Pret is a very responsible person. Although it was only a promise at the wine table, he took it seriously. That night, he returned to the castle and found Saili's teacher.

"Singold has recovered his memory?" The half-demon Fenghuang with a white horn looked at him in surprise, "Did you cure him?"

"Almost, I think their family can't be reunited, and I feel uncomfortable..."

Feng Huang rolled his eyes and said angrily, "It's a shame! You just want to watch the fun!"

Pratt shook his head again and again: "You wronged me, I really did it out of good intentions."

"It shouldn't be too much for good intentions!" Feng Huang said coldly, "Tia's mother and son's life is very stable, so they feel that Singer has died long ago, and it is good for everyone. Singold's side also In the same way, he now has a wife and children, a stable life, both fame and fortune, and he won't even die in battle. Wouldn't it be nice to let him die of old age in such a safe and secure way?"

"Do you like this ending?"

"It's better to hide one's ears and steal the bell than a tragedy!" Feng Huang said unceremoniously, "You helped Singold recover his memory, so what should he choose? Should he abandon his past wife and children, or abandon his current wife and children?"

"His current wife is not a good person..."

"The Harret family has never been sorry to Singold!" Feng Huang snorted and said, "They promoted him, gave him power, helped him become famous, married his daughter to him, and made his child a family member. One of his heirs will become a branch of the Hallett family in the future... No one can pick a problem with this approach, do you want him to be a wicked villain for the sake of his past wife and children?"

Prett was stunned, and after a few seconds, he said, "When you say that, I suddenly realize that I seem to have made a mistake..."

"That 'seems' is superfluous!" Feng Huang sighed, "Changsun Wu (Pret), you are already in your early forties. In terms of age, maybe you are older than Singold. Some, can't you think about it carefully before doing something?"

"I just feel that Tia's mother and son in the game were so pitiful..."

"But they are not pitiful now!" Feng Huang said, "Tia works in the logistics group and has a good relationship with everyone; Saili is my only student, and he is my descendant. If they are pitiful, The vast majority of people in this world are might even be said that they are living in better conditions than Princess Harret! Where on earth do you come to the absurd conclusion that they are 'poor'?"

"Isn't it pitiful that Tia lost her husband and Sairi lost her father?"

"Poor shit! Just pretend Singer is dead!" Feng Huang said nonchalantly, "Tia is only thirty-six years old, so young, it's not difficult to find another partner. As for Sai Li... he's already Twenty-one years old, if it weren't for the fact that I spent too much time and energy studying on my side, a young man his age should almost be a father, and he still remembers what his long-lost father does? I want to film 'Where's Dad?' An alien version?"

"Is Tia going to remarry?" Pratt asked in surprise, "Why didn't I get any news?"

Feng Huang sighed: "It's just that we want her to remarry. In fact, a few years ago, we persuaded her to let go of the past and find a good man to reorganize the family - at that time she was just about 30 years old, because she was eating in the castle. Good, well cared for, and looks younger than many twenty-three or four-year-old women in this world. At that time, it was not difficult to find a partner."

"But she wouldn't, right?"

Feng Huang sighed again and again, looking a little sad.

As Saili's teacher, he certainly hoped that his only disciple's family would be happy and healthy. That guy Singold, he doesn't count on it at all. In his opinion, it is still the most practical choice to let Tia remarry and start a new family. .

However, Tia always misses her husband who has been away from home for many years. She insists on waiting for her husband's whereabouts, whether it is death or life, there will always be news. Otherwise, she will never let go.

Feng Huang deliberately made a fake and fabricated news of Singer's death. But after he talked with the "two-legged bookcase" Harmony in detail, he had to give up this plan-unless he killed Singold to silence him, things would be revealed sooner or later.

Can he kill Singold to silence him? As far as strength is concerned, of course, but this is not his style of doing things, it goes against his principles of being a man.

So he can only be distressed, helpless.

In this case, Prett actually cured Singold's amnesia... It's just a mess. When the emperor thinks of this, he can't wait to have two big ones. Of course he won't be right. He has the slightest good attitude.

The two discussed it in the middle of the night, but they couldn't reach any results. In the end, in desperation, they had to resort to the wisdom of the masses-to find more people to help and see if they could come up with a good solution.

They had to ask someone to ask if other travelers had any ideas.

They found the well-informed Wang Tuhao, and the wind and wandering child said: Are you going to ask me about this trivial matter? Are you really confused by this world? Just arrange for Singold and Tia to divorce. The two sides have been separated for many years, and it can be regarded as the fact that the marriage has broken down-could it be that you have read too many deceptive **** stories such as the guillotine case, and you have become confused yourself? Men and women, that is, if they get together, they will get together if they don't.

They found the experienced Semiramis, the big star said: Extramarital affairs? Gossip? Wife and kids at home? These routines are not uncommon. Just go through the legal process. This world is not without judges, what do you want you to do? It's really impossible to come forward to King Trera. Although the king was in poor health, his authority was not affected. It's up to him to judge, no one is talking nonsense.

They found the oldest Volibear, "Old Cannon" said: Alas! This is all sin! Can't we just make do with both sides? Anyway, everyone is so old, there is no need to pay too much attention...

They found the chairman for more than three years, and the busy chef said: This is easy to do, anyway, Tia lives in Kalipura Village, Singold can live in Kalipura Village for half a year, and half a year in the royal capital—— I remember Prett, you also have a teleportation array at home, just borrow him a few times a year.

Finally, they found Panda, Panda listened carefully to their introduction, and then asked in a puzzled way: What's the point of discussing it in private like this? Why not ask the parties for their opinions?

Prett and Feng Huang suddenly realized, and immediately laughed bitterly.

They tossed for so long, but they forgot to ask the person involved...

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