Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 821: Just met a more dangerous ghost

When the bell rings, something bad is about to happen.

It was an extremely powerful exorcist who built this clock tower back then. He encountered an extremely powerful resentful spirit, and the two sides couldn't be entangled. I couldn't kill you, and you couldn't subdue me.

However, the reason why people are the spirit of all things is not that they can fight, but that they can use their brains and form gangs. The exorcist found a great noble, carefully selected a suitable location, built a bell tower, and sealed the resentful spirit inside.

The most ingenious thing about this clock tower is that it can use the power of the leylines to constantly eliminate the resentment of the resentful spirits. The bell tolls at noon and midnight every day is to use the power of the leylines to shake grievances and weaken the strength of the grievances.

Of course, his idea was very good, but he happened to meet the pig teammates. After two or three hundred years, the founding monarch of the newly established dynasty took a fancy to a powerful resentful spirit that was blocked in the clock tower, and decided to use it as a trump card for the royal family. In the future, if there are resentful spirits attacking and you can't stop it, you can escape to the vicinity of the clock tower and seduce two resentful dogs to bite the dog. An opportunity to turn around.

... This fellow didn't think about whether it would break the seal.

Originally, the bell tower was quite remote, but now it has been replaced by the palace, and its popularity is completely different. Popularity stirred the earth veins, causing the seal to undergo subtle changes. When the bell rings twice a day, it will not only dispel the resentment of the resentful spirits according to the original design, but also lead to the temporary weakening of the seal. In the palace, evil is born, and all kinds of shameful things are emerging one after another, and the weight of resentment is unparalleled in the world. A large part of these grievances have been absorbed by the Bell Tower Resentment Spirit, which is equivalent to continuously strengthening its power.

Today, it is far more powerful than it was in the past. As long as it accumulates for a while, it can be broken through when the seal is weak and come out to wreak havoc on the world.

Originally, it had to wait for a while, but tonight, a big fat meat was delivered to the door, adding a big boost to it.

That piece of fat, of course, is the "dancing puppet" of the evil spirit.

This evil spirit had devoured the last victim before and completed the evolution. After its evolution, its strength has greatly increased, and it has controlled several other evil spirits. Now it wants to devour more life, so it came to the capital.

Those weird resentful spirits are the clones it sent. These clones are not strong, but their abilities are very strange. If it wasn't for those who possessed divine power, they would have no power to fight back in front of them.

However, when encountering the evil spirits in the bell tower, they are not enough to look at all of a sudden - what is the result of the little monster of 180 years, and the old monster of thousands of years?

So at first, the "dancing puppet" did not dare to attack, and even did not dare to approach the clock tower. Although it is an evil spirit, it is not a fool, and the difference in strength between them can still be seen.

However, when it was severely injured by the angry Loma with an axe, and even the main body was destroyed in the aftermath of the "death blow", it had no choice.

Speaking of which, this guy is also unlucky. He obviously devoured a lot of life essence by attacking the palace, even enough to help it evolve again. As a result, before he had time to evolve, he followed the body hidden in the circus and was chopped down by Loma with an axe. It's like a person who won the lottery and made a fortune and died of an overexcited cerebral hemorrhage.

Without those life essences, and the loss of the body, the evil spirits had no choice but to attack the people next to the clock tower, trying to plunder some life essences to make up for the consumption and restore their strength. As a result, it angered the evil spirits in the clock tower, and eventually became a late-night snack for the old-fashioned evil spirits.

After eating several main clones of the evil spirits of the younger generation, the evil spirit of the clock tower suddenly increased in strength, reaching a critical point enough to break through the seal. At this time, it was exactly midnight, the bell rang, the seal weakened, it no longer hesitated, and let out a terrifying scream.

With this scream, dozens of sealing utensils that had been placed in the clock tower for many years burst together, and a crisp cracking sound sounded in the night sky, as if a huge piece of glass was suddenly shattered in the air.

This shattering, immediately could not contain the resentment of the evil spirit, the billowing black energy spread like a tide, roaring out of the clock tower. Seeing that the bricks of the bell tower were also raised one by one, and the earth and stones fell rustling, and it was about to collapse with this scream.

Seeing this scene, Harley and Yiluo immediately reacted and rushed over without saying a word.

Harley's footsteps are extremely fast, roaring as he advances, his body grows bigger with every step he takes, and in an instant he has transformed into a ferocious and ferocious giant bear, with scars on his body murderous, and the magic battle axe in his hand also changes with his body. Big, slashed with an axe, and roared out of thin air, like thunder.

The evil spirit in the clock tower has been recharged for many years, and has already accumulated extremely powerful strength. At this moment, seeing the ferocity of the giant bear, he did not care about completely destroying the clock tower to relieve his anger. First, with the help of the power of breaking the seal, he concentrated all the power to the front, turned it into a raging wave, and blasted towards Harley.

With a muffled sound, Harley's huge body was hit so hard that it couldn't stand upright. The blood sprayed all over the ground, and finally lay on the ground motionless, with countless light spots floating on his body, and he was instantly killed by one move.

But the evil spirits were not able to catch it, and the power of Harley's blow also hit it heavily. The black air that permeated the clock tower suddenly exploded like thunder, and there were countless golden lights jumping in the black air—Harley's body and axe had the divine attributes that Ilo had added not long ago, and they were the deadly enemies of evil spirits' resentment.

What's worse is that Yiluo has already taken advantage of this time to prepare his ultimate move.

He took out a few precious gems, raised his hand and patted them, the power of magic infiltrated them, turning these priceless treasures into dust. With the action of smashing them, a large-scale magic circle was quickly completed. Then circles of light emerged from his palm, expanded rapidly, and established themselves in the air.

Inside the halo, a golden puppet emerged.

Ilo's main occupation is "Puppet Warlock", and the real strength of this occupation is reflected by the puppet. He was limited in human and material resources and couldn't make particularly advanced puppets like he did in the game, so he changed his mind and made several different puppets.

The one I use now is the one with the highest cost and the greatest power.

Self-destruction puppet.

Probably because of the culture of the guild, the members of Reckless Earth are very keen to use self-destruction skills. It was like this when I was playing the game at the beginning, and it became more and more like this after transmigration.

Self-destruction is good, the cost is almost non-existent, and the power is earth-shattering. After the explosion, you can go back to the castle for a late night snack. It's perfect!

Over time, the "self-destruction culture" has become more and more developed among this group of travelers. At every critical moment, the first choice for travelers is to explode first. Just like the style in a certain TV series - where is the Italian gun? Drag it out and shoot it first!

Yiluo's self-destruction puppet also adheres to the unique guild culture of the Reckless Earth Guild. It is powerful and easy to use. All the costs are not wasted even a single penny, and all of them can be converted into attack power.

So, it exploded.

There was a roar, the ground shook, and the light shot into the sky.

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