Although it is early autumn, the weather is still a little hot. But this is not a problem for the young people of the great nobles. Each of them has magical props that can withstand the heat and cold. Whether it is hot summer or cold winter, it will not affect them at all.

At this moment, they are marching and chatting.

"Andre, do you think our battle will go well this time?" The army coach Singold said worriedly to his brother-in-law, Andre Hallett, who would become the Duke of Hallett in the future, "I'm always a little bad. hunch..."

"You're the coach, you should be cautious." Andre didn't take his brother-in-law's worries to heart at all, and said with a smile, "But I'm not, so I won't be as nervous as you. I think , this battle should be easy.”

"Yeah, the opponents are just a group of weak barbarians and scaly animals." A young nobleman next to him said, "beating them is actually no different from hunting, isn't it?"

"That's right!" said another nobleman confidently, "The cavalry I brought have all fought with them. It is easy to fight with those guys, as long as a charge breaks them down and blocks their villages. Entrance, the next step is to catch them out one by one, and kill them one by one... If you are interested, you can try to play more tricks, for example, after some of the scaly tails have fallen off, they can be recovered. When they grow, they try to chop off the claws of these guys to see if they can grow..."

"That's fine too?" Andrei asked with interest, "Did it grow out later?"

"About one-fifth of the scaly species can really grow their claws, which is amazing!"

"And then? How did those guys deal with it?"

The nobleman was stunned for a moment, ran to the side on horseback, and soon returned with an older cavalry.

"You asked about those scaly creatures that could grow claws? Of course they were sold to magicians as research materials." The cavalry said, "The price is not bad, it is more cost-effective than peeling and drying lizard skins. too much."

"What's the use of magicians buying that kind of thing?" Andre asked curiously.

"I don't know. The thoughts of magicians are always strange."

After letting the cavalry retire, the noble children discussed the question of "what can a magician do when he buys scaly creatures", they proposed various possibilities, and finally Andre proposed "use it to breed livestock." , trying to cultivate magical creatures" and another young man named Hubble's "extracting bodily fluids to make healing potions" prevailed, and the supporters were about half to half.

By the way, Hubble comes from a royal family, and his father is the third younger brother of His Majesty the King. In theory, he also has the right to the throne, although it's about tenth in the line.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why his opinion can be compared with that of the future Duke of Harrett.

Singold watched them discuss with such interest, but there was no smile on his face, just worry.

His worries were understood as worries about the war, and more than one nobleman reassured him that "don't worry", "nothing to be afraid of", "a battle to win" and the like.

But no one knew that what Singold was worried about was not the war at all, but his family.

According to the plan, after the war, he would bid farewell to his family in the capital and return to Kalipura Village. He has no nostalgia for the wealthy life in the royal capital, but he is still a little reluctant for his wife and children in the capital.

At the beginning of his marriage with the princess, there were not many emotional factors. But after all these years, there are still feelings. Not to mention that they still have children—the Singolds don’t have many children, only one son and one daughter. Their son, Crit, has just come of age and is not yet married; The relationship between Singold and his wife cannot be said to be very good, but the relationship between him and his children is really good.

But... even if the relationship is good, he has to leave.

He owed too much to Tia's mother and son and had to go back.

As for this... Chris's marriage looks pretty good, and the future son-in-law is a steady person who concentrates on studying culture, and didn't even participate in this battle. Such a son-in-law cannot be very rich, but it is very reassuring. Chris followed him, at least not having to worry about his inexplicable death on the battlefield.

The wife and son can't do anything about it, they always have to be sorry. However, considering his age, he was already in his early forties. It was not uncommon for a general of this age to die in battle. Taking this opportunity to get a political legacy for his wife and children can't be said to be uneconomical.

What's more, with his brother-in-law here, he doesn't have to worry much.

When it was confirmed that the eldest brother-in-law Andre would also participate in this battle, the transmigrators adjusted the script in time. According to the new version of the script, Andrei will encounter danger at that time, and Singold will play the role of "save his life". With this feeling, Andre Hallett will definitely take more care of his sister and nephew in the future. With his care, Crete Hallett's future is sure to be bright.

Although this young man may not like to enjoy the future that his father exchanged for him with his life, that's all Singold can do for him.

Thinking that he would not see them soon, Singold felt heavy in his heart. Even though the noble disciples around him were having a good time talking and laughing from time to time, he couldn't raise the slightest interest and squeeze out half a smile.

A few days later, the news that "General Singold was in a bad mood" spread among the invading troops. Everyone knew that General Singold had an ominous foreboding and was in a very melancholy mood.

However, not even one person took it to heart.

An ominous foreboding? With so many people in the whole army, why is he the only one who has this "ominous feeling"?

To say that he has rich combat experience, many veterans in the army have also participated in many battles against the Great Swamp. I don’t know how many heads of barbarians and scales in the swamp have been chopped off under the knife, even with mercenaries, The adventurers have also participated in more than one battle. None of them had this ominous premonition, except General Singold?

Could it be that General Singold is still a prophet?

The same is true of the noble children. They have no habit of making fun of themselves. Since Singold does not laugh and laugh with them, they will find fun by themselves.

As a result, Singold's identity in this army gradually became a little embarrassing. Everyone is rejecting him intentionally or unintentionally. Except for military orders, no one is willing to listen to his orders, and no one is willing to talk nonsense with him.

This made Panda and Prett mixed in the army very satisfied - no one was close to Singold, which was just convenient for them to do things.

Originally, Alice and others had designed several backup plans, but they did not expect that any plan would be useless, and the goal was directly achieved.

Seeing those cavalry soldiers who were in high spirits and had a good chance of winning, as if they didn't care about the enemy at all, Panda couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

Perhaps, this is the so-called "to make it perish, you must first make it crazy"...

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