Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 861: Option A Option B Option C

The venue became more and more chaotic, and the female transmigrators headed by Semiramis and Xingzhao were obviously dissatisfied with the sexism in this world for a long time.

Originally, at this time, Yuneruo should come back with a Jedi counterattack. But this situation was completely outside the scope of what he and Aaron discussed, so he was stunned, completely stunned, and didn't know how to answer.

If Princess Fisna becomes the queen, it will only be possible to recruit children and not marry. Then he has no chance at all...

Seeing that the order of the meeting was about to get out of control, Panda hurriedly chatted privately for more than three times and asked him to maintain the order.

However, Sanyu replied: "Why do you want to maintain order? It's good to be so noisy. The female players have indeed accumulated a lot of pressure during this period of time, and it's okay to let them vent."

"But they're going to kill Prince Zion!"

"Kill it, kill it, anyway, the Black Prince has had a lot of festivals with us."

"That's in the game. In reality, the relationship between Zion and us is not bad!"

"It's not bad, and it's not as good as a princess in uniform. Sacrificing one of him will make a billion people happy. I think it can be."

Panda finally couldn't help it, shook his head, and stood up.

"I'm not in favor of killing Prince Zion to solve the problem," he said loudly. "Since everyone is against sacrificing Princess Fesna for the benefit of the Terrera Kingdom, why should you sacrifice Tin for the benefit of Princess Fesna? What about Prince Ann? What if Princess Feishna finds out that Prince Zion was killed by us in the future?"

"Could it be that she can still trouble us?" The leader of the Homecoming faction said coldly to Long Biao, who had no feelings for the "NPCs", "If she wants to trouble us, just cut them off!"

Pratt next to him suddenly changed his face - his wife Jenny is a good friend with Princess Feisna, and he himself has a good relationship with Princess Feishna. Hearing this, how could he not be angry!

Panda hurriedly spoke before he jumped up and persuaded: "The relationship between the siblings is good now, why should one of them die? Besides, we have so many masters here, who have controlled so many territories, and even occupied more than one. The world, can’t you think of a way to get the best of both worlds? Do you have to use murder to solve the problem?”

Jian Shisan immediately picked up the conversation: "Panda is right! Women's interests should be protected, and so should our men's interests, right? As Xingzhao said just now, everyone worked together to think of a way to get the best of both worlds. ,Is it not good?"

At the same time, Panda is still speaking in the chat channel.

[Panda Man: Gondor, don't be impulsive, if you want to kill Prince Zion, you will definitely be out of the game! Do you still expect Princess Fisna to marry a man who killed her brother? 】

[Sneaky Blade: Brother Bear! You are my brother! I understand! Kindness without saying thanks! 】

After such persuasion, the atmosphere of the venue finally calmed down a lot. Theresa, who was staring and dancing with her teeth and claws just now, calmed down again, returned to her usual cautious appearance, and quietly shrank to Semiramis. The back seat went up.

"Okay, everyone calm down." Panda breathed a sigh of relief, touched his forehead, wiped the cold sweat from his hands on his clothes, and said, "Since everyone has calmed down, let's continue the meeting. I suggest , how about we still discuss the Xingzhao plan?"

This time, everyone agreed.

Now everyone has come back to their senses - but it's just a matter of inheritance, and it's not like you can't find a way to take care of it, why bother to make a mess of your own people?

"I want to say a few words." Uncle Volibear, the oldest among the transmigrators, who has always been respected by everyone, stood up, "Everyone is not a child anymore, even the little eggplant (Laisha) and the little nerd (Star) If you count your age, you are actually in your early twenties, and she is a big girl. An old man like me will be put on the earth, and the old age certificate has been obtained. Let’s not be impulsive when encountering an accident, and discuss it as calmly as possible. What is the final result, we can't turn our faces, and we can't destroy our relationship for other things!"

Saying that, he looked at Liu Daoqing: "Here I want to praise Xiaoliu, and he did a good job. There are actually many people who liked Katerina at the beginning. But how did Xiaoliu do it? On the one hand, he himself Going to pursue other girls, on the one hand, doing everyone's work one by one, it took a few years, and finally got a proper and perfect result - falling in love, getting married, this is a lifetime event! Everyone should be serious, Be careful. Don't you young people often say 'more sincerity, less routine'? I'm going to say that today!"

"More sincerity, less routines!" He looked around, glanced at Yuneruo, then at Yugo and others, then at Semiramis and Xingzhao, and finally smiled at Panda and sat down. go down.

With the successive speeches of Panda, Jian Shisan and Volibear, the tone of the discussion was almost set.

Now that the direction is set, the rest of the things will naturally be easy to handle. After a little discussion, the travelers came up with several solutions to the problem.

Plan A. The Inhuman Group officially came forward to support Prince Zion as king. When they came forward, they believed that they could cast an extremely heavy weight on the balance of inheritance, so that Princess Feisna would not be worried.

This plan is the most simple and simple, but to support the Black Prince who everyone doesn't really like, many people feel uncomfortable. Although the proposal was made by the reputable panda, there were still many people who were hesitant.

Option B. In view of the current lack of a navy in the Terrera royal family, push Princess Feishna to come forward to form a royal navy. Travelers can help her. As a naval commander, she would definitely sit in the port. Since she was far away from the royal capital, the possibility of obtaining the right of inheritance was naturally greatly reduced. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that those who want to push her to inherit the throne will not be able to jump up.

It was Yunero who proposed this idea—or, in other words, Aaron who got the news from Yunero. Naturally, his plan was to "get the moon first". When Princess Feisna became the naval commander, she would definitely have a lot of contacts with the Sea Dragon Kingdom. By that time, if Yune had the upper hand, the chances of pursuing her would definitely be much higher than others. .

Of course, Aaron is smart, and no one else is stupid. Although this plan was supported by many people, it was exposed by Semiramis, and then Yugo and others fiercely opposed it. It seems that there is little hope of successfully passing through...

Option C. The Inren Group came forward and officially sent an application to the Kingdom of Terrera, inviting Princess Feishna to participate in the "Small World Development" operation hosted by the Inren Group. And promised her to be the king of a small world-similar to the "Halloween Carnival" small world that Ilo and Harley are undergoing industrial transformation.

It was Xingzhao who proposed this plan. She emphasized that the reason why Feisina was in trouble this time was that she did not have her own career. To really solve the problem, it's better to make her a king herself. Who wants to chase after her in the future, honestly learn Liu Daoqing's way, and start working as a wage earner!

For this plan, Yuge and others are in favor of it. Obviously, if Princess Feishna really decides to go to a small world to develop a country, she will immediately get a group of loyal and powerful subordinates.

However, Yunero objected to this plan—those small worlds were either in a huge crisis, Princess Feisna was afraid of dying, or they already had a relatively stable political system, and they had to go against her first. Consistent good stance, when aggressors. Either way, it's not a good choice for her.

In addition to this plan ABC, there are other proposals such as "competition to recruit relatives", "just let Feisna be the king", "hack those nobles who are involved in trouble", etc., but the support rate is not high. There is no need for further discussion.

"Okay, let's do this for now." Seeing that the three plans were still arguing, Sanyu, who had been sitting there like a statue, finally said, "Tentatively decide on these three plans, which one to choose, and let Princess Feishna herself decided, how?"

You look at me, I look at you, and I finally accepted this suggestion.

No matter what, Princess Feishna's own opinion is the most important after all.

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