Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 827: Battle of the Sea (Part 1)

On the vast sea in the southern part of the Western Land World, more than thirty warships of various sizes were forming a neat formation and advancing slowly.

Today is the New Year of the 784th year of the mainland calendar. At the New Year's celebration last night, the leader of the Lizardmen force, His Majesty Yunero announced a major news: tomorrow morning, the navy will set off to conquer the remaining few of the Sea Dragon Islands. Islands, complete the unification of the Sea Dragon Islands.

"When the Sea Dragon Islands are unified, we will establish our country!" At that time, His Majesty Yuneruo's face flushed with drinking, and his handsome dark scales glowed with bright colors full of hormones. In addition, he exuded the king's aura in his gestures. All the scaly creatures present were fascinated by it, "At that time, we will call it the 'Sea Dragon Kingdom'!"

"O! O! Sea Dragon Kingdom!"

"Long live the Sea Dragon Kingdom!"

"Long live Your Majesty Yunero!"

The cheers came one after another, but it didn't take long before there were more shouts of "I'm going to lay eggs for Your Majesty!", and then the shouts became more and more and gradually merged. Probably because of drinking too much, there were actually many men who also followed suit. As a result, His Majesty Yuneruo, who was in high spirits, suddenly turned pale, sobered up and stopped talking, muttering that he had to work overtime to deal with the relevant documents of the war, as if In StarCraft, the **** of death, who was chased and killed by a group of speed-up dogs, ran very fast in panic, and even jumped over a room and escaped without a trace.

In the early morning of the next day, he took the special troops that had been secretly trained and marched in person, even before the naval fleet set off.

The reason is naturally... as a king, you have to charge ahead to boost morale.

For this reason, Sinbad, the commander-in-chief of the Navy and the commander of the First Fleet, who already knew him deeply, felt helpless. This His Majesty was sincere, warm and upright, generous, diligent and simple. reliable...

Isn't it just to lay a few eggs with those lizardmen fanatics, what a big deal! Men don't suffer in this kind of thing! And to be honest, those lizard people who fanatically pursue him are really good looking, with thin scales, a strong body, and a well-proportioned skeleton... No matter how you look at them, they are all good women who can run a family, why he doesn't look down on them. What about the eyes?

wrong! It seems that His Majesty Yunero has something to do with the contemporary Mermaid Queen... Could it be that His Majesty is thinking of marrying the Mermaid Kingdom? Then you can't have children before that, even if you don't get married...

The future great navigator stood on the bow of the flagship "Red Sea" of the First Fleet, and seemed to be looking into the distance.

About fifty miles ahead of the fleet, Yunero was sighing.

"Your Majesty, you can't do this!" Skye, who was sitting next to him, advised, "When this war is over, we will officially establish a country, and then you will be the king, even if you don't have a queen, at least There should also be a few concubines to fill the harem."

Yunero glanced at him and said nothing.

"Don't be so slack! This is serious business!" Skye urged bitterly, "I know you can't accept the aesthetics of the lizardmen, but the lizardmen are the main body of your country. According to our estimates, 40% of the citizens of the Sea Dragon Kingdom will be lizardmen in the future. As their king, it is unreasonable that there is no lizardman concubine in the harem!"

Yunero let out a long sigh and lowered her head.

"Even if you get married and don't have children, at least marry one! And as the monarch of a country, you should have children. How can you reassure your subordinates if you don't have children? Although we are all immortal, we can This is not the reason for not establishing a crown prince! Even if you have a thousand years in the future, you will kill your son, grandson and great-grandson... one by one, it is not impossible. Legendary powerhouses become kings. normal."

"William! (Skye's real name) don't say it!" Yunero finally couldn't help interrupting him, "I understand everything you said!"

"Just 'understanding' is not enough, you have to actually do it!" Skye said solemnly. "Lana often says that if you want to wear a crown, you have to bear the weight, and it makes sense."

Yunero sighed again and lowered his head helplessly.

"Don't look like you've been defeated every time you talk about this topic. Men don't suffer in this kind of thing!" Skye persuaded him, "I remember the Emperor Guangxu I saw when I visited the Forbidden City. Are the concubines taking pictures together? To be honest, I think those female lizardmen are at least prettier than those concubines of Emperor Guangxu."

"Hey! Don't look so bad! Can't you just make a squeak!"


Skye sighed helplessly, and lay down on the back of the huge turtle they were riding, saying nothing.

Around them, the elites of the future Sea Dragon Kingdom ride alone or in groups of two, riding huge turtles. This is an ally, the giant turtle "Karakara" tribe, which Yunero has won through diplomacy with the help of the power of the Mermaid Kingdom.

Giant sea turtles are large, long-lived sea creatures that are much larger than the average sea turtle and have a much higher lifespan and intelligence. However, their combat effectiveness is not strong, and they can only take shelter under the protection of the Mermaid Kingdom. This military alliance with the Lizardmen is also an attempt by them to expand their living range. If they can rely on the power of the Lizardmen to gain a firm foothold in the Sea Dragon Islands, then the range where the giant sea turtles can thrive will be greatly increased.

For Yuneruo and the others, although the giant sea turtle family was a little slow and didn't have any powerful means of attack, they were able to swim fast on the sea, which was enough to bring great help. After training, they managed to have a "giant turtle cavalry". This cavalry can gallop on the sea at a speed comparable to the "Greek Catamaran", and its flexibility is a few streets away from any boat. With this special cavalry, he is confident to defeat most navies in the world.

At least, the remaining navies of the Sea Dragon Islands were completely ignored by him.

In the entire Hailong Archipelago, the largest is the northernmost Longtou Island. Although the southern islands also have many residents, they are far from Longtou Island. As long as the naval battle is won, the forces on those islands will completely lose their resistance and can only bow their heads.

At that time, the entire Sea Dragon Archipelago will usher in the unification, and the lizardmen forces that have been away from the political map of the Western World for many years will also re-enter the political arena under the name of "Sea Dragon Kingdom".

All of this depends on the sea battle that will come soon!

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