Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 835: Trera's Throne

At the end of the summer of 787 in the continental calendar, something happened in the Kingdom of Trela.

The king fell ill.

The king, who was too lazy to remember his name, was not young, already in his fifties. He ascended the throne at the age of twenty-four or five, and for more than thirty years, he has been stable and stable, and there has been no trouble. Although it can't be called a Ming Jun, at least it is not a faint Jun. In the evaluations of the travelers, he belongs to "one of the thousands of ordinary people who are very common and have no features at all".

As for who came up with this evaluation, who else could it be besides Loma?

The strength of this king is not strong, and he can no longer be considered young and strong in his fifties. After falling ill this time, his spirit has obviously deteriorated a lot, and he seems a little powerless when dealing with government affairs, and he even dozed off during a meeting more than once.

Seeing the king's old age, many officials and nobles felt that it was time for a new king to succeed him.

The king's pair of children are not young, the eldest princess Feisna is twenty-seven years old this year, and the prince Zion is also twenty-one years old. No matter whether the throne is succeeded by a princess or a prince, there is no need to worry about "suspecting the country".

Well, this is naturally the Kingdom of Thrace. The little king is still under ten years old, and it is thanks to the loyalty of the auxiliary minister Alanvina Thrace, otherwise, I am afraid that the dynasty has already changed.

The Trellans don't have to worry about this, but they have to worry about another.

Who should inherit the throne?

There is no particular idea of ​​patriarchal preference in the political circles of the Western World. Female nobles and even queens are not uncommon—the founding king of the Kingdom of Elanz was a woman, and the grand consul of the previous generation of the Republic of West Brunei was also a woman. Although generally speaking, men will always have some innate advantages, but as long as women can reach a high enough level with their blood and hard work, at least at this level, they will not suffer at all when participating in the competition.

Therefore, even if it is the queen to inherit the throne, there is nothing unacceptable.

Of course, generally speaking, since the king has a son, of course, the son will inherit the throne. But over the years, Princess Feisna's performance is indeed far better than Prince Zion, but it is a fact that everyone can't deny.

As a king, the most important thing is blood, followed by ability. From the point of view of blood, the princess and the prince are the same. From the perspective of ability, Her Royal Highness the Princess is much more reliable than Her Royal Highness the Prince.

This is evident from personal force alone.

Princess Feisna is already a high-level warrior, and when she condenses her fighting spirit, she can even block the bow and crossbow head on. With her strength, if there is no accident, at least she can live to be hundreds of years old. This meant that even considering things like old age and frailty, she could be king for at least fifty years.

For officials and nobles, of course, the longer the king reigns, the better. The longer you stay in power, the more stable the political situation will be, and the less you have to worry about issues such as changes in government and order. If possible, it is best to let the legendary powerhouse be the king, and there will be no need to replace people for hundreds of years, and the peace of mind is extreme.

And Prince Zion can't do it. Although he has made achievements in magic and martial arts, the level of both sides is not high - at least not high enough for him to break the lifespan limit of ordinary people. If he were to be a king, he would probably be similar to his father. When he was fifty or sixty years old, he would become old and frail, that is to say, he could only be a king for about thirty years.

The difference between thirty years and fifty years is still very obvious.

In addition to longevity, Princess Feisna also has a significant advantage in terms of "personal connections".

She has a lot of outstanding talents under her wing, and she has a good relationship with Her Majesty Catalina, Queen of Ellants - Ellants is the most powerful country around the kingdom of Terrera, and it borders directly on Terrera , if the princess inherits the throne, the diplomatic aspect will be very beneficial.

As for Prince Zion... He is married to the daughter of the Gordon family, the "Golden Duke", the head of the five major dukes of the Molai Commercial Federation, and he is not alone in diplomacy. However, in recent years, the situation in the Molai Federation has not been good. There is a high voice in the country to recover the homeland, Duke Gordon has been suppressing it, and he has gradually become a little bit overwhelmed. In diplomacy, he may not be able to give his son-in-law much help.

If there is a war between Mo Lai and Ai Lanz, who will everyone be optimistic about?

Of course, I am optimistic about the Kingdom of Ellants!

The Molai people are not good at fighting, which has long been recognized by people. When they rely on the fortress to defend, they can barely play a dozen, but it is obviously impossible to take the initiative to fight.

And if Prince Zion is to inherit the throne, once Mo Lai and Alanz go to war, of course Trera will be on Mo Lai's side - this is really not a wise choice!

Everyone knows that in times of war, one has to stand with the victor in order to gain benefits.

Although officials inclined to princes have repeatedly claimed that "helping the weak against the strong will help you get the greatest benefit", but everyone is a human being. Who is fooled by this statement?

Indeed, helping the weak against the strong can take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune, and it may even take both ends. But the premise is that you have to be stronger than the "strong" to be new!

Is Trella stronger than Islandz? No one dared to pat on the chest and say that.

In contrast, if the princess succeeds, once Alanz and Mo Lai go to war, Terrella can be on Alanz's side - which probably won't be a big benefit, but it will certainly be Not a lot. The worst and worst, it can also incorporate the Golden Desert and some territories further west into the territory of Terrera, and increase the kingdom's territory by a large amount...

Therefore, from a diplomatic point of view, Princess Feisna also has an advantage.

In addition to the first time, judging from the fact that the prince and the princess have dealt with some practical work over the years, Her Royal Highness and the talents under her command are still very reliable in their ability to handle affairs. Although in terms of numbers, they are not as many as His Royal Highness, but in terms of actual results, they are not bad.

Not bad, that's enough. When she becomes king, there will naturally be more people available.

Discussions like this can be heard in many places in Terrera. At first nobles and officials were discussing, and later even commoners were discussing such topics.

Most of the discussions ended with the conclusion that "princesses are better suited to the throne than princes".

If there is a public opinion poll in Terrera now, perhaps Her Royal Highness's approval rate has reached more than 60%, which is an overwhelming advantage.

If this is a presidential election, then Her Royal Highness the Princess obviously has a huge advantage. Her Royal Highness may invite players such as Ball King Bailey and Poisoned Milk Huang Xudong together to make a contribution to the Princess, so as to restore the disadvantage...

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