Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 849: homecoming

The next escape was very smooth, there were no monsters to pursue, and the fugitives who were awakened also regained their composure.

They traveled day and night, and soon left the forest and arrived at the Ash Mound Village, just in time to meet the baggage troops who were about to set off to meet them.

At this time, the 2,000 elites had already lost more than 30%.

They introduced their experiences in detail. The lord of the Ash Mound, Viscount Owen Oss, was shocked when he heard the words, and hurriedly sent seasoned spies into the forest to investigate the situation in the previous camp.

A few days later, the spies reported that the camp had been burned into ruins, and the ruins were full of corpses of humans and monsters. In a place near the military warehouse, a huge wreck was twisted and leaned against the trunk. There was a penetrating wound on its chest. It should have been pierced through the body with a weapon such as a spear and nailed to the trunk. .

And not far from it, someone found the fragments of General Singold's armor, and his saber - a magic sword that had been burnt and tarnished.

This astonishing defeat was soon spread to the capital of Terrera with the magical communication. When they heard the news, the bigwigs in Terrera couldn't sit still and hurriedly inquired about their children's situation. Fortunately, most of the noble children were able to escape, and very few lost their lives.

The nobles who lost their children were naturally grief-stricken, and those who survived the children were very grateful to Singold after learning the details of that night.

Even if they do not understand the military, there are people who are familiar with military affairs among their cronies. After a little analysis, I realized that if Singold hadn’t fought alone, dragged down the monsters, and even killed the leader of the monsters, the fugitives would have been chased by monsters all the way, not to mention the loss of 30%. , 2,000 people can come back 30%, it can be regarded as the blessing of the **** of luck!

For a time, Duke Harret's house was almost trampled on the threshold by the nobles who came to thank them. Before the princess and her pair of children had time to grieve, they were harassed by the successive thankers and couldn't be more grieved.

Andre Hallett, who returned home with the help of teleportation, was scolded with blood by the Duke after a detailed discussion with his father.

"Singold has always said that he has an ominous premonition, and you all take him for nonsense... Who gave you such confidence? You don't have as many battles as him combined!"

"Father, I was wrong!"

"Of course you are wrong! If Singold hadn't sacrificed his life to save you this time, you'd probably have died on the road! Do you think he was trying to save the army? Fart!" The old duke was so angry that he didn't even care about etiquette. " He had to rush out just to save you! Damn it! You are such a disappointment to me!"

Andrei bowed his head down and looked depressed.

He knew that his father was right, if it wasn't to save himself, there was no need for his brother-in-law to die.

With Singold's strength, if he leads the team to escape, at least he will definitely not die.

"But...Singold he...really..." The Duke looked at his son's dejected look, and didn't want to scold any more, and turned to talk about his son-in-law, "I really didn't expect that he It would actually do that!"

He smiled bitterly and said, "If it were me, I might take this opportunity..."

He shuddered violently and shook his head: "So I'm not him, and I can't do such a great thing as him!"

The old duke, whose hair was almost completely white, patted his son on the shoulder: "Don't be depressed! If you feel sorry for him, then cheer up, take your responsibilities well, and take care of your sister and their children - Harrett After all, the family will be handed over to you. In the future, maybe you will encounter situations where others sacrifice for you, and then you must not be so depressed, you must look forward, understand! "

Andre nodded again and again: "I swear in the name of Singold!"

"Well, that's fine." The old duke sighed deeply, "You're not too young, and in a few days, I'll pass on the title of duke to you—to prevent anyone from seeing the opportunity and making a move ."

Andre was suddenly startled, but the old duke stopped talking and waved him away.

"Okay, let me be quiet now."

And in the tavern in the capital, the story of Singold Hallett quickly spread.

The general who rose and became famous in the battle of the Great Swamp was eventually buried in the Great Swamp. From this beginning to the end, fate seems to draw a circle, full of amazing and reverie wonders.

The story of his life, the splendor and legend of his last battle, was sung by bards and sung everywhere.

There are often young knights who are full of blood after hearing his story and sigh: "The warrior will end with a brilliant battle like Singold!"

There are also calm people who often sigh: "Choosing teammates and formulating plans is really something that can't be careless! Even a talented and experienced player like Singeld encounters unreliable teammates, and the execution is unreliable. The plan, in the end, can only end sadly!"

Different people understand his story from different angles and make their own different sighs.

And all of this has nothing to do with a couple who returned to the village of Kalipura.

"Wandering Singh is back!" The news spread throughout the village of Kalipura in a blink of an eye. Those people in the village who had friendship with them at the time came to visit one after another, especially Struer, who had learned marksmanship from Singer, the former militia captain, and now he is very powerful. Although he is still the militia captain, but it seems With his calm demeanor and vigorous posture, Singer could tell at a glance that his strength was no less than that of many lesser-known knights.

Singh and Tia lived for a few days in their old home—“the old home” is actually inappropriate, because the entire village of Kalipura has been completely renovated, and the neat and bright houses are clearly metropolitan. Living here makes the once prosperous Singer sometimes feel that he does not seem to have left the capital.

A few days later, Sai Li, who was also busy, rushed back to his hometown.

He went out to do business with Brother Erwin and others, and the dossier scholars also need to make money to support their families.

Seeing his energetic and confident appearance, Singer smiled happily.

"I used to worry that you would have a bad life, and that your mother and son would encounter a lot of hardships and troubles... Now it seems that my worries are unnecessary."

"It's not superfluous at all, father." Sairi said with a smile, "but, it's all over."

Singer tapped his chest lightly with his fist, feeling the contrast between his son and Wen Binbin's appearance, and smiled contentedly.

"Yes! It's all over!"

The prosperity of the past, the confusion of the past, the pain and reluctance of the past... everything has passed!

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