felt that their footsteps were much lighter, and everyone was in a hurry, lest they fall behind and suffer a loss in "founding the country".

They have no culture, but they are not stupid! Now is the time to fight for a lifetime, and no matter how you look at it, it is easy to win, so what is there to worry about?

A group of people came to the gate of the palace in a mess, but they did not see the expected high security. They only saw a mess - many corpses fell on the ground, each of them skinny, as if they had been hungry for a long time. Time, the general starved to death. But they are all wearing complete armor, and often have weapons around.

"What's going on?" Harry waved his hand, motioning everyone to stop, and asked in confusion, "Who has seen this before?"

A daring militiaman leaned over to take a look, then ran back as quickly as if chased by a dog, shaking his head again and again.

"never seen it!"

"I've never heard of it!"

"What exactly is that?"

"It's not an evil spirit, is it?"

Speaking of evil spirits, everyone's eyes immediately fell on Yi Luo.

Dealing with evil spirits, isn't it the job of "sages"...

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