Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 825: The most precious parting gift

The sky in the east is gradually showing a white fish belly, and this long and terrifying night is finally coming to an end.

Panda, who is patrolling the city with two swords, searching for any signs of evil spirits; Eric, who is sketching drawings on the city wall and designing a complete set of firm magic; Alfion. All three breathed a sigh of relief.

The second half of the night was not stable. Although Alfinne, who had activated her ultimate move, was the natural enemy of all evil spirits, she swallowed up an unknown amount of evil spirits and grievances in one go, but when she regained her human form, the ability to devour wildly was natural. is closed. But resentment is still slowly flowing out from the earth veins, and the evil spirits in the capital can still be reborn from resentment - although they have become much weaker, no matter how weak the evil spirits are, they are the same for ordinary people. is fatal.

Among the three, Eric wanted to inspect and maintain the temporary magic circle on the city wall. Alfion needed a rest after swallowing a lot of grievances and evil spirits, so he could only trouble Panda to work harder and run around the city. If you see an evil spirit, kill one to avoid harming the world.

In the past few hours, he has accumulated 22 evil spirits, or 22 "person-time" evil spirits. Because of the characteristic that evil spirits can be reborn by absorbing grievances, many evil spirits have been beheaded by him twice or more.

The one with the most deaths is the "Dancing Little Doll". This guy was first cut off by Lockheed Martin, and then just recovered, he was cut off by a passing panda, and then even the main body was given to him by Lockheed Martin. It was cut, and then several core clones were eaten by the evil spirit of the clock tower. It didn't take long for all the remaining clones to be cut off by the panda.

This is not the end, and when the evil spirit of the clock tower explodes, the resentment is filled. It was finally reborn with resentment, and it took less than ten minutes to be reborn before it was cut down by the panda, and then swallowed by Alfin before it was revived.

However, its tragedy is not over yet. In the middle of the next night, relying on its strength, it was resurrected three times. But strong strength means violent evil, and of course the panda found it immediately, and every time it was two swords, it was chopped into pieces.

After careful calculation, in this long night, it died eight times before and after, or nine times, which can be said to be tragic.

Panda has no time to help the evil spirit calculate the "sorrow level". Although the sky has turned white, he is still walking around, looking for traces of the evil spirit.

When it is dawn, the inhabitants who have fled the city will return. At that time, when the evil spirit has a target to attack, it may go wrong. So it's best to cut a few more times now, and cut them a few more times before they can recover.

In this way, the cleaning work after dawn will be safer.

Before you know it, the sun finally rises. When the first ray of sunshine fell on the capital of Kloda, the evil spirit that was ubiquitous suddenly dissipated, leaving only a faint gloomy meaning, but after all, it did not dare to be upright, just like a mouse in the gutter, sneaking around I dare not see anyone.

So the panda breathed a sigh of relief and went out of the city to inform the fleeing residents to go home.

After an hour, the residents returned home one after another. The tragic corpses along the way, as well as the traces of various battles, made them tremble with fear. If it weren't for the exorcist Master Xiong's emphasis on "what you need now is to rest and restore your spirits, otherwise weak people are more likely to be attacked by evil spirits", they may not even have the courage to go home.

But when they got home, they settled down quickly and many began to grieve.

Too many people died last night, and their relatives and friends were engulfed in grief once they were free of their fears.

For this kind of thing, the traversers can't help. They can only turn the living into the dead, but they cannot turn the dead into the living. After all, they didn't have a set of Infinity Stones, and they didn't have any special finger-snapping skills.

However, they also have their own business to do.

Alfion went to a mountaintop outside the city to bask in the sun. She is still in a frenzy with evil spirits in her body, and she needs to use sunlight to speed up the suppression and digestion of evil spirits.

Eric asked a group of people to help him to paint magic runes in the city, and planned to build the largest magic circle he had independently designed and manufactured in his life.

The panda is sleeping on the city wall - he needs to rest now, because when the magic circle is built, there are still things that will require his great efforts.

At three or four o'clock in the afternoon, the magic circle was finally built.

This magic circle is actually quite crude, not refined enough at all, but it is much better than the one from last night.

After the magic circle was built, Eric woke Panda - now it's his time to help.

Panda came to the center of the magic circle, Kloda Victory Square.

Of course, Eric will not waste this rare large space, where the hub of the magic circle is arranged. For this reason, he also moved the statue of the Goddess of Victory to the house. This statue carries people's long-term thoughts and has great value. He re-arranged it as part of the magic circle.

The panda stood in the position of the previous goddess statue, drew his sword, and got ready.

"See that circle on the ground? When I give the signal, you put your sword in that circle and pour as much divine power into it as possible," Eric said.

Panda thought for a while and asked, "After this is done, is there anything else I need to do next?"

Eric was stunned for a moment, then understood what he meant, thought about it for a while, and shook his head.

"OK, then I understand what to do."

After a while, a bright beam of light shot up into the sky. Divine power pours into the magic circle like the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, and then spreads into the streets of the city along with the magic circle that gradually lights up.

As far as the golden light came, countless hidden evil things were driven out, and then disappeared under the attack of sunlight and divine power, leaving no trace.

There are also some more powerful evil spirits trying to resist, but all in vain. In the magic circle that covers the entire city, let alone destroying the magic circle, even if they want to harm civilians, they can't do it at all.

The golden light lasted for about ten minutes, and even though the panda had turned into countless light spots and dissipated, it still flowed in the magic circle.

Eric replenished the magic circle in time to preserve this powerful force as much as possible. In the years to come, it will be like blood, flowing in the "vessels" of the magic circle, constantly resolving the grievances that may arise in the city.

Moreover, because of the influence of divine power, the atmosphere of the royal capital Cloda will be better for a long time to come. People here will subconsciously tend towards kindness and justice, and take the initiative to do good and accumulate virtue. Their good deeds will in turn give back to the magic circle, so that the magic circle can last longer.

In theory, as long as there is a magic master here to maintain and repair the magic circle, this capital will become the "place of the best" in the true sense.

This will also become the most precious parting gift the pandas left to the world.

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