Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 843: classic routine script

Alice and others worked very efficiently. Early the next morning, they completed the script and introduced it in the chat channel.

[The old driver's rollover - Singold's death script: Although the official autumn offensive time has not yet come, many young noble children in the capital have been unable to hold back their eager enthusiasm. They want to start early this year, and the barbarians in the Great Swamp were caught off guard—if they couldn't think of it, those barbarians would definitely be even more unexpected! 】

[For their plan, the most experienced general in the war in the Terrera Kingdom, the old driver Singold is very disapproving. He felt that it would be better to wait until after the autumn harvest to fight the whole army, at least not hinder the harvest. However, the young aristocrats whose brains have been burned out by thoughts such as "surprise surprise", "attack it by surprise", "deceive the enemy first to deceive one's own people" do not listen to the persuasion at all. They even said that they would not launch militia assistance this year at all. , all fighting with veterans who are familiar with the terrain of the Everglades, just to give full play to the advantages of experience and maneuverability. 】

[Singeld’s repeated persuasion was ineffective, and in the end, he had no choice but to hold his nose and become the leader of the team——The old men in Trera were not confused. Although they thought the boys were very reasonable, they were absolutely not at ease. Inexperienced young people lead the team alone. It is their insurance to have skilled veterans in charge of the army. 】

[In the beginning, everything went well. But one night, when the army was stationed, it was attacked by a large number of rioting monsters. Among these magical beasts, there are giant beasts as terrifying as hills! 】

[Faced with such an offensive, the inexperienced young people barely resisted for a while and then completely collapsed. Seeing that everyone was about to flee in a mess, Singold stood up. He took some loyal and brave soldiers and arranged for these young nobles who had been panicked and chaotic to run away. 】

[When the army came here again, they only saw the traces of a tragic battle. On the battlefield, I could barely scrape together a set of relics for the hapless old driver Singold...]

After reading this plan, many traversers nodded repeatedly, and felt that it was really interesting. The whole process was quite complete. And in general, this plot is quite reasonable and acceptable.

Of course, the "young and ignorant" of those young nobles definitely needs some external force behind them. This job is naturally the responsibility of the traversers.

In the same way, the group of powerful monsters that suddenly appeared, including the terrifying giant monsters as small as hills, must only be provided by the traversers.

"Speaking of which, I have a problem." Panda asked. "How do you plan to solve the huge monster in the plan? Do you want to give Hug's Dixinglong some makeup? I'm afraid it won't work."

Druid "Hohhot, I'm the most handsome" is one of the unfortunate ghosts whose whereabouts are still unknown. Without him as a contractor, it would not be easy for the huge earth-walking dragon to be obedient and act with everyone.

What's more, the earth-walking dragon has been exposed. If it reappears, the Terrera people who escaped by chance will definitely think of the traversers.

For this problem, Alice and others, of course, have already had a solution.

The person in charge of answering was Alphin: "Leave this to me, I can find a big guy from the Mad God world-since I advanced to the evil god, I found that I have a little bit of control over those guys... It can’t be controlled precisely, but it’s okay to give a general order. I’ll get a giant beast living in the swamp over there, and make sure they’ve never seen it before.”

"You won't be playing around, right?" Someone asked worriedly, "Those things in the Mad God world... Are they really okay to get this way?"

"It's definitely no problem, I'll host it on the spot!"

Panda was somewhat worried about her confident appearance.

"Then there is another problem." Wang Tuhao said, "The battle at night is so chaotic, how can you make sure things go smoothly? Don't play with fire and destroy the crusade army, or destroy Singold. Killed!"

"How can it be, it's not you."

Everyone couldn't help laughing, and more than one person complained: "At this time, I think of us!"

Tucao returned to Tucao, but they finally agreed to the plan.

However, looking at the contents of the plan, Panda felt a little familiar.

After a while, he couldn't help but ask, "Your plan... why do I feel like I've seen it somewhere?"

"Absolutely no plagiarism!" the two web writers answered together almost instantly.

"I'm not talking about plagiarism or something, I'm talking about... this kind of plot... gives me a very familiar feeling..."

Wang Tuhao sent a smile: "Do you feel familiar now? I saw it just now! This plot is clearly the way of a Hollywood horror movie! The young people who are dying can't persuade their old driver, who is lurking. Danger broke out, the old driver died, the young people fled for their lives in a hurry, and there were heavy casualties along the way. In the end, only a few people survived... the most traditional routine."

"What's wrong with the routines! What's wrong with routines?" The main magic swordsman, the deputy cartoonist, and the unshakable Aaliyah jumped up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, "I have never heard of 'routines'. Is it a classic'? What audiences want to see is a terrifying atmosphere, thriller and gore, as for the depth of the plot... For a restricted horror film, what depth do you want to pay attention to?"

"The writers who talk about the depth are starving to death." Lao Bai said very rarely.

"Wen Qing has no future!"

"We want to serve the public and write stories that the public loves and hears!"

"Yes! Support entertainment, oppose Wenqing!"

"Down with the rotten literati who are enemies of the masses and the market!"

The members of the Traveler Creation Group immediately spoke up and expressed their support.

Faced with the excitement of the crowd, Panda felt very innocent... He just sighed casually, how did he stimulate them?

Anyway, the matter is settled.

The traversers discussed it carefully again, split the whole plan into several parts, each took the task, and got busy separately.

And Panda's task is to cooperate with Pret, help the old driver Singold stand on the last shift, drive the last car, and turn over more beautifully and spectacularly when the car finally rolls over, giving the audience and the masses The actors were impressed.

To this end, he also hurryed up to go to Tarakhan's Church of the God of Literature and Art, went to crawl, seized the time to learn some performance skills, and then clicked on it with experience points.

Even though it's only level 9, it should be enough... right?

Looking at a large number of companions who came to make up the class just like him, Panda thought worriedly...

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