Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 847: good drama

In an instant, the earth shook.

On the other side of the "door", a naked Alphin raised his cane high, and countless terrifying and ferocious monsters full of violent aura were overwhelmed by the evil god's light. Under her drive, they formed a mighty team and rushed towards the The black screen generally stands in the portal on the ground.

Behind them, there is a figure like a hill, which is slowly advancing.

It was the overlord of a swamp named "Human of Sicklefoot". It was originally an ordinary beetle, but for some reason it mutated, getting bigger and bigger, and there were many twisted, ferocious, terrifying, and dangerous parts. Now, it is a tall monster with a height of more than ten meters, six sickle feet as sharp as a long knife, at least twenty strong tentacles, and three pairs of wings that can emit light like flames in the night. .

Even if it was shocked and driven by the evil spirit's breath, it did not completely surrender. Instinct tells it that the evil **** in front of him is not powerful, and it may not be impossible to challenge. This made it eager to move, wanting to tear and devour the little evil **** in front of him, turning it into a part of its own power.

However, the figures around Alphin shocked it.

More than 20 traversers gathered here, and they released their power without reservation, and their momentum rose into the sky. Especially the momentum of the centaur Ivyn Nicholas was even more terrifying. This war lord who has been fighting against the orcs on the grasslands, uniting all the men and horses, and leading them to continuously improve their social status, is undoubtedly the first level among the traversers. The momentum of more than sixty levels was completely released, and the big monster who was only fifty levels was terrified.

Although the templates of each other are different, in one-on-one terms, Ivyin may not be able to defeat the sickle-footed Human, but her momentum, the momentum of those around her, and the pressure of Alphine, have already Enough to mentally overwhelm the giant beetle and force it to be obedient.

As for what will happen after it passes through the portal... Don't worry about it at all. On the other side of the portal, there are twelve spaceships that use magic to hide their shadows, and nearly a hundred travelers are waiting for them!

The traversers just planned to let these monsters cooperate with Singold to play a good show, but they didn't plan to let them act recklessly. Their plan was to cross the river and demolish the bridge. When the Terrera people were afraid, defeated, and fled, and when Singold bravely rushed up to "sacrifice", they would immediately take action and send this group of monsters to where they should go. Let Alphin clean up the mess again, so as not to let any remaining chaotic aura escape and affect the surrounding environment.

They all remember the tragic state of the Mad God World. Although the experts in the Western World are like clouds, and there is still heaven when necessary, it is better not to make big news.

The monsters rushing out of the portal are not as many as the passers-by think. As soon as they came over, they first felt the difference in the air-in this world, there was no aura of a mad god. The fresh air made these guys who were accustomed to the atmosphere of the mad god's world very uncomfortable, and their mood naturally became more and more irritable.

Then, they saw the Terrera Barracks in the distance.

They didn't even need to command or guide, they immediately let out a frantic roar and rushed towards the barracks.

The first to discover them was the sentinel on duty at night. They were dumbfounded as they watched the grotesque figures rushing out of the darkness, almost dropping their chins to the ground.

"Then... what is that?!"

"Alarm! Ring the alarm!"

"Ready to fight!"

The barracks of the barracks soon became a mess. The experienced veterans shouted, screamed, and took up arms to fight these weird monsters.

The level of these monsters is not high, even if they come suddenly, they can't make the veterans who rely on the fence to suffer. They quickly got used to the intensity of the battle. Although the enemy was a little weird, no matter how weird the enemy was, if they were cut by a sword, they would be injured, and if they were pierced by a gun, they would also die - there was nothing to fear.

Moreover, the officers who got the report are coming. Those knights with higher status and well-equipped nobles may not be as good at fighting in the swamp as the veterans, but their strength far exceeds that of ordinary veterans.

With them as a complement, the Treiras' defense is exceptionally strong.

In the sky, looking at the scene in front of them, the traversers frowned.

"Sure enough, as they predicted, these monsters alone are not enough to shake the position of the Terrera people." Locke said in a deep voice, "So, let's do it!"

The panda grabbed him by the shoulders, preventing him from rushing out, and yelled at the local tyrant Wang next to him, "Don't be procrastinating! Hurry up!"

Wang Tuhao, who originally wanted to watch the show, sighed, took out a super large scroll, waved his hand, spread it out in front of him, and chanted the spell on it.

On the roof of the castle, more than a dozen guys with evil attributes are forming a magic circle. Once you get the news, start chanting the mantra immediately.

The incantations of the two sides were synchronized, and a tide-like evil aura poured out from the scroll, and all the priests immediately instinctively filled with holy light.

Beside Wang Tuhao, Eric and the others cast spells together, urging the evil aura to rush towards the camp of the Terrara below.

After a while, the trellis who were fighting trembled at the same time and felt a terrifying aura. Their courage was greatly discouraged. Some keen people felt that their strength was fading, and their arms and legs seemed to gradually become weaker. Weak, the sword that was swung out slowly lost its strength.

"There is an evil spell in effect!" A veteran who was an adventurer exclaimed, "The other party may have a necromancer or a demon or something..."

His voice gradually trembled, and his footsteps receded involuntarily.

Ordinarily, in this case, the officer should come forward to enforce the law and behead him on the spot to maintain order on the battlefield. But in the face of the evil aura that came like a tide, the officers were no better than him, and even many noble children who lacked combat experience were already starting to retreat.

Then, the most terrifying sight appeared in front of them.

Accompanied by the shaking of the earth and a strange roar, a monster that looked like a beetle, but was taller than a watchtower, waving many terrifying tentacles, and the wings behind it were like flames, appeared in front of them.

What followed was a violent, chaotic, psychologically and physically uncomfortable aura.

Almost in an instant, the fighting spirit of the Terrera people collapsed.

They screamed and hurried back. Many people simply threw away their weapons, and some were incoherent, unable to even tell the direction of their escape.

At this point, the game is already half the battle.

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