Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 841: Tough decisions

When the husband who had been separated for many years finally got news, Mrs. Tia's first thought was whether she could help each other.

This made the transmigrators not only lament the greatness of love, but also more distressed.

They would rather Madam Tia be angry, or jealous, that's easy. It doesn't matter whether she wants to hack the heartbreaker or the mistress to death.

But she wanted to help her husband solve the problem... but instead created a problem for the transmigrators.

If they could figure out how to help Singold solve the problem, why bother?

"Now for us, the most important thing is to determine your attitude." After a moment of silence, the emperor said, "Seri is my student, you may not understand, but I am an Oriental, come to me Saying, 'Heirs of the Mantle' is a continuation of my ideals and career - even though I have a long life, maybe longer than yours, it will not change my attitude towards him. So your attitude will determine our choice."

Mrs. Tia looked at them suspiciously, not understanding what they meant.

Feng Huang hesitated for a while, but still said something: "If you want to win, even if you get your hands dirty a little bit, I'm willing to go. If you can't have the best of both worlds, then you have to be different. ."

His attitude was frank, and he didn't mean to hide or pretend to be a good person.

Mrs. Tia immediately understood what he meant, and her eyes widened in surprise and even a little panic: "How... how can..."

"Don't worry, it doesn't have to be fatal." Feng Huang smiled and comforted her, "However, if you want to force Duke Harret to make concessions, some coercive means are always needed. If the two sides conflict, In serious cases, maybe... it's also possible."

[Panda Man: Hey! Fenghuang, can you speak? 】

[Sage Bai Ze: Then what do you think I should say? 】

[Panda Man: Just say, "We will use some coercive means, but please rest assured, we have sufficient experience and ability to solve things well", isn't it? 】

[Chief Chef: Panda, are you talking nonsense with your eyes open? We have no experience of doing such a thing! 】

[Master Armor: Exactly! 】

[Panda Man: This is just a word to comfort her, how can it be serious! If you are a doctor, in the face of a worried patient's family, wouldn't you say "can't be cured, can't be saved, wait for death"? Afraid of being beaten to death! 】

Next, they used the chat channel to have a heated debate, and soon other transmigrators joined in, and then the topic was taken off track again...

Just as they were fighting each other on the chat channel, Mrs. Tia finally made a decision after some consideration.

"I...I want to meet him," she said. "At least let me see him before I make a decision, okay?"

The four people who are spitting out in the chat channel look at me, I look at you, and they all nod their heads.

Since she wants to meet Singold, then let's meet.

One day later, Mrs. Tia, who took the "Seed Maiden Express", came to the capital of Trera.

Originally, the traversers suggested that she use the teleportation array to hurry, but the seed girl who was turning into a human at the time and eating in the cafeteria ran over quickly, expressing that she was very moved by Mrs. Dutrera... In short, after some Barabara's flickering, Mrs. Tia got on the black dragon speeding car in confusion, screaming and going to the sky.

Fortunately, the dragon language magic that the seed girl learned from the dragon lord's supplementary class was indeed quite useful. She used magic to create a bubble and protect Mrs. Tia inside. Both thermal insulation and windproof, the treatment is much better than the original James.

...I just don't know how the Dragon Lord Rhodes would feel if he knew that his students used the great dragon magic to drive?

Although Seed Girl's protective measures are very powerful, Mrs. Tia is just an ordinary person after all, and she is unavoidable to get tired of boats and cars - or to put it more bluntly, she has motion sickness - no, it is "dragon halo".

After resting for two days at Yama's Viscount Mansion, she finally recovered completely. And Prett also made an appointment with Singold to meet again.

When the couple who had been apart for nearly 20 years met again, the scene was very calm, and there was no tearful or shouting like in Qiong Yao's film.

Roughly speaking, the scene at that time can be described like this.

Singold: Are you here? !

Mrs. Tia: Yes, here I am.

Singold: How did you get here?

Mrs. Tia: Does that matter?

Singold: Yes, that doesn't matter! The important thing is that you are here!

Mrs. Tia: Do you want me to leave?

Singold: I hope you never leave!

Mrs. Tia: But you know, I have to leave.

Singold: I'd rather I don't know.

Well, there is no need to imitate Mr. Gu Long's narrative technique. In a word, it is roughly the same.

After the meeting, Mrs. Tia said that she was a little tired and went back to her room to rest. Then Prett, Fenghuang, Panda, and Singold sat together to discuss what to do with the matter.

"Introduce myself first, I'm Saili's teacher." Feng Huang was in charge of sing-along today, "In any case, I'm on the side of my student and his mother. So the ugly words are up front, and if the talk breaks down, I will Reserve all means."

Singold was not angry, but smiled a little happily: "I'm glad to meet a teacher like you in Saili."

When he said this, he looked at the white horn in front of Feng Huang's forehead with interest, but didn't ask anything.

There has always been a legend of unicorns in the Western Continent. Probably he regarded Fenghuang as a unicorn.

"So, what are you going to do?" Panda asked, "This matter has to come to an end. Pratt doesn't mind how long Mrs. Tia lives here, but she can't make her name unjustifiable. Be a mistress, don't you think?"

Singold nodded again and again.

"So you have to come up with a solution, right?" Prett asked. "You've been thinking about it for so many days. Have you come up with any solution?"

Singold was silent for a moment, then smiled.

"I thought about it for a long time, and finally, I made a decision that was not so easy," he said. "It is impossible to have the best of both worlds. So I can only try to make the result as much as possible ... at least everyone can Accept, you say, right?"

The traversers nodded.

"The best way I can think of to make it acceptable to everyone is to let General Singold Hallett die in battle, and the down-and-out homeless Singh goes home."

Facing the surprised gazes of the transmigrators, Singold smiled bitterly: "Although I still have to be sorry for my current wife and children, I can at least leave them a piece of honor—what I can leave to them, That's all there is to it."

"Of course, if they are in danger in the future, I will definitely do anything to save them. Here I will explain in advance." He sighed and looked at everyone calmly, "This is my decision, what do you think? ?"

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