Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 859: In fact, it is not uncommon to have a fight in the parliament...

The next morning, the castle cafeteria was full of people hula la, as if it had the feeling of when everyone first came across.

It's just that compared to that time, the faces of the transmigrators are no longer anxious, and there is no anxiety in their hearts. They all hold their heads high, and they are full of confidence in themselves and the future. Wearing a smile - that's the high-spiritedness and fearlessness that builds up from one victory to the next.

In this process, the role of immortality is of course indispensable, but they are not just relying on immortality to live their lives - if they are only "immortal" but not "strong" enough, they cannot win. Only by combining the two can we be invincible and invincible.

At about nine in the morning, Sanyu looked at the canteen hall, which was full of friends, nodded, and ordered the door to close.

As soon as the door closes, those who are late will give up automatically.

After closing the door, he first announced those who had been reviewed and qualified for remote voting—there were only three people in total, the healer Anka, the biologist Mahara, and the scarlet mage shapeshifter Elendian.

The three of them are busy in a world full of "Resident Evil" and "I am Legend" style. Faced with the terrifying infectious disease that spreads rapidly, on the one hand, he is busy treating infected patients, and on the other hand, he has to work hard to develop and cure infectious diseases. The medicine for the disease, and the frequent sweeping of the streets with a group of people to eliminate the terrifying creatures that have been infected and mutated, is simply too busy. However, there are not many people who can help in this matter, such as pandas who can fight but do not have enough medical skills, they will be infected once they pass, and they will lose their combat effectiveness within ten minutes at most. If you don't commit suicide in time, you will even fall into madness for a period of time before you die. Except for the critical moment, you can only do a disservice at ordinary times.

In the game, players had a "hospital" as their base in this world. The NPCs in the hospital are very powerful. Not only can they guard the hospital, but they can also make temporary vaccines valid for two hours for players, one per person per day, and it will not be outdated. But when the traveler discovered this world, the hospital had already fallen, and the doctors and guardians suffered heavy losses and had to retreat to a small fortress. Strongholds are safer than hospitals, but lack many necessary resources, so they have lost the ability to provide temporary vaccines.

If Anka and others hadn't arrived in time, the traversers would have annihilated the army of mutant creatures in a reckless wave. I'm afraid that they would have been wiped out and the world would have ended.

So Anka and others really couldn't come to the meeting.

Apart from them, there were a total of 122 traversers who attended the meeting, including Anka and the others, it happened to be an odd number.

Of course, an odd number means nothing, because there might be abstentions.

After counting the number of people, Sanyu announced the official start of the meeting, and the theme of this meeting was to discuss the matter of Yuneruo's proposal to Princess Feishna.

"I'm against it!" Before Yuneruo could speak, he prayed that the warlock Yuge would be the first to shout, "Everything in the world must be said on a first-come-first-served basis. He never said that he wanted to pursue Princess Feishna before, but now he suddenly jumped out. , then how can it be done! Isn't this a mess!"

Many transmigrators nodded one after another, feeling that what Yuger said made sense.

"I have two answers to the question about cutting the queue." Yune Ruo was ready and answered immediately, "First, there is no such thing as love and marriage. Even after getting married, there is still a divorce - marriage is not a bondage, as long as both parties agree, marriage or divorce is not a problem, it has nothing to do with a third party."

Everyone nodded again.

"Second, I admit that I have jumped in the queue, but you guys punished me for this yesterday." Yunero signaled to Mandou, who took out a crystal and projected that Yuneruo was beaten yesterday. In a tragic state, "Isn't it enough to beat me like this?"

When everyone saw Yuneruo's miserable appearance in the video, they immediately talked about it, such as "It's a bit too much to kill people," "It's too much to beat people like this", "Cut in a line. Just being beaten to this point, Yug and the others are a bit too cruel.

Yuge suddenly widened his eyes with anger, and said angrily: "We are all immortals, let alone being beaten, even three knives and six holes are nothing. If you want to be beaten, you can fool the queue cut. ?dream!"

"Yeah! This can't be done!" Gondor, the stalker who also participated in yesterday's beating, stood up, drew a knife in his left hand, stretched out his right hand, and chopped off half of his right arm with one knife, blood flowing. All over the floor, "I'll beat you up and give you a hand, is it enough!"

Yuneruo's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't expect Gondor to use this method to break the game.

According to his reconsideration with Aaron last night, Yuge and the others are likely to commit suicide in a fit of rage, but the scene of the traversers dying was not tragic at all, and they disappeared in a blink of an eye, moving fast and violent enough If there is no time to splatter blood on the ground, the persuasive power is very limited, and it is not a cause for concern.

When they were discussing, they didn't expect someone to chop their hands with a knife!

Gondor's knife, the effect of the picture is full, especially when the scene is hands-on, the blood is sprayed in front of everyone, and the persuasiveness is even more convincing than the tragic situation of Yuneruo in the magic image. It can be said that with this knife alone, he has saved the situation. Now the balance between "cutting the line" and "hitting" is once again tipping in the unfavorable direction of Yunero.

However, Yunero was also prepared—or, in other words, Aaron was prepared.

He contacted by private chat, Skye immediately stood up and persuaded: "It's obviously about marriage, how can you get blood all over the floor! Don't be so irritable, it makes sense, we are all Chinese, There is no need to follow the style of Japan, Ukraine and other countries who punch, kick and even use weapons in parliament, right?”

These words were hidden in the air, and Gondor frowned when he heard it, and was about to speak, but was stopped by Cervantes, the guardian of nature.

"Let me tell you a few words." Cervantes first waved his hand, green light wrapped around Gondor's severed arm, the wound quickly stopped bleeding, and then said, "First of all, I want to explain that I really did not intend to pursue Princess Feishna, she has never been registered in the team that wants to pursue her before - everyone should know this. So I think I am qualified to evaluate this matter from a neutral point of view."

He looked around and saw that everyone had no objection, smiled and said, "I think that getting married is not a matter for one person, but a matter for a man and a woman. Let's decide here in private, is it really okay? Princess Feisna she It's not an item, it's a living and emotional person, who she wants to marry is her own right, and no one has the right to decide for her... Do you have any objections to this?"

Everyone discussed it and agreed.

"Since everyone agrees, then I suggest that you test her tone first to see if she has any plans to get married. If she wants to get married, also test whether she has a planned marriage partner. We only have the right to discuss 'marriage' and things like that when we're getting married and we don't have a target."

As he said that, his dark red eyes, which are unique to dark elves, stared at Yuneruo calmly and powerfully: "Yunero, do you think this is the truth?"

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